Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: Illumina Away System 1
Format: Win OS
Description: Illumina Away System is meant to be a 'simple away system' that is popups-oriented. It provides simple away features and functions. No fancy stuff here, just something for the simple irc'er. I found the readme file to be ok and informative enough. There aren't many options in the addon, so it's no surprise that the readme file is short. It explained the useage of the addon well enough, and was able to explain how to get you on your way. The addon works fine, for what it does. It is very simple, and it even allows you the option of logging all messages that you receive while you are away. It's colors are not customizable, but they are perfect for newbies on mIRC, since most new users keep the default mIRC settings for background/foreground colors. There were, however, a few minor bug/error problems with this addon... Upon trying to go away without being on a server, I get this error: * /quote: not connected to server (line 35, illumina-awaysys.mrc). If I am not on any channels upon trying to go
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