WinMaze/MacMaze Order Form Knoware 5696 Blinnton Place Columbus, OH 43235 Registration for MacMaze/WinMaze is $15. After registering, you will receive two disks (one PC, one Mac) which includes the most recent versions of the following: - MS Windows 3.1 Maze Solver screen saver/program with password protection. - MS Windows NT 3.1 Maze Solver screen saver/program for Intel based computers. (Password protection is built into NT.) - Macintosh Maze Solver screen saver for After Dark and Darkside of the Mac. - Macintosh MacMaze application program. Name ___________________________________________________________ Company ___________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Where did you hear about MacMaze/WinMaze?__________________________ Do you have a Compuserve ID? Y N If you would like product upgrades or information about future Knoware products sent to your Compuserve account, please supply your ID number __________________ Do you have an Internet email address? Y N If you would like information about future Knoware products sent to your Internet account, please supply your address _______________________________________________ Macintosh users: Do you currently run System 7? Y N Disk size (for PC disk): ___ 3.5" ___ 5.25" Product Quantity Price MacMaze and WinMaze registration, $15 _______ $ _______ Sales Tax (Ohio customers only, (5.75% currently)) $ _______ Total Enclosed $ _______