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Creating Hidden Folders without filenames

Category: Operating_Systems, Windows 9x/ME

Title: Creating Hidden Folders without filenames

Description: Creating hidden folders without filenames made EZ by aying - I've read most authors published their tips on how to create hidden folders and came to use programs like delphi or other c++ programs and the like. Here's my tip

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Remote OS detection

Category: Operating_Systems, Miscellaneous

Title: Remote OS detection

Description: Detecting OS (operating system) is another most important step towards hacking into a system. We can even say that after tracing the IP of the system it is the most prior thing that should be done to get the root on a system cause without having knowledge about the OS running by the target system you cannot execute any system commands on the target system and thus your mission wont be accomplished. In here I have figure out the basics of detecting OS remotely without having physical access to the system.

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Category: Operating_Systems, Windows 9x/ME

Title: Unaccessible_Directories.txt

Description: guide/tutorial for making unaccessible directories without using any software execpt win95/98 with dos prompt. By eXpLoIt Mihir,

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Category: Operating_Systems, Windows 2000

Title: win2k-ipc.shtml

Description: Hacking a Windows 2000 system through IPC$ by LLNK

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Hackin-Cracking IIS 4/5

Category: Operating_Systems, IIS Documents

Title: Hackin-Cracking IIS 4/5

Description: Hacking an iis server is pretty much like taking candy from a baby. No really its that easy. In this tutorial im going to walk you through 0wnz'ing your very own iis server and show you haw to deface the site but i seriously dont encourage this. I dont agree with needless defacing unless its your first time, but im not against defacing to stand up for your rights, punish a site with bad intensions(even though the site can be rebuilt) or to make a strong point. If your going to use the *i defaced your site because it had bad security*, you could just as easily mail the admin. Im telling you all how to do this so u know how easy it is. Please dont abuse the information i give you.

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