Foster Expires April 30 1994 A Status Report on Networked Information Retrieval: Tools and Groups Draft version 5.0 29th October 1993 Produced by the Joint IETF/RARE/CNI Networked Information Retrieval - Working Group (NIR-WG) Editors: Jill Foster (RARE and NISP/Mailbase) George Brett (CNIDR and CNI) Peter Deutsch (BUNYIP) The following Text is required by the Internet-draft rules: This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet Drafts. Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months. Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a "working draft" or "work in progress." Please check the I-D abstract listing contained in each Internet Draft directory to learn the current status of this or any other Internet Draft. ABSTRACT The purpose of this report is to increase the awareness of Networked Information Retrieval by bringing together in one place information about the various networked information retrieval tools, their developers, interested organisations, and other activities that relate to the production, dissemination, and support of NIR tools. NIR Tools covered include Archie, WAIS, gopher and World Wide Web. CONTENTS 1. Introduction. 2. How the information was collected. 3. What is covered? 4. Updating information. 5. Overview of the types of NIR Tool. 6. NIR Tools. 7. NIR Groups. 8. Appendix A: NIR Tool Template. 9. Appendix B: NIR Group Template. 10. Appendix C: Email Lists and Newsgroups. 11. Appendix D: Coming Attractions. 12. Appendix E: Extinct Critters (Tools). 13. Appendix F: Extinct Critters (Groups). 1. Introduction As the network has grown, along with it there has been an increase in the number of software tools and applications to navigate the network and make use of the many, varied resources which are part of the network. Within the past two and a half years we have seen a widespread adoption of tools such as the archie servers, the Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS), the Internet gopher, and the Worldwide Web (WWW). In addition to the acceptance of these tools there are also diverse efforts to enhance and customise these tools to meet the needs of particular network communities. There are many organisations and associations that are focusing on the proliferating resources and tools for networked information retrieval (NIR). The Networked Information Retrieval Group is a cooperative effort of three major players in the field of NIR: The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Association of European Research Networks (RARE), and the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) specifically tasked to collect and disseminate information about the tools and to discuss and encourage cooperative development of current and future tools. The purpose of this report is to increase the awareness of NIR by bringing together in one place information about the various networked information retrieval tools, their developers, interested organisations, and other activities that relate to the production, dissemination, and support of NIR tools. The intention is to make this a "living document". It will be held on-line so that each section may be updated separately as appropriate. In addition, it is intended that the full document will be updated once a year so that it provides a "snapshot" report on activities in this area. Whilst the NIR tools in this report are being used on a wide variety of information sources including files and databases there remains much that is currently not accessible by these means. On the other hand, the majority of the NIR Tools described here are freely available to the networked Research and Education community. Tools for accessing specialised datasets are often only available at a cost. It should be noted that in many ways networked information retrieval is in its infancy compared with traditional information retrieval systems. Thesaurus construction, boolean searching and classification control are issues which are under discussion for the popular NIR Tools but as yet are not in widespread use. However it should be said that, with the vast amount of effort that is currently going into the NIR field, rapid progress is being made. Much work is currently being done on expanding some of the NIR tools to include handling of multimedia information services. Progress has also been made in the discussions on classifying and cataloguing electronic information resources. 2. How the information was collected The information contained in this report was collected over the network from the contacts for each NIR Tool or Group using two templates: - the NIR Tool Template, included in Appendix A; - the NIR Group Template, included in Appendix B. The contents of these templates were discussed by the NIR WG in Boston (July, 1992) and subsequently on the email list. (See the Section on the NIR-WG for details of how to join this mailing list). The initial draft report was discussed at the NIR Working Group in Washington (November, 1992) and updated and added to at subsequent WG meetings. The NIR Tool template was used to collect the information necessary to identify and track the development of networked information retrieval tools. This template asked for information such as how and where to get the software for each NIR Tool, documentation, demonstration sites, etc. The main part of the template has been completed by the main individual responsible for the tool. Sections of the template (e.g. on clients) may have required completion by others. The NIR Group template requested information on the aim and purpose of the group, the current tasks being undertaken, mailing lists, document archives, etc. 3. What is covered? In the current report you will find information on the following NIR tools: Alex archie gopher Hytelnet Netfind Prospero Veronica WAIS (including freeWAIS) WHOIS World Wide Web (including MOSAIC) X.500 White Pages Appendix D covers "Forthcoming Attractions": Hyper-G Soft Pages WHOIS++ and the following NIR Groups: CNI Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Architectures and Standards Directories and Resource Information Services TopNode for Networked Information Resources, Services, and Tools CNIDR Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval IETF Integrated Directory Services (IDS) Integration of Internet Information Resources (IIIR) Networked Information Retrieval (NIR) joint IETF/RARE WG Network Information Services Infrastructure (NISI) OSI-Directory Service (OSI-DS) Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) IRTF Internet Research Task Force Research Group on Resource Discovery and Directory Service (IRTF-RD) NISO Z39.50 Implementors Group RARE Information Services and User Support Working Group (ISUS) USMARC/OCLC USMARC Advisory Group; OCLC Internet Resources Cataloging Experiment (USMARC/OCLC) Appendix C contains a list of the relevant email lists and Appendix D contains information on "Coming Attractions" which are NIR tools not yet in widespread use. 4. Updating Information Updates on, and additions to the information contained in this report are welcomed by the editors. CNIDR have agreed to host the report and to accept updates to individual templates from the template maintainers. Send updates using the appropriate template (from Appendix A or Appendix B of this report) to: The current templates and this report may be retrieved from the UK Mailbase Server: [Editor's note: to be replaced by an address at CNIDR] Via anonymous ftp to: (use your email address as the password) file: /pub/lists/nir/files/tool.template file: /pub/lists/nir/files/group.template file: /pub/lists/nir/files/ or via gopher to or via email: Mail to: Text of the message: send nir tool.template send nir group.template send nir 5. Overview of the types of NIR Tool The following is an overview of the major NIR tools available on the Internet. There are now many books which cover the Internet and the NIR Tools in more detail. Such books include "The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog" by Ed Krol and published by O'Reilly and Associates, Inc and "The Internet Guide for New Users" by Daniel Dearn and published by Meckler [Editor: or McGraw Hill or both?] The number of these NIR tools is large, and growing fast but despite first appearances, there _is_ order in the seeming chaos. Certain techniques reappear regularly and many seemingly different tools perform similar tasks. Given this, it is possible to offer a relatively simple classification of projects that will encompass most of the existing tools and services. Bear in mind that the classification presented here is only one possible such ordering. Further, despite anything someone may write, a user may choose to use a particular tool for any task they wish. The goal is not to define what can be done with a particular tool, but to help explain how each tool might fit into a user's own particular Internet toolbox. Each type of service is now examined in turn (in brackets are the names of specific tools that belong within this classification): Interactive Information Delivery Services (Gopher, World Wide Web) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Whilst basic internet services such as email and anonymous FTP can be used to share information across the Internet, neither system allows simple browsing and neither is particularly easy for the new-comer to learn. Gopher and the World Wide Web (or W3) are two recent development projects that take aim at the problem of making it easier to distribute information in an Internet environment. Both allow the user to browse information across the net without the necessity of logging in or knowing in advance where to look for information. The Gopher system offers the information to be served as a simple hierarchical system of menus and files. Although gateways to additional services are also provided, this is usually done transparently to the user. Operators of the Gopher system can easily offer a hierarchical directory of information across the Internet and the information served can be accessed using a wide variety of public domain or freely available client programs. The Gopher project was first developed at the University of Minnesota and began life as a simple tool for offering user support information to their user community. It has now developed into a powerful distributed system for offering information across the net and finds widespread user as a Campus-Wide information system (CWIS). The simplicity of the underlying Gopher protocol makes creating new Gopher clients a relatively simple task and a great deal of work has been done in this area. Gopher clients are available for virtually all of the major operating systems in use on the Internet. Where Gopher allows the user to browse menus and select individual documents for browsing, the World Wide Web project allows the use of hypertext links from one document to another to allow the user to follow links from within one document to another. The W3 project also