=========================================================== Title : Doomtown Filename : DOOMTWN1.WAD/ DOOMTWN2.WAD Author : Todd Rodowsky Email Address : Hanger13@aol.com Misc. Author Info : I'm a writer with the film and television industry. As a writer, I have plenty of story ideas to put to use here in Doomtown. Additional thanks: Phil Rodowsky and the 16 megs of ram. More info: If you like this style of play, let us know at Hanger13@aol.com. We're developing more play techniques and levels to challenge your competitive spirit. If you thirst for MORE... drop a line to Hanger 13 Publications, we'd like to hear from you. Story description :After six hard years on the rim worlds, blowing away parole violators. It's time for some well deserved R & R. You're on leave and you decide to return to Earth and visit some old friends still living where you grew up, in Varsen, Texas. It's a small chunk of real estate, but it's your home town, and you can't wait to see the old place. You get in late and the environ shells have been raised to protect the town from the violent dust-storms that ravage this corner of the badlands. Not much different from PL-923, when you and your squad were caught out in the open for two days. You survived, but there's always a price to pay, that's why the Med core "made" you go on leave. They're worried about your violent tendencies, and think you needed a "little rest". Med-techs-- what do they know anyway? As you get to your apartment, and throw your plasma rifle into the closet, and strip off your armor, then slump into bed. The apartment is across from the helo-jet pad. Landing lights, blink in a steady rhythm lulling you off to sleep. You find that you toss and turn all night. Noises in the street keep pulling you awake, but you're home and safe, so you drop back off to a restless slumber. Early morning, you're JOLTED awake. Suddenly the large window of your apartment is smashed out. Jumping from of bed you slide near the window, something's wrong! Pulling on your bdu's, you grab your standard issue E-1146 plasma rifle and lick the front sight. You grab a spare energy cell, and strap on your armor. You SLAM the rifle against your chest and pump yourself up, you're ready to move into the hallway to vaporize whatever the Hell's out there! Something IS terribly wrong! Taking inventory you remember that your long time friend the Mayor, has an access key for Uncle Otis' two stores. (The General store and The Gun store) The Mayor's condo is on another street. Bursting into the hall you scan left, then right. A pair of "Things" at the end of the hall grunt and drool, and make sounds like a cow in heat. "What the hell are you?" you scream, forgetting diplomacy as you level your plasma rifle, and burn holes clean through the mutants. They disappear to the end of the hall in a cloud of their own blood. "Damn right!" Making sure there are no more, you move towards the door, it's locked. No key. Wait a second, the janitor closet at the end of the hall. Yeah, he's got to have a key. Going to the door, you step through the freshly crisped remains of slightly familiar left over scum. You open the Janitor's closet, there he is, poor fellow's dead on the floor. You take his key, reminding yourself to tell his family later... much later. Running to the end of the hall, the door's sensor idents your pass card. You exit onto the street only to come face to face with more of these mutant scumbags! Doing your best ancient movie "Rambo" impersonation, you begin to blindly blast away at the pseudo-humans, not caring if you catch any civilians in the firefight. You turn the corner, more of them, but now they're shooting back. You're really pissed off now! After about an hour of killing these vile creations of Satan, you make it to your Uncle Otis' Gun shop and stock up. You realize cousin Vinnie still lives on the other side of town, (his favorite hangout of course: The Gentlemen's Club along the way.) Body count by this time? You've lost count, but it's got to be around four hundred. Blood is thick, and everywhere. Traction gets slippery when you walk, you might as well be ice-skating. You notice some walls have been affected by all the energy released from plasma guns. You can look clean through some of them, and you notice something else weird about the walls, but file it away for future reference. Strange, the town folk are not around. I guess it's up to you to clear the town of these creatures on your own! Tunnels connecting sections of town are closed. You'd better take a short cut through the underground water reclamation plant, and avoid the sewers... for now. Near the Police station and your favorite cafe, you jump through the door leading to the plant. A run down the steps inside the water reclamation plant where Cousin Vinnie works, you stumble upon a single mutant soldier, poking mindlessly at a blank control panel, too bad you dropped your weapons (you managed to save your pistol) jumping through the plant door, it almost closed on you. Leveling your pistol, you quickly open up two holes in his back. "Piece of shit!" too bad he fell in the water, his ammo gone. Oh well, not a problem. You remember your cousin Vinnie keeps a spare shotgun in his change room. You quickly grab the shotgun, loading solid copper shot into the gun's feed tube. You rack the shotgun, and get excited at the feel of this superb weapon. There is nothing better than a pump action 12 gauge, pointed, point-blank at the chest of a scumbag, is there? You ride an access elevator to street level, and open the door, you fire! Three pseudo-humans with one shot, "Damn your good," killing three more, you charge into the street and see more mutants running toward you. Only four choices, the Bar, the Dark Alley, or two streets, good luck! Additional Credits to : Phil Rodowsky, the creators of DEU, BSP, Id (for the fun) and my brain. =========================================================== * Play Information * (playable on machines from 368/40mhz - and up ) Episode and Level # : E1M1 E1M2 Single Player : Yes (both Doomtowns) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes " " Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (now Doomtwn1 / 2 in replacement of Dthtown = please include -nomonsters in your init line) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Yes (but just as good in the original format, if your machine doesn't accept them) New Graphics : No (Doomtwn1 / 2 is playable on all machines) New Music : No Demos Replaced : Doomtown.wad <"MegaDoom" (c)pacific media workX> * Construction * Base : 100 hours each. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.0/5.1/5.2 / 5.2gcc / BSP Known Bugs : Hopefully none, maybe an occasional 2sided line-def problem. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. (One of the following) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. (*PLEASE* Contact me at Hanger13@aol.com if you have fix comments)