Category: Networking, Win Networking Tools, Netstat Monitor
Title: X-Netstat 3 3
Format: Win 9x/NT
Description: X-NetStat 3.0 is a program for Windows 9x/NT that monitors your current network and Internet connections. XNS will display your each of your connections' source and remote network address (Hostname or IP), the local and remote port the connection is utilizing, the protocol (ICMP, UDP, TCP) being used to communicate, and the status of the connection. Any time you connect to a website, check your email, send an ICQ message, or unknowingly open a backdoor or your system, XNS will take notice and display the details of each connection in it's window. X-Netstat lets you go behind the scenes of your network activity, has an intuitive interface, and can be stowed away unobtrusively in the system tray. Bottom line, X-NetStat is the fastest and easiest way to see what exactly is going on over the Internet or your LAN. Excellent GUI and plenty of very useful options. Shareware by Fresh Software.
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