allows the user to annotate documents (again using hypertext links) and allows the user to see the entire collection of information available within the system as a single large mesh of information, freely available for browsing, searching and access. Both projects offer gateways to additional collections of information and a range of free clients for many environments. Directory Services: (WHOIS, X.500) ----------------------------------- Directory Service tools are intended to provide a lookup service for locating information about users, services or service providers. The general topic of Directory Services is often divided into more specific White Pages and Yellow Pages services. For the purposes of this document, we say that a White Pages service provides information about individual users, while a Yellow Pages service provides corresponding information about services and service providers. As an example, a White Pages service might be used to locate the email address of a someone, given their name and organization, while a Yellow Pages service could be used to locate a particular online library catalogue or a particular file archive site. There are now several different types of Directory services under development on the Internet. One of the first such services deployed was the WHOIS service, a bare-bones user directory originally created to track key network contacts for the early DARPA Internet. The WHOIS service is basically a very simple White Pages service. A number of sites now operate WHOIS servers, with a range of extensions and enhancements to the basic WHOIS model. WHOIS enjoys the advantage that is it a simple, no-frills service, and the software to contact a WHOIS server is available on a large majority of Internet-connected hosts. Work in now underway on what is known as the "WHOIS++" project to standardize a set of simple extensions to the WHOIS service to increase its functionality and ease of use. The X.500 Directory Service is a much more ambitious Directory project that has been under development for a number of years. Pilot implementations are now available from a number of sites and commercial versions are also available. Proponents have suggested that X.500 could also be used to provide a Yellow Pages service, although the pilot projects have concentrated on White Pages functionality. Despite years of research and work, there are still no single Directory Service for the entire net. The biggest obstacle to such a service would appear to be the huge cost of setting up and maintaining the required databases which in turn leads to a classic "chicken and egg" syndrome. Lacking a large installed information base, few users demand suitable tools for accessing the service. Lacking a large user base, few sites invest the time and energy bring up or maintain their databases. There are now over 100 sites operating their own WHOIS directories, and several hundred that have participated in the prototy2pe X.500 research. Most of this combined effort has concentrated on White Pages services. It is to be hoped that as the range of other services grows, the demand for a functional Yellow Pages service will be the catalyst the finally pushes Directory Services forward. Indexing Services (archie, WAIS, online library catalogues) ----------------------------------------------------------- There are now several Internet-based projects that aim to build up indexed catalogues of information for rapid searching and retrieval of information. The first such services aimed at providing network access to library card catalogues, with more recent projects offering technology to gather, index or catalogue other types of information. archie: The archie service began as a simple project to catalogue the contents of hundreds of online file archives. The archie service gathers together the location information, name and other details for files and indexes them in a dedicated database. Users can then contact an archie server and search this database for needed files. The follow-on to the initial archie service is now a commercially supported product of Bunyip Information Systems Inc. of Montreal and has been designed to gather and serve other useful collections of information. The latest version is being used to provide a prototype Yellow Pages service and directories of online library catalogues and email mailing lists. Work continues on extending the archie service to provide additional collections of information. The archie service is accessible through a range of access methods, including telnet, stand-alone client programs that run on your own machine, or via email. The prototype archie service now tracks over 2,100,000 filenames on over 1,200 sites around the world. There are currently about a dozen archie servers around the world, with more on the way. WAIS: The Wide Area Information Services (WAIS) is a system for indexing and serving information in an Internet environment that offers a rapid search capability as well as "relevance feedback". This means that the results of one search may be used to successively refine future searches, thus making it easier to find what you are looking for. WAIS clients allow the user to specify searches as simple English-language queries, without any complicated logical expressions or command syntax. The heart of the WAIS system is a set of WAIS servers that allow the operator to set up an index of each document (or resource) to be published onto the Internet. Such indices allow the server to rapidly locate keywords during searches. The matches found are ranked according to perceived relevance and an indicator returned to the user, who may choose to then view the document or further refine the search. There are currently several hundred WAIS sources being served on the Internet. Public domain source code for WAIS servers and clients is for anonymous FTP from the machine "", along with a master directory of the sources currently available through WAIS. WAIS Inc and FreeWAIS: [Editor's note: section to be inserted by CNIDR] Online library catalogues: A large number of libraries make their computerized library catalogues available over the Internet. Most are available through telnet sessions (that is, you telnet to a specific address and login as a particular user). Some are also available through other tools, such as Gopher. 6. NIR Tools This section contains detailed information about the various NIR Tools. It is ordered alphabetically. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALEX Date template updated or checked: 2nd July, 1993 By: Name: Vincent Cate Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Alex Brief Description of Tool: OVERVIEW: The Alex filesystem provides users and applications transparent read access to files in anonymous FTP sites on the Internet. Today there are thousands of anonymous FTP sites with a total of a few millions of files and roughly a terabyte of data. The standard approach to accessing these files involves logging in to the remote machine. This means that an application can not access remote files like local files. This also means that users do not have any of their aliases or local tools available. Users who want to use an application on a remote file first have to manually make a local copy of the file. There is no mechanism for automatically updating this local copy when the remote file changes. The users must keep track of where they get their files from and check to see if there are updates, and then fetch these. In this approach many different users at the same site may have made copies of the same remote file each using up disk space for the same data. Alex addresses the problems with the existing approach while remaining within the existing FTP protocol so that the large collection of currently available files can be used. To get reasonable performance long term file caching is used. Thus consistency is an issue. Traditional solutions to the cache consistency problem do not work in the Internet FTP domain: callbacks are not an option as the FTP protocol has no provisions for this and polling over the Internet is slow. Therefore, Alex relaxes file cache consistency semantics, on a per file basis, and uses special caching algorithms that take into account the properties of the files and of the network to allow a simple stateless filesystem to scale to the size of the Internet. USER'S VIEW: To a user or application, Alex is just a normal filesystem. Any command that works on local files will work on Alex files. Since Alex is a real filesystem, nothing needs to be recompiled and no libraries are changed. Thus, users can apply all of their existing skills and tools for using files. The user sees a filesystem with a hierarchical name space. At the top level (/alex) there are top-level Internet domains like "edu", "com", "uk", and "jp". Each component of the hostname becomes a directory name. Then the remote path is added at the end. If the user does a "ls /alex/edu/berkeley" he sees some machine names such as "ucbvax" and "sprite" and some directories on From the "ls" it is not clear what is where. The user may or may not be aware of host boundaries. INFORMATION PROVIDER'S VIEW: Alex is implemented as a user level NFS server. NFS was chosen because it makes it easy to add Alex to a wide range of machines. Most machines can simply use the mount command. The model of usage is that there is one Alex server running at each institution (though this is not required in any way). Users mount the local server which caches files for users at that site. Any information put into any anonymous FTP site becomes available via Alex. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Vincent Cate Email address: Postal Address: School of Computer Science 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh PA, 15213 Telephone: (412) 268-3077 Fax: (412) 681-1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: At this time Alex is a one person project (Vince). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Maybe the FTP working group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organization / Funding source: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Information Science and Technology Office, under the title "Research on Parallel Computing," ARPA Order No. 7330. Work furnished in connection with this research is provided under prime contract MDA972-90-C-0035 issued by DARPA/CMO to Carnegie Mellon University. Vincent Cate is supported by an "Intel foundation graduate fellowship". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists Address: Administration: Address: Administration: Description: alex-servers is for people setting up an Alex fileserver. alex-users is for people who just want to use Alex. Archive: ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: none ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: Any machine that can NFS mount a fileserver. What it runs over: Unix machine and FTP Other NIR tools this interworks with: Uses FTP sites. WAIS can be used to index files in Alex (this was done for ftpable-readmes and cs-techreports WAIS servers) New versions of archie can output Alex paths. Future plans: Graduate from CMU. