ASSAULT on ALCATRAZ! Welcome to another production by Critical Edge. I hope you liked MURDER2, my first level. The story so far... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You are J.R., a member of the elite Delta Force. Your group is presently inflight to San Francisco after a very short and tense briefing. It appears the rumors were true. And the reality is even worse. A year ago some special "prisoners" were captured. Where and how were never revealed. These prisoners, however, were quite different from us and could not be reasoned with. The old Alcatraz prison, an island off the California coast, was quietly renovated and with the highest of security held the prisoners for observation. Until now. A full scale revolt took place eight hours ago. It seems that one group of inmates, with brown scales and claws, could inflict a nerve poison through scratches. The guards were overpowered and apparently, because of the poison, are now teamed up with the revolt. Fortunately, escape from Alcatraz has never been documented. Your team is to regain control of the island and allow no escapes...AT ALL COST! You check your parachute buckles as you are motioned to the howling open jump door. The tiny island is barely visible below you in the thick fog as a hand on your shoulder signals your turn. You leap. The descent is a chilling one. Ominous dark shapes dart through the waters below and the prison grounds are littered with bodies. As you pull your cord, warning shouts come from the prison. The billowing American flag below gives you the warning to pull hard to the right as you drift directly over the main building. You look back to see your buddies 'chutes catch the downdraft you just avoided. Helplessly you watch as they plummet directly into the assembly grounds. A snipers bullet from one of the guard towers catches you in the leg as you clear the building and drop to the ground outside dangerously close to the cliff edge. Damn, who shot me? The screams and gunfire fade. Hastely, you unbuckle your harness and enter the prison from the guards entrance. You place your riot gun on the deck as you expertly bandage your leg. Just a flesh wound. The din of metal cups and utensils being pounded on the tables in the cafeteria beyond is deafening. You hope your buddies are okay as you start in... ============================================================================ Title : Assault on Alcatraz Filename : alcatraz.wad, alcatraz.txt, alcatraz.bat Author : Lawrence Britt Email Address : Misc. Author Info : I've been Deu'ing levels ever since we figured out how to. This is my second public release. Enjoy! Description : Take back Alcatraz at all costs! P.S. I hope everyone enjoys my sick humor! Additional Credits to : id Software, authors of DEU, BSP, Wad tools, Dmgraph, Dmaud, Dmfe, all of my GEnie pals and all of my playtesters at the Bat Ranch. ============================================================================ * Play Information * For reg. DOOM (1) Ver 1.666 only. The demo won't work on prior versions, and HOM exists on prior versions (I took advantage of the improved engine)! Don't warp to the level as you will miss the intro. Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, there are nine reincarnation spots as well as multi-player-only ammo and weapons. Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Not for this release. New Graphics : Bunches! Title screen, menu selections, End mission screen, new sky, and many wall textures. Stand on the island and check out the fog! New Music : Not for this release. Demos Replaced : Demo 1 * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : Three months (I didn't keep track of hours!) Editor(s) used : Deu GCC 5.21, BSP 1.2, NeoPaint, Wad Tools 1.0, Dmgraph 1.1, Dmaud 1.1, Dmfe 0.0.1 Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels (it's too big anyway!). You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file (alcatraz.txt), the original WAD (alcatraz.wad) and the batch file (alcatraz.bat) with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these files intact pursuant to the following limitation: YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS WAD AS PART OF A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT WITHOUT MY PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION! You may distribute this WAD to commercial and private BB systems. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: Other: On GEnie, in Scorpia's Gaming Library #30. , , And at the Bat Ranch, of course! / \ / \ / \^/ \ ,, ============================================================================