v-alive.zip 293943 05-29-97 Alive And Kicking by Dj Uphigh of Blitz Beat | Productions : (XM) varg_hmm.zip 112049 06-04-97 Hmm by varg of phobic : (S3M) velvet.zip 554802 06-25-97 Opal Velvet by Galahad : (IT) virtualr.zip 402524 07-07-97 Virtual Reality by Basic Energy of TEC - | TG97:mmul:06: : (IT) vit-inlv.zip 43018 08-13-97 I'm Inlove by CJ ViT of Emotion Desert, XtReme | Sound System : (XM) vit-no.zip 195553 08-15-97 No One Never by CJ ViT of Emotion Desert, XtReme | Sound System : (XM) vit-sun.zip 428158 08-11-97 Sunny Day by CJ ViT aka Vitaly Pugin of Emotion | Desert, X-tReme Sound System : (XM) vit-surv.zip 153802 08-13-97 Survival by CJ ViT of Emotion Desert, X-tReme | Sound System : (IT) voyager.zip 93436 07-21-97 The Voyager's Path by Marble : (XM) vrb-two.zip 132950 08-07-97 The Two Become One by Virtual Reality Band : | (XM) vv_elmnt.zip 471723 06-22-97 Elemental Side Of Me Normal Edition by Vincent | Voois of The Netherlands : (IT) vv_jbobf.zip 330168 07-07-97 Jebo X97 Bugfixed by Vincent Voois - | X97:mmul:12: : (IT) vv_snarf.zip 356223 08-27-97 The Snarfs -tm- by Vincent Voois of The | Netherlands : (IT)Impulse Tracker 2.14 | required. (were available since August 16th | 1997) This is done on purpose to prevent | everyone from using a player for this song. If | you want to debug your player: this song can | be a nice effort to help you with it, some odd | tricks are used in here.