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 3/19/93 By: Name: Vincent Cate Platform: UNIX Primary Contact Name: Vincent Cate Email address: Telephone: (412) 268-3077 Server software available from: Location of more information: No other place to go to. Latest version number: New versions all the time. Brief Scope and Characteristics: This software is known to still contain bugs. Approximate number of such servers in use: 200. General comments: Send fixes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: You just do an NFS mount of the server. No client software is needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : Site name: Access details: mkdir /alex mount -o timeo=30,retrans=300,soft,intr /alex Example use: ln -s /alex/edu/cs/cmu/sp/alex/links alexlinks cd alexlinks ls cd cs-tr cd ls cd purdue ls lpr TR758.PS If you like Alex and want to use it regularly please find, or set up, an Alex fileserver at/near your site. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: Location details: Site: Full file name: doc/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: @InProceedings{cate:alex, author = "Vincent Cate", title = "Alex - a Global Filesystem", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Usenix File Systems Workshop", year = 1992, pages = "1--11", month = may, place = "Ann Arbor, MI", keyword = "distributed file system, wide-area file system" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: FTP to and "cd to doc". Get the "README" or anything else there. A current version of this document may be there and called "NIR.Tool". In Alex this file is named "/alex/edu/cmu/cs/sp/alex/doc/NIR.Tool". =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ARCHIE Date template updated or checked: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: archie Brief Description of Tool: The archie system is a tool for gathering, indexing and serving information from around the Internet. The current version serves a collection of filenames found at anonymous FTP sites, as well as a smaller collection of text descriptions for software, data and other information found at anonymous FTP archives. Additional databases are under development. User's View: Users run a client program to connect to an archie server and issue search commands to find information in an archie database. In the case of an anonymous FTP filename, this information can then be used to fetch the file directly from the archive site using the `ftp' command. To the user, archie could be seen as a `secondary source' of information which, because of the high cost of locating and serving, would not otherwise be available. The user searches the archie databases through either a telnet session to a machine running an archie server, or by using a stand-alone client program (which uses the Prospero protocol for sending and receiving requests). There is also an email interface which allows users to send and receive search requests via electronic mail. Freely available archie clients exist for most operating systems and can be fetched using anonymous FTP from most of the current archie servers. There are also gateways to the archie system from many other NIR tools, including Gopher, WAIS and WWW. An X.500 interface to archie is currently under development. Information Provider's View: There are two types of information providers who would be interested in archie. Primary information providers are interested in having a summary of the information provided by their service tracked by an archie server. Secondary service providers, or those sites wishing to provide a "value-added" service for the Internet can elect to run an archie server at their site to provide a useful service to users, to raise the profile of their institution on the Internet, or to provide market differentiation (for commercial service providers). The archie system is of particular utility serving information where there are many sites to be searched and/or where the cost of searching each site is high. For example, there are currently over 1,200 anonymous FTP sites on the Internet, and the number continues to grow. Searching for a specific filename at a single site may involve scanning hundreds, or even thousands of filenames. Thus, most operators of anonymous FTP archives welcome the fact that archie indexes and serves the names of all files available from each site tracked. Information Types Supported: The archie system allows the gathering and serving of arbitrary information types, although the current system serves only freeform text and a dedicated text format for filename listings. Internally, the archie system now supports a WAIS search engine and a Gopher frontend for accessing archie information through Gopher clients is now being tested. Additional collections of information to be served by the archie software will be announced by August, 1993. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Archie Group, Bunyip Information Systems Inc. Email address: Postal Address: Bunyip Information Systems Inc., 310 St-Catherine St. West, suite 202, Montreal, QC CANADA H2X 2A1 Telephone: 1 (514) 875-8611 Fax: 1 (514) 875-8134 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: for archie server system and telnet client Name: Archie Group, Bunyip Information Systems Inc. Email address: Telephone: 1 (514) 875-8611 Level of support offered: o commercial support for server (primarily for systems maintainers) o voluntary helpdesk support for freeware clients o volunteer helpdesk support for Internet information gathering tools in general Hours available: - server system: email: 24 hour support phone support: 9-5 EST - helpdesk consultation: as time permits --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Prospero, WAIS, WWW, Gopher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: Bunyip Information Systems Inc. Funded by licensing of archie software and development contracts from sponsors. Additional information services based upon this software are now being tested. Donations to help fund the public helpdesk and operation of free servers gratefully accepted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: This mailing list is for people interested in the archie project and its future developments. Announcments of upgrades, new services, etc are made to this list. Archive: none ------------------- Address: Administration: Description: This mailing list is for people who operate and maintain archie servers. Announcments of bug fixes, new releases and discussion of new features are carried out on this list. Archive: "" ------------------- Address: Administration: Description: This mailing list is for people who are involved in the Internet Anonymous FTP Archives Working Group of the IETF. This group was involved in standardizing the encoding of information at anonymous FTP archives and thus is of interest to operators and users of the archie system. It came to completion in November, 1992 and produced two documents which have been presented to the IETF as informational RFCs. Archive: "" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: Name: comp.archives.admin Description: This newsgroup is for operators and maintainers of Internet archives. Announcements and discussions of issues related to archie are presented here, as well as discussions of more general issues relating to archiving and Internet services. Archive: not known ------------------- Name: Description: This newsgroup is for people interested in Internet-related services, with a focus at the user level. Announcements and discussions of issues related to archie are presented here, as well as discussions of more general issues relating to Internet services. Archive: not known --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: The current archie system clients use the Prospero protocol for communication with the search engine on the archie server. Freely available clients are available which include source to perform this communication for those wishing to implement additional clients. The archie server is capable of building arbitrary databases, using arbitrary search and access engines and the current release ships with the public domain implementation of WAIS. We expect future archie servers to serve information using this protocol. The current server system assumes the TCP/IP protocol suite is available, and in particular the ftp protocol for data gathering. The archie system can be accessed through systems operating the Gopher, WAIS and WWW (HDDL) protocols. A gateway from the X.500 system is under development. What it runs over: The Prospero protocol implementation runs over its own implementation of a reliable datagram protocol based upon UDP. Data gathering runs over the TCP/IP protocol suite. Other NIR tools this interworks with: Prospero, Gopher, WAIS, WWW. Future plans: The archie system became a commercial product in October, 1992, marketed by Bunyip Information Systems Inc. The company plans to market additional data gathering modules to allow the server code to build additional types of databases. Work is also underway to integrate extensions to WHOIS to allow the building and maintaining White Pages (names) directories. The company is also working on other Internet information tools that will work with the archie system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Platform: Sun SPARC running SunOS 4.1 or later. IBM RS6000 running AIX version 3.2 or later. for additional UNIX platforms, contact Bunyip Information Systems details. Primary Contact: Name: Alan Emtage Email address: Telephone: 1 (514) 398-8611 Server software available from: Bunyip Information Systems Inc. email: Location of more information: Additional information on the archie product line is available from the anonymous ftp archives on the various archie server sites. Try "", "", "", etc. Latest version number: archie 3.1 Brief Scope and Characteristics: This is the commercial inmplementation of the archie system, replacing a version done as a Masters project at McGill University during the period 1990-1992. It comes with an archie telnet client that offers a number of minor improvements over earlier versions. Additional releases, with a number of additional improvements, are planned in the coming months. Approximate number of such servers in use: Currently about 27 (not all are publicly available) General comments: Most users access archie through a freeware or public domain client program. These are available from most archie servers via anonymous FTP. Additional client functionality has been incorporated into the server and will be available once the next version of the Prospero protocol is frozen and the features become incorporated into the clients in the next few months. Check out the archie directory on any of the publicly available