Hornet Underground CDROM, Jun 1996. Walnut Creek CDROM. -------------------------------------------------------- Demos in 1996, start with F path: \1996\f -------------------------------------------------------- facesfin.arj ***+ TP95:demo:DD: Faces by Nostalgia faith.a01 *** [2/2] Faith by Litening faith.arj *** [1/2] Faith by Litening fashion.a01 ****+ X96:demo:01: [2/2] Fashion by Logic Design fashion.arj ****+ X96:demo:01: [1/2] Fashion by Logic Design fd_jyrki.zip *+ JYRK by Segment / Fobia Design fd_paes2.zip *** PaesTro II by Fobia Design feelin42.zip **+ JUH96A:in64:10: Feelin 42 by Nightsky ffa6000e.zip *** OZ96:in4k:02: Ffa6000e by Bore fj_velve.zip *** Velvet by Fatal Justice frosty.arj ** Frosty by Sir Hes fsn_hdyd.zip ***+ JUH96A:demo:07: How Do You Do by Fascination ftj_ymca.zip ****+ TP95:demo:01: Caero (final) by EMF and Plant