Hobbes OS/2 archive CDROM from WALNUT Creek CDROM July 1994 The Hobbes OS/2 CDROM is a copy of the internet archive ftp-os2.cdrom.com. The Hobbes disc has 3000+ files of OS/2 software in 91 catagories and 650 meg. The disc includes a wide range of applications for OS/2. The software ranges from programming environments to business tools. Many utilties, documents and games are included. Watch for the Hobbes Ready to Run CDROM which is full of installed programs! Many of the programs are shareware and REQUIRE separate payment to authors if found useful. Subscription holders get an updated disc quarterly -- the files are always fresh. The disc is set up for rbbs, opus, pcboard, wildcat, maximus, and spitfire BBS software. For more information please write or call: Walnut Creek CDROM 1 800 786 9907 1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Ste 260 +1 510 674 0783 Walnut Creek CA 94596 +1 510 674 0821 (fax) USA info@cdrom.com (internet)