archie servers or the banner message when logging into any of the archie telnet clients for more details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Platform: command line shell, written in C. Works with both UNIX and MSDOS/OS2 shells. Primary Contact: Name: Brendan Kehoe Email address: Telephone: not known Client software available from: most archie server hosts and major Internet archives. Look for filename "c-archie-1.3.2.tar.Z". Location of more information: Packaged with software. Latest version number: 1.3.2 Brief Scope and Characteristics: This program provides a simple command line interface to the archie server system, using the Prospero protocol. Written in C, it has been ported to MSDOS and OS2. General comments: This program should not be confused with the archie system telnet interface, which is a program that runs on the archie server itself. Future plans: Not known ------------------- Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Platform: command line shell, written in Perl. Works with both UNIX and MSDOS/OS2 shells. Primary Contact: Name: Khun Yee Fung Email address: Telephone: not known Client software available from: most archie server hosts and major Internet archives. Look for filename "perl-archie-3.8.tar.Z". Location of more information: Packaged with software. Latest version number: 3.8 Brief Scope and Characteristics: This program provides a simple command line interface to the archie server system, using the Prospero protocol. Written in Perl. General comments: This program should notbe confused with the archie system telnet interface, which is a program that runs on the archie server itself. Future plans: Not known ------------------- Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Platform: archie client program for VMS systems. Primary Contact: Name: Brendan Kehoe Email address: Telephone: not known Client software available from: most archie server hosts and major Internet archives. Look for filename "". Location of more information: Packaged with software. Latest version number: not known. Brief Scope and Characteristics: This program provides a simple command line interface to the archie server system for users of VMS. General comments: This program should not be confused with the archie system telnet interface, which is a program that runs on the archie server itself. Future plans: Not known ------------------- Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Platform: Xwindows client (X11R4) Primary Contact: Name: George Ferguson Email address: Telephone: not known Client software available from:, most archie server hosts and major Internet archives. Look for file "xarchie-1.3.tar.Z". Location of more information: Packaged with software. Latest version number: xarchie-1.3 Brief Scope and Characteristics: This program provides an Xwindows client that allows users to search the archie anonymous FTP database. Also included is the capability of fetching files (using ftp). General comments: none. Future plans: Not known ------------------- Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Platform: NeXTStep client. Primary Contact: Name: Scott Stark Email address: Telephone: not known Client software available from: most archie server hosts and major Internet archives. Look for file "NeXTArchie.tar.Z". Location of more information: Packaged with software. Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: This program provides a NeXTStep client that allows users to search the archie anonymous FTP database. Also included is the capability of fetching files (using ftp). General comments: none. Future plans: Not known --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : Site name: any one of: (Rutgers University) (University of Nebraska in Lincoln) (SURAnet archie server) (ANS archie server) (Australian server) (European server in Finland) (UK/England server) (Israel server) (Japanese server) Client software should be supported at all of these sites. Additional sites are available. Use the "sites" command in the archie telnet interface at any of the above sites for a more complete lists. Access details: - telnet to any of the above sites - login as user `archie' (no password is required) - type `help' at the prompt to get started. Note: Some people forget and use ftp in place of telnet. This will not work. The hint that this is being done is that they claim that a password is needed, not that the site can't be found. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: What is archie Location details: anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: "pub/archie/doc/whatis.archie" Description: Brief overview of the archie system. Document Title: archie man pages Location details: anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: "pub/archie/doc/*" Description: Manual pages for the archie system telnet interface in various formats (raw ASCII, nroff, compressed, etc). This document also explains the various search options and other features, so is of use to users of the other archie client programs. Document Title: What's New in 3.0 Location details: anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: "pub/archie/doc/" Description: Description of the changes to archie for the first commercial release --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: To come after some deliberation... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GOPHER Date template updated or checked: 8 July 1993 By: Name: Mark P. McCahill Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Internet Gopher Brief Description of Tool: The Internet Gopher protocol is a client/distributed-server document search and retrieval protocol originally developed at the University of Minnesota. Gopher was originally created as a fast, simple, distributed, campus-wide information search and retrieval system, ease of use and implementation has made Gopher increasingly popular on the Internet. Since its original release, many folks on the Internet have contributed to its growth, submitting patches, servers, clients, and linking their local servers into the worldwide network of Gopher servers. Gateways exist to seamlessly access a variety of non-Gopher services such as ftp, WAIS, USENET news, Archie, X.500 directories, etc. In addition, an "archie for gopherspace" called veronica (very easy rodent-oriented net-wide index to computerized archives) has been developed at the University of Nevada. Veronica makes it easy to search for items in gopherspace by title. The gopher protocol is often described as "fiercely simple"; it is connectionless (stateless), and uses TCP reliable streams. A client connects to a server using TCP, and sends a one-line text "selector string". The server responds by returning the item (a file, a directory listing, or a link to some other service) corresponding to the selector string and immediately closing the connection. Items in directory listings are returned as a series of lines terminated by carriage-return line-feed. Each item (line) is defined by a one-character tag to specify the item type, a display string or item-name that the client should display to the user, and a number of tab delimited fields to specify the selector string, host domain name and port number. Because of its simple and connectionless nature, gopher servers make very minimal demands on their host machines and gopher clients are extremely easy to implement. The users' view the Gopher world as a series of networked hierarchical directories much like a familiar filesystem. However, the links define a graph rather than a simple rooted tree. Links in the Gopher graph may define services other than simple files or directories; these include cso (qi) servers, telnet sessions, links to other gopher servers, and links to gateway servers. The information provider's simplest view is that files and directories below a certain root directory on their machine, are all visible and available for retrieval by gopher clients. More features like long names, item types, links, and gateway services are available to the more sophisticated information provider. Servers and clients run on most popular hardware, including Macs, UNIX boxes, PC-DOS boxes. The Internet Gopher name is copyright (c) 1991-1992 by the University of Minnesota. The Internet Gopher protocol is described in an informational RFC (1436) available at better RFC archives everywhere. The gopher software may be retrieved from numerous Gopher or FTP archive sites, including the University of Minnesota Gopher server, the Info-Mac Archive Gopher server, and by anonymous FTP from and --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Postal Address: Microcomputer & Workstation Networks Center 152 Shepherd Labs 100 Union Street SE. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Fax: USA (612) 625-6817 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client) Name: Microcomputer HelpLine; ask for The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA: 612 MA MICRO (612 626 4276) Helpline is for general support at the U of M. Level of support offered: o all users Hours available: Phone Helpline 9-4 weekdays. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: News and views of all things gopher. Archive: Via Gopher: University of Minnesota Gopher Information About Gopher --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: Name: comp.infosystems.gopher Description: Discussion of all things gopher. Archive: Available via gopher client; connect to the gopher server at port 70, look in the "Information About Gopher" section. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: Internet Gopher What it runs over: Anything you can run TCP/IP over. Other NIR tools this interworks with: Z39.50 WAIS variant via WAIS gateway FTP via FTP gateway archie/Prospero via an archie gateway veronica (an archie for gopherspace) NNTP via NNTP gateway Finger (subset of gopher) X.500 via X.500 gateway CSO (Ph/Qi) online phone books Future plans: Gopher+ protocol extensions implementations are now in beta-test. Gateway from Gopher to Sybase and Oracle SQL servers under development for late summer release --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: UNIX. Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (things change fast; please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Server, index server for WAIS based indices and for NeXT native indexing, tools, gateway code. Approximate number of such servers in use: Over 1400. General comments: The defacto standard workhorse Gopher server. Paul Lindner is the architect and keeper of this server. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Macintosh. Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Basic Macintosh Gopher Server and tools. Approximate number of such servers in use: Current estimates between 75 and 125. General comments: Runs on any Macintosh with 1MB memory or more. Requires MacTCP. Being revised/rewritten to support Gopher+. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: PC-DOS. Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 0.91b Brief Scope and Characteristics: Basic Gopher server for PC-DOS boxes.. Approximate number of such servers in use: Current estimates between 25 and 75. General comments: Written by Chris McNeil , based on Phil Karns net package. The U of M Gopher team forwards difficult problems to Chris. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 22 March, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VMS. Primary Contact: Name: Mark Van Overbeke Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 0.6 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Basic VMS Server, shares some code with UNIX server. Approximate number of such servers in use: Current estimates between 50 and 75. General comments: The VMS server was written and is maintained by Mark Van Overbeke. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VM/CMS Primary Contact: Name: Rick Troth Email address: TROTH@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU Telephone: Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: Brazos.IS.Rice.EDU:/pub/vmcms/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 2.4 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher server for IBM VM/CMS installations. Approximate number of such servers in use: Unknown. General comments: This server was written and is maintained by Rick Troth. This server is commonly referred to as the Rice VM/CMS server. There is also another VM/CMS server: the Vienna VM/CMS server. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VM/CMS. Primary Contact: Name: Gerhard Gonter Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 2.00.00 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher server for IBM VM/CMS installations. Approximate number of such servers in use: Unknown. General comments: This server was written and is maintained by Gerhard Gonter. This server is commonly referred to as the Vienna VM/CMS server. There is also another VM/CMS server: the Rice VM/CMS server. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: MVS Primary Contact: Name: Steve Bacher Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 2.1 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher server for IBM MVS installations. Approximate number of such servers in use: Unknown. General comments: This server was written and is maintained by Steve Bacher. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Unix veronica server Primary Contact: Name: Steve Foster and Fred Barrie Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: veronica server software Approximate number of such servers in use: Unknown. General comments: Written and maintained by Steve Foster and Fred Barrie at the University of Nevada. Future plans: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Macintosh Primary Contact Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: One of the many Macintosh Gopher clients. Requires MacTCP. General comments: Macintosh TurboGopher is as of this writing, the fastest Gopher client available for the Mac. Written by the Minnesota Gopher Development Team. Future plans: Gopher+ support version now in beta test. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Macintosh Primary Contact: Name: Don Gilbert, Biology, Indiana University - Bloomington Email address: Software@Bio.Indiana.Edu Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: Indiana University Gopher Server IUBio Software+Data/GopherApp, Mac Gopher client Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: One of the many Macintosh Gopher clients. Requires MacTCP. General comments: Written and maintained by Don Gilbert. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Macintosh Primary Contact: Name: "Jonzy" Email address: JONZY@CC.UTAH.EDU Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: in Testing directory Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: One of the many Macintosh Gopher clients. Requires MacTCP. Has a browser style interface. Uses customized Telnet application. General comments: Written and maintained by "Jonzy". Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: UNIX (curses/EMACS based client) Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: The UNIX curses-based client. General comments: Written and maintained by Paul Lindner. Future plans: Version with Gopher+ capablilty now in beta test. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: UNIX (simple client does not use CURSES) Primary Contact: Name: Sean Fuller Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 0.3 Brief Scope and Characteristics: sgopher is a simple gopher client for inetd/batch/online; it does not require much of the terminal other than it be 80X24 characters. It can be run stand alone or it can be launched from inetd. It doesn't use termcap or curses. Sgopher outputs the \r\n pair at the end of line and requires a after each command to support more terminal types. General comments: Runs on VMS, IRIX, Ultrix, AIX, Solaris 2.x, Solaris 1.x Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Xgopher: UNIX XWindows based client Primary Contact: Name: Allan Tuchman Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Makes use of the X interface. General comments: Written and maintained by Allan Tuchman. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Xgopher: UNIX XWindows based client Primary Contact: Name: Andrew Scherpbier Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Makes use of the X interface... displays a way cool chewing gopher icon while information is being downloaded. General comments: XView based gopher client. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: NeXT: NeXTstep client Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Makes full use of the NeXT interface. General comments: Initial version written by Max Tardiveau. Now maintained by Paul Lindner. Future plans: ------------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: DOS TurboVision w/Clarkson packet drivers. Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Character-based graphics and windows under DOS. Uses either Clarkson Packet drivers (CRWYN packet drivers) and a built-in TCP/IP protocol stack or Ftp, Inc.'s protocol stack (PC/TCP). General comments: Written and maintained by Daniel Torrey. Future plans: Gopher+ support now in beta test. Support for Novell's Lan Workplace for DOS planned for Fall. ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VMS. Primary Contact: Name: Mark Van Overbeke Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 0.6 Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: The VMS client was written and is maintained by Mark Van Overbeke. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VMS. Primary Contact: Name: The Internet Gopher Development Team Email address: Telephone: USA (612) 625-1300 Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 1.12 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Identical to Unix gopher1.12. Works on a VMS 5.5-2 system running MultiNet 3.1B. UCX and Wollongong are also supported. General comments: A port of the University of Minnesota Unix client to VMS. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VM/CMS. Primary Contact: Name: Rick Troth Email address: TROTH@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher client for IBM VM/CMS installations. General comments: This client was written and is maintained by Rick Troth. This client is commonly referred to as the Rice VM/CMS client. There is also another VM/CMS client: the Vienna VM/CMS client. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: VM/CMS. Primary Contact: Name: Gerhard Gonter Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher client for IBM VM/CMS installations. General comments: This client was written and is maintained by Gerhard Gonter. This client is commonly referred to as the Vienna VM/CMS client. There is also another VM/CMS client: the Rice VM/CMS client. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: DOS with PC/TCP. Primary Contact: Name: Steven E. Newton Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher client for DOS with PC/TCP General comments: Written and maintained by Steven E. Newton Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: DOS with PC-NFS. Primary Contact: Name: Stan Barber Email address: sob@TMC.EDU Telephone: Client software available from: Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher client for DOS with PC-NFS General comments: Written and maintained by Stan Barber Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: DOS Novell LWP Gopher Client Primary Contact: Name: Jeremy T. James Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via FTP: Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: DOS Novell LWP Gopher Client General comments: Written and maintained by Jeremy T. James Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Windows 3.1 with Winsock or PC/NFS. Primary Contact: Name: Martyn Hampson Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/wingopher Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: (please check software distribution) Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher client for Windows; uses either Winsock DLL or PC/NFS network interface. General comments: Written and maintained by Martyn Hampson. Future plans: ------------------- Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Mark McCahill Email address: Platform: Windows with Winsock and ToolBook. Primary Contact: Name: Kevin Gamiel Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/micro/pc-stuff/ms-windows/winsock/ Location of more information: As above. Latest version number: 1.0 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Gopher client for Windows; uses Asymetrix's ToolBok to paint the screen and speaks to the network via a Winsock DLL. General comments: Written and maintained by Kevin Gamiel Future plans: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : List of sites which are willing to act as demonstration sites for this application. site name ip address login as serving area ---------------------------------------------------------------- gopher North America gopher North America panda North America info Australia gopher Sweden gopher South America -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Title: (1) Gopher Protocol and (2) Gopher+ Proposed Extensions Location details: Via Gopher: U of M Gopher Information About Gopher Gopher Software Distribution Via FTP: /pub/gopher/ Title: RFC 1436 The Internet Gopher Protocol (a distributed document search and retrieval protocol) Via FTP: /rfc/rfc1436.