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Defeat_Foolproof .shtml

Category: Operating_Systems, Windows Miscellaneous

Title: Defeat_Foolproof .shtml

Description: More Ways to Defeat Foolproof (version 1.0) - just what the name says.

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Category: Operating_Systems, Windows XP

Title: OutlookXPsecurity.shtml

Description: Removing Outlook 2002 (XP) attachment security.

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Running Programs trough the [Run] feature

Category: Operating_Systems, Windows Miscellaneous

Title: Running Programs trough the [Run] feature

Description: Running programs through the [RUN] feature [well, im not sure if anybody doesnt know this...but 4 those hu don't JUST READ IT!]

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Why OpenBSD will never be as secure as Linux

Category: Operating_Systems, BSD

Title: Why OpenBSD will never be as secure as Linux

Description: Set flame guns to kill. Please read the entire article before flaming me, as many of your concerns/etc will probably be answered next week. OpenBSD and Linux, two decidedly different operating systems. OpenBSD claims to be secure by default, and has undergone an extensive code audit, so the question is: have I been hit in the head with a blunt object, or what? Security is an extremely complex subject with a variety of definitions. This article is an attempt to educate people, I personally consider OpenBSD to be a reasonably secure operating system, in some ways more secure then your average Linux distribution. However people have a wide variety of needs when it comes to security, and some of these needs are not met by Linux more so then OpenBSD. There are a variety of security products and software suites for Linux currently available and a number of security projects in the works that will have a significant effect. Depending upon your exact needs, budget, level of expertise and so on there is a

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Basic security on Windows ME

Category: Operating_Systems, Windows ME

Title: Basic security on Windows ME

Description: So you are using Windows ME, and want to secure your machine, but aren't quite sure where to start. Well you have come to the right place. This guide will lead you through a 4 step security process, the first step is to install anti-virus software, the second step is disabling services you do not need on your computer (but were probably enabled by the manufacturer), step three consists of updating your windows software, and finally the last step is installing a personal firewall. Throughout this guide I use free products as examples for the simple reason that they are the quickest to get ahold of and install.

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