IN THE DARK by David Onglatco This game was predominantly written in Visual Basic with minimal calls to the Windows API functions. It can also take up a bit of memory, especially if you play the 10x10 grid size. It is my observation that once your system runs low on memory, the game screen may sometimes lose its fidelity (e.g., one or two graphics images may not appear). As of the date of this writing, it is unclear to me why this happens as nothing in the program can cause this. It is my current understanding that this can be Visual Basic's reaction to the near-depletion of system resources. However, the author welcomes any comments and suggestions regarding this matter (if it does happen to you). The good part though is that this infrequent occurrence does not affect the functionality of the game at all, only the way it looks. It is advised that you click "Tutorial" at the game window's menu to see its brief and highly graphical tutorial. This is freeware. Feel free to distribute this to anyone as long as you do so with all the original files intact. I welcome any feedback. For information on how to get in touch with me, go to the online help and click "Author's Notes". Enjoy the game! David Onglatco