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: The Whole Internet, Ed Kroll, O'Reilly, 1992 The Internet Gopher, "ConneXions", July 1992, Interop. Exploring Internet GopherSpace "The Internet Society News", v1n2 1992, The Internet Gopher Protocol, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third IETF, CNRI, Section 5.3 Internet Gopher, Proceedings of Canadian Networking '92 The Internet Gopher, INTERNET: Getting Started, SRI International, Section 10.5.5 Tools help Internet users discover on-line treasures, Computerworld, July 20, 1992 TCP/IP Network Administration, O'Reilly. Balakrishan, B. (Oct 1992) "SPIGopher: Making SPIRES databases accessible through the Gopher protocol". SPIRES Fall '92 Workshop, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HYTELNET Date template updated or checked: 8th July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Scott Email address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: HYTELNET Brief Description of Tool: HYTELNET is a terminate-and-stay-resident hypertext browser, which gives a user full instructions for logging into telnet-accessible sites on the Internet i.e. library catalogs, campus-wide information systems, bulletin boards, directory services, gophers, etc. The browser does not make remote connections. A Unix/VMS version, which does make remote connections, has been written by Earl Fogel, Computing Services, University of Saskatchewan. Write for details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Peter Scott Email address: Postal Address: 324 8th Street East Saskatoon, Sask, Canada S7H 0P5 Telephone: 306-966-5920 Fax: 306-966-6040 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: Name: Peter Scott Email address: Telephone: 306-966-5920 Level of support offered: o volunteer Hours available: 8:00 a.m - 3:30 p.m CST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: HYTELNET Updates Distribution Address: Administration: By listowner Peter Scott Description: To inform members of new versions of the software, and to keep users informed of new/changed/defunct Telnet-accessible sites To subscribe send e-mail message to with no subject, and sub hytel-l firstname lastname as the body of the message. Archive: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: bit.listserv.hytel-l ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: What it runs over: DOS Other NIR tools this interworks with: Future plans: Possible translation into gopher format -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 8 July, 1993 By: Name: Peter Scott Email address: Platform: DOS Primary Contact Name: Peter Scott Email address: Telephone: 306-966-5920 Client software available from: in pub/hytelnet/pc as, where XX = latest version number. Location of more information: finger Latest version number: 6.5 (Issued June 23, 1993) Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: To contine to produce updated versions in current form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : The Unix/VMS version can be accessed via telnet to (login: hytelnet) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: HYTELNET as software for accessing the Internet: a personal perspective on the development of HYTELNET. Electronic Networking, Vol. 2, No. 1 Spring 1992 pp 38-44 Hypertext...Information at your fingertips. In: Designing Information: new roles for librarians. Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NETFIND Date template updated or checked: 12th October, 1993 By: Name: Mike Schwartz Email address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Netfind Brief Description of Tool: Given the name of a person on the Internet and a rough description of where the person works, Netfind attempts to locate information about the person. People can be specified by first, last, or login name. Their place of work can be described by name and/or the city/state/country. Netfind provides textual information about people, when it is able to locate such information. It is not a directory in the usual sense of the word. Rather, it searches for people using a number of Internet services and heuristics about how to locate user information. Because of the techniques it uses, Netfind can locate information about more people than any other Internet user directory - over 5 million people in over 9,000 domains worldwide when last measured. You can use the University of Colorado Netfind server by telnet to login as "netfind" (with no password). Help screens providing more detailed instructions and technical information are available there. There is currently no way for non-Internet users to access Netfind (e.g., using an email interface). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Mike Schwartz Email address: Postal Address: Department of Computer Science University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0430 Telephone: Declined. (Note: Netfind is currently a volunteer service. We do not have staff resources to support telephone inquiries.) Fax: Declined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client): There are an increasing number of Netfind servers being set up at various Network Information Centers (including the U.S. Internic). However, since Netfind is provided as a volunteer service at this time, there is no help line. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Gopher, NIR, IIIR, IRTF-RD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: None. Netfind was originally a research prototype. It is offered as-is, on an unsupported basis. From time to time the original developers make improvements, but it is not currently funded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: mailing list for user changes and updates. Archive: None. Address: Administration: Description: mailing list for sites running Netfind servers. Archive: None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups : None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: NVT ASCII. At present no formal protocol is used. We are currently implementing a client/server protocol, which will allow better clients and more efficient servers. What it runs over: TCP/IP. Other NIR tools this interworks with: DNS, SMTP, finger, Gopher, WAIS Future plans: Many. Telnet to the server and see the "Future Directions" menu under the "Frequently Asked Questions" help menu. In addition to the above list, we are currently exploring possibilities to integrate the Netfind seed database gathering mechanisms into the Fremont framework, to make the process more scalable, and to support other types of information (e.g., to help with mapping the Internet). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: July 7, 1993 By: Name: Mike Schwartz Email address: [If different from that of the Primary contact listed below] Platform: SunOS 4.1 or more recent. Uncertain whether Netfind will run on Solaris. Primary Contact: Name: See above. Email address: See above. Telephone: See above. Server software available from:, in the directory pub/cs/distribs/netfind. Location of more information: in above directory. Latest version number: 3.46. Brief Scope and Characteristics: This version of Netfind incorporates a number of improvements, including timeouts for slow reads, longer timeout values for read/connect operations (to accommodate international searches), more precisely limited searches, better use of MX and other search information, better Restrictions mechanism, and more clear help/FAQ information. Approximate number of such servers in use: 14 public servers; hundreds or thousands of private stand-along clients. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients : The Netfind client is available in the same release as the server. See above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : Site name: The current list is: (AARNet, Melbourne, Australia) (University of Colorado, Boulder) (Nat. Council for Techn. & Scien. Research, Venezuela) (InterNIC Directory and DB Services, Herndon, Virginia) (Technet Unit, Singapore) (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) (Catholic University of Chile, Santiago) (Imperial College, London, England) (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis) (OpenConnect Systems, Dallas, Texas) (Liberec University of Technology, Czech Republic) (Korea Network Information Center, Taejon, Korea) (Academy of Sciences, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia) (University of Alabama at Birmingham) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: There are two primary sets of information available about Netfind. The first is a set of help information, available in the anonymous FTP distribution as well as from the help screens available from any Netfind server. This information includes a rather complete set of Frequently Asked Questions, as well as user help information and pointers to other related information. The second is a pre-publication version of a technical paper about Netfind - available by anonymous FTP and e-mail from in the file pub/cs/techreports/schwartz/PostScript/ (compressed PostScript) or in the file pub/cs/techreports/schwartz/ASCII/White.Pages.txt.Z (compressed ASCII). The technical paper is currently somewhat dated, as we have made a number of improvements to Netfind since it was published. We are currently writing a more up-to-date technical paper about techniques used by Netfind (particularly those for gathering the seed database), hopefully to be finished over Summer 1993. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Netfind is one prototype developed by the Networked Resource Discovery Project, at the University of Colorado - Boulder. A bibliography and set of project papers is available by anonymous FTP from, in pub/cs/techreports/schwartz. This directory contains a file called "README" that contains a project overview and bibliography. The files in this directory are also available via an electronic mail interface. For more information, send a mail message to, containing the message body (not subject line) "send HELP" (without quotes). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PROSPERO Date template updated or checked: 7 July, 1993 By: Name: Steven Augart Email address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Prospero Brief Description of Tool: The Prospero directory service supports a user centered view of files scattered across the Internet. It can be used to organize references to files as if they were on your local system, without the need to physically move them. Prospero provides access to existing directories and indices that can be used to find files of interest that are available from Internet archive sites. Among the indices available is the archie database and a gateway to all Gopher menus, files, and searches. We hope to have WAIS indices and World Wide Web documents online in the near future. Prospero also provides a mechanism to make directories and indices available to end-users and applications in a format that allows information from different sources to integrated into a coherent whole. Prospero does not interpret the data that it organizes. It does provide mechanisms to retrieve the data, but the display and use of the data is up to the users application. Prospero is intended to serve as infrastructure that integrates information from a variety of sources and supports a variety of user applications Prospero allows fine grained authorization of requests to all objects, including directories and indices. Prospero supports the authentication of clients through four mechanisms: (a) simple client assertion of the user's identity; (b) a trusted port mechanism similar to that used by the Berkeley UNIX R commands; (c) a simple cleartext passwording mechanism; (d) Kerberos (version 5). The maintainer of an ACL chooses which of these mechanisms he or she wishes to accept as proof of the client's identity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Info Prospero (preferred contact address) Email address: Name: Clifford Neuman Email address: Postal Address: U.S.C. Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695 U.S.A. Telephone: (310) 822-1511 Name: Steven Augart Email address: Postal Address: U.S.C. Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695 U.S.A. Telephone: (310) 822-1511 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client) Name: Info Prospero Email address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: IETF IAFA WG IETF URL WG IETF URI WG IETF NIR-WG IRTF Resource Discovery WG -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California The design and implementation was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. CCR-8619663), the Washington Technology Center, Digital Equipment Corporation, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency under NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC-2-539. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: info-prospero@ISI.EDU Administration: info-prospero-request@ISI.EDU Description: This mailing list is really two one-way mailing lists. Send mail to INFO-PROSPERO to obtain information about Prospero, papers, or the release. Mail to INFO-PROSPERO will not be passed on to subscribers. INFO-PROSPERO is also the list to which we will send status updates and information on how to obtain new releases. Archive: Via anonymous FTP to PROSPERO.ISI.EDU as /pub/prospero/mail/info-prospero.arc Via Prospero in the "#/INET/EDU/ISI/GUEST/prototype" virtual system as /sites/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address: prospero@ISI.EDU Administration: prospero-request@ISI.EDU Description: This mailing list is for general discussion of Prospero, for announcements of new sites that have come on board, and for announcements of directories that people have created to organize the information already accessible. Archive: Via anonymous FTP to PROSPERO.ISI.EDU as /pub/prospero/mail/prospero.arc Via Prospero in the "#/INET/EDU/ISI/GUEST/prototype" virtual system as /sites/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: NONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: Prospero directory service requests are formatted according to the Prospero protocol. Prospero does not have its own file retrieval protocol. Files may be automatically retrieved using FTP, NFS, AFS, and GOPHER. Loginable services may also be accessed via TELNET. What it runs over: Directory service requests are layered on top of UDP, with our own (included) reliable message delivery layer. Other NIR tools this interworks with: Archie, Gopher, & Wais. Future plans: We are working on a gateway to allow Prospero clients to make directory queries to Gopher and WAIS servers which do not speak the Prospero protocol. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 7 July, 1993 Platform: UNIX Primary Contact: Name: Clifford Neuman and Steven Augart Email address: Telephone: (310) 822-1511 Server software available from: Via anonymous FTP: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU, /pub/prospero/prospero.tar.Z Via Prospero: /releases/prospero/prospero.tar.Z, in the "#/INET/EDU/ISI/GUEST/prototype" virtual system. Note that the name prospero.tar.Z refers to the most stable release (currently Beta version 5.1). If you want the latest version of the server (which includes the Gopher gateway), you should retrieve it by version number; the name for the latest version is prospero-alpha.5.2.tar.Z Location of more information: Contained within the release. Latest version number: Alpha Version 5.2 Brief Scope and Characteristics: The server allows the maintainer to make directory information available about selected portions of the server's filesystem, such as anonymously FTPable files. The server also is used to publish information from other databases, such as Archie. The server also allows users and maintainers to store their own customized organizing views of the namespace. Release Alpha.5.2 of the server includes a gateway feature which treats all Gopher servers as a Prospero database. Approximate number of such servers in use: 50 General comments: Future plans: A collaborator is currently working on a server to export Prospero directories via the Gopher protocol. We have a prototype NFS server that makes Prospero queries, but it is not yet ready to release. We plan to develop a gateway similar to the existing Gopher gateway feature for World Wide Web. There is also active work being done on exporting WAIS indices through Prospero in a way similar to the way the archie database is exported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 7th July, 1993 Platform: UNIX Primary Contact Name: Clifford Neuman and Steven Augart Email address: Telephone: (310) 822-1511 Client software available from: Via anonymous FTP: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU, /pub/prospero/prospero.tar.Z Via Prospero: /releases/prospero/prospero.tar.Z, in the "#/INET/EDU/ISI/swa" virtual system. Note that the name prospero.tar.Z refers to the most stable release (currently Beta version 5.1). If you want the latest version of the clients (which includes the Prospero menu browser), you should retrieve it by version number; the name for the latest version is prospero-alpha.5.2.tar.Z Latest Version number: Alpha Version 5.2 Brief Scope and Characteristics: We provide two client interfaces. The older one is a command-line client, which can be configured to use the same syntax to navigate through the Prospero namespace that a user uses to navigate through the UNIX filesystem. ("cd", "ls", etc.) The newer one is a menu-based file and directory browser similar to the UNIX Gopher client. General comments: Archie clients also make queries in the Prospero namespace, so all Archie clients are Prospero clients too. They are better described in the Archie report. Future plans: We are working on enhancing the menu browser client to allow users to remotely customize and update virtual systems. We plan to develop a Prospero hypertext browser. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : A guest virtual system is available on PROSPERO.ISI.EDU. However, to use it, you must compile the Prospero command-line client on your own machine. Instructions for using it come with the Prospero distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: All of these papers are available via anonymous FTP from PROSPERO.ISI.EDU. They may additionally be obtained through Prospero itself by preceding the 'Full file name:' given below with '/sites/' and looking in the '#/INET/EDU/ISI/GUEST/prototype' virtual system. Document Title: The Prospero Protocol, version 5 Location details: Site: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU Full file name: /pub/prospero/doc/prospero-protocol.PS.Z Document Title: Prospero User's Manual Location details: Site: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU Full file name: /pub/prospero/doc/prospero-user-manual.PS.Z Document Title: Prospero Library Manual Location details: Site: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU Full file name: /pub/prospero/doc/prospero-library-manual.PS.Z Document Title: Prospero Menu-based Browser API Manual Location details: Site: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU Full file name: /pub/prospero/doc/prospero-menu-api.PS.Z Document Title: Description of Prospero Documents and Papers Location details: Site: PROSPERO.ISI.EDU Full file name: /pub/prospero/papers/README-prospero-documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: A bibliography listing all publicly available Prospero documents and papers is available via anonymous FTP from PROSPERO.ISI.EDU as /pub/prospero/README-prospero-documents The following papers are also available via anonymous FTP from PROSPERO.ISI.EDU: Prospero: /papers/subjects/operating-systems/prospero/ Anonymous FTP: /pub/papers/prospero/ (POSTSCRIPT) @INPROCEEDINGS{prosperobii, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford and Augart, Steven Seger", TITLE = "Prospero: A Base for Building Information Infrastructure", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of INET'93", YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "August"} For the readers of this report, this is the first paper you probably want to read about Prospero. This paper describes how Prospero can be used to integrate internet information services, including Gopher, WAIS, Archie, and World Wide Web. The paper will be presented at INET'93 in August. Prospero: /papers/subjects/operating-systems/prospero/ Anonymous FTP: /pub/prospero/papers/ (POSTSCRIPT) @ARTICLE{oir, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford", TITLE = "Prospero: A Tool for Organizing {I}nternet Resources", JOURNAL = "Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy", MONTH = "Spring", YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 1} This is the first paper we give to more general computer science audiences to read. It's also a good first paper to look at. It gives a good overview of Prospero and what it does. It also describes a bit about the Virtual System model, of which Prospero is a prototype implementation. Describes what Prospero does, not how it does it. Anonymous FTP: /pub/prospero/papers/ (POSTSCRIPT) @INPROCEEDINGS{gfsvsm, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford", TITLE = "The {P}rospero {F}ile {S}ystem: A Global File System based on the {V}irtual {S}ystem {M}odel", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Workshop on File Systems", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "May"} This is a good third paper to read about Prospero. This one is targeted more toward system implementors. It provides more implementation details than the paper on organizing Internet resources, but less of the vision of how Prospero can be used together with other systems. Prospero: /papers/subjects/operating-systems/prospero/ Anonymous FTP: /pub/papers/prospero/ (POSTSCRIPT) @INPROCEEDINGS{prosperosmlic, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford and Augart, Steven Seger and Upasani, Shantaprasad", TITLE = "Using Prospero to Support Integrated Location-Independent Computing", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Usenix Symposium on Mobile and Location-Independent Computing", YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "August"} This paper describes how the Prospero Directory Service can be used to solve the server selection problem and the user location