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Installing apache on windows

Category: Operating_Systems, Windows Miscellaneous

Title: Installing apache on windows

Description: Installing Apache on Windows, why? Because let's face it Windows is easy, and well Apache sure beats using IIS. This tutorial is meant for the person who would like to set up there own little web server. It's not meant for the IT Person running a fortune 500 company. But hey if you want go ahead.

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Category: Operating_Systems, Windows 2000

Title: Installing_2K.shtml

Description: Installing Windows 2,000 (version 1.0) - just what the name says!

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Category: Operating_Systems, Windows Miscellaneous

Title: BackLogo.txt

Description: Internet Explorer and windows explorer (My computer, My documents, etc. folders) look simple as there is no backgroud image. It is very easy to change the background image.

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Category: Operating_Systems, Windows Miscellaneous

Title: Foolproof.shtml

Description: Is Foolproof Really Foolproof? (version 1.0) - how foolproof is the local security program 'Foolproof'? Find out here.

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Fooling Foolproof

Category: Operating_Systems, Windows Miscellaneous

Title: Fooling Foolproof

Description: Just what the name says!

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