Chat - IRC

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IRC Log Viewer - 4.12 

Home Page  License:  Freeware  Expiration:  Unknown 5/20/99 
IRC Log Viewer (1015639 Bytes)

IRC Log Viewer is a neat and simple little program used to manage, filter, view, mask, and delete your Pirch and mIRC logs.


TurboIRC - 98 

Home Page  License:  Shareware  Expiration:  30 Days 5/7/99 
TurboIRC (3246023 Bytes)

TurboIRC is a great tool for beginners to learn IRC. Among the more fun features offered are the Voice tool for voice chat and an on-line chess game. It also includes an IRCX server, is MS-Exchange compatible and supports NickServ and ChanServ.


VIRC 97 - 1.10 DW4 

Home Page  License:  Freeware beta  Expiration:  Unknown 4/2/99 
VIRC 97 (1122231 Bytes)

VIRC 97 is a new concept in IRC. This program is totally integrated with the Win95 Shell. You are able to drag files from the Explorer onto a nick to DCC, then send them the file. You are also able to drag IRC servers onto the desktop for rapid connection to IRC. With a very intuitive interface, VIRC is definitely one program to check out.


Xircon - 1.0 Beta 4 

Home Page  License:  Freeware  Expiration:  Unknown 3/22/99 
Xircon (962350 Bytes)

Supports connection to many servers at once, without launching a separate copy of the program. includes advanced features such as 'minimizing to the tray', timestamp toggle,and instantly clickable URL hyperlinks. Automatically remembers your favorite servers, channels, and people.


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