problem. The paper will be presented in August at the Usenix Symposium on Mobile and Location-Independent Computing. Anonymous FTP: /pub/prospero/papers/UW-CS-89-01-07.PS.Z (POSTSCRIPT) @TECHREPORT{vsmldos, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford", TITLE = "The {V}irtual {S}ystem {M}odel for Large Distributed Operating Systems", INSTITUTION = "Department of Computer Science, University of Washington", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "89-01-07"} This describes the initial vision for the Virtual System Model, the model on which Prospero is based. Much of the material in this paper appears in greater detail in other papers. Anonymous FTP: /pub/prospero/papers/UW-CSE-90-05-01.PS.Z (POSTSCRIPT) @TECHREPORT{vsmtp, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford", TITLE = "The {V}irtual {S}ystem {M}odel: A Scalable Approach to Organizing Large Systems (A Thesis Proposal)", INSTITUTION = "Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "May", NUMBER = "90-05-01"} for a long time this was the best description of Prospero, but all the information in this document appears in more recent papers and the dissertation itself. Anonymous FTP: /pub/prospero/papers/ (POSTSCRIPT) @ARTICLE{nfclosure, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford", TITLE = "The Need for Closure in Large Distributed Systems", JOURNAL = "Operating Systems Review", MONTH = "October", YEAR = 1989, VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = "28--30"} This paper describes the reasons that operating systems need to support closure, that is they need to make it clear which name space is to be used when resolving names. While closure is one of the important features of Prospero, the concept should be applied in other operating systems too. Prospero: /papers/subjects/operating-systems/prospero/ Anonymous FTP: /pub/prospero/papers/ (POSTSCRIPT) @PHDTHESIS{phdneuman, AUTHOR = "Neuman, B. Clifford", TITLE = "The {V}irtual {S}ystem {M}odel: A Scalable Approach to Organizing Large Systems", SCHOOL = "University of Washington", MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1992, NOTE = "Department of Computer Science and Engineering Technical Report 92-06-04"} This is Clifford Neuman's Ph.D. Dissertation. It is currently the definitive work on Prospero and the Virtual System Model. Includes an obsolete version of the Prospero User's Manual and of the Prospero Protocol Specification. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: We provide three documented library interfaces to Prospero in order to make client writing easy. The PFS and PCOMPAT libraries are documented in the library reference manual. The PFS library allows one to directly make Prospero requests and parse the results and to manipulate Prospero objects as abstractions. The PCOMPAT library is an interface to the PFS library which uses the same interface as the UNIX filesystem; one can link many existing programs with the PCOMPAT library in order to get it to resolve names in the Prospero namespace. It is not as portable as the PFS library and does not provide as much functionality. The third library interface is the menu-browser API library. It is documented in the menu-based browser API manual and is used by our menu-based browser. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VERONICA Date template updated or checked: October 19, 1993 By: Name: Steven Foster Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: veronica Brief Description of Tool: veronica: Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives. veronica is the comprehensive title-index of the world's gopher servers. Because of veronica, the Gopher web is a search-and-retrieval system as well as a browsing system. veronica is popular because the ubiquitous Gopher client can both access the search server, and provide immediate access to the discovered resources. Taking advantage of Gopher's linked menus, and of the policy of open access at most gopher sites, veronica finds and indexes almost all items on publicly-accessible gopher servers. As of September, 1993, veronica holds indexes to more than 3300 gopher servers on approximately 2500 internet hosts. In September 1993 the public-access veronica sites served an estimated 500,000 queries. Most queries are resolved in less than ten seconds. Five server sites offer searches to the internet community, and several other institutions run servers for internal access. veronica is easily accessed via any Gopher client. It offers various types of searches, ranging from single-keyword searches to boolean queries of indefinite complexity. A veronica search originates with a user's request for a search, submitted from a gopher client. The searches may include boolean operators ( AND, OR, NOT, and parentheses ) and several options to control the number of items returned, and to restrict the search to certain gopher types. The result of a veronica search is a set of gopher-type data items, which is returned to the gopher client as a gopher menu. Each item on this menu contains the user's desired keyword or keywords in the item title. The user can access any of the gopher items by selecting from the returned menu. Items on this menu may be drawn from many gopher servers. Because veronica is accessed through gopher clients, it provides immediate access to all types of data supported by the gopher protocol and the client implementation. The veronica service comprises two functions: 1). Harvesting menu data from gopher servers, and preparing it for use; 2). Offering searches of that database to gopher clients. These two functions are not necessarily provided by the same host computer. Currently collection and preparation of data are done at University of Nevada, and datasets are distributed to the other veronica servers. The veronica service infrastructure has been fairly stable since July, 1993, with six server machines offering searches for the internet community. These servers are supported by the participating institutions: NYSERNET, PSI, SERRA, CNIDR, University of Koeln, and the University of Nevada System Computing Services. Several additional servers offer searches with access limited to internal users; in this class are servers at MSU, SUNET, and the Australian University system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: veronica development team Email address: Postal Address: VERONICA development team SCS Computer Center Building mailstop 270 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 89557-0023 Telephone: USA (702) 784-4292 or (702) 784-6557 Fax: USA (702) 784-1108 Name: Fred Barrie Email address: Postal Address: SCS Computer Center Building mailstop 270 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 89557-0023 Telephone: USA (702) 784-4292 or (702) 784-6557 Fax: USA (702) 784-1108 Name: Steven Foster Email address: Postal Address: SCS Computer Center Building mailstop 270 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 89557-0023 Telephone: USA (702) 784-4292 or (702) 784-6557 Fax: USA (702) 784-1108 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: Name: veronica development team Email address: Telephone: no telephone support available Level of support offered: all users Hours available: irregular response latencies to email queries, based on schedule of developers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: GOPHER, FACETS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: University and Community College System of Nevada Computer Services, and University of Nevada, Reno. Additional support has been provided by CNIDR, Pandora Systems, Inc., and Pacific Bell Co. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: Name: veronica discussion happens on comp.infosystems.gopher --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: Gopher protocol, Gopher+ protocol What it runs over: TCP Other NIR tools this interworks with: Gopher, WAIS, ftp Future plans: Implement extensions with Gopher+. Support for URN/URL standards. Per-site updates of indexes. Subject-area-specific indexes. Indexes for USENET news and LISTSERV articles. Automated server load-levelling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: October 19, 1993 By: Name: Steven Foster Email address: Platform: UNIX Primary Contact: Name: veronica development team Email address: Telephone: USA (702) 784-4292 or (702) 784-6557 Server software available from: Via ftp: veronica-code/ veronica-data/ veronica-data.tar.Z Location of more information: Via Gopher: veronica/ veronica-faq how-to-compose-veronica-queries Via Gopher: veronica veronica-faq how-to-compose-veronica-queries Via ftp: veronica-code/ veronica-docs/ Latest version number: 0.5 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Two modules: a data-collection module and a data-server module. 1. Data-collector runs on any Unix computer that does TCP and compiles perl. This has not been distributed yet. Data collection, data preparation, and indexing are being done at The harvester "walks" all advertised gopher servers, and any newly-discovered servers. Almost all redundant links are removed, leaving the ( hopefully ) canonical reference for each item. Indexes are built at Nevada, and the indexed dataset is distributed to server sites. 2. Server module. Servers run on unix computers and answer to gopher-type-7 requests. Boolean keyword logic is implemented. See file "how-to-compose-veronica-queries". Several options allow retrieval of items with specified gopher-types, retrieval of a file of links containing the search results, and override for the default limit on number of results returned, which is 200 items. Server software runs on most flavors of unix, requires dbm and perl, and requires about 700 MB of data on disk, with considerable /tmp space available. Server software is available to any site which wants to run a server. Server sites are encouraged to offer the service to the net at large. Approximate number of such servers in use: eleven. General comments: Basic veronica service has been fairly stable since July 1993. Indexing is quite efficient, and most queries are resolved in ten seconds or quicker. More than 500,000 queries were resolved in September, 1993. Though veronica is well-accepted at this level of service, we are undertaking significant upgrade efforts during Winter 93-94. We plan to index many of the Gopher+ attributes, install a Gopher+ query interface, and possibly provide increased interoperability with WWW-compliant clients. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: October 19, 1993 By: Name: Steven Foster Email address: Platform: veronica is accessed through any of the gopher clients. Primary Contact: As for gopher clients. Client software available from: As for gopher clients. Location of more information: Via Gopher:, port 70 1/Information About Gopher Future plans: veronica will interoperate with Gopher+ clients, allowing queries to be composed by ASK blocks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : