DOOM Demonstration WADs for RMB special effects: RMBDEMO1-4.WAD all replace level E2M1. All levels are optimised for HMP - other levels of difficulty are implemented though: play-testing and feed-back requested. DOOM 1.666 is recommended but not obligatory. HOM's occur with RMBDEMO2 with versions prior to 1.4 because of edge overload. Sorry. Here is a short description of each level (or at least, of the special effects introduced by RMB, without giving too much away!) RMBDEOM1: Feeding time... Demonstrates RMB's ability to make some sectors safe from attack for scary effects. I'm not telling you which sectors, though... RMBDEMO2: Ambush Demonstrates the ambush capabilities of the BLIND and INC options. Also demonstrates how GROUP can be used to really speed up processing. RMBDEMO3: Befriend the Shadows Shows more subtle use of RMB to make a difficult level more feasible, providing the player applies a bit of logic to the situation. The clue's in the title. Also speeds up RMB a bit by excluding some sectors from consideration. RMBDEMO4: Be quiet Also demonstrates the ambush capabilities of BLIND and INC, and demonstrates how you can give the player some problems: can you sneak past the cyber demons without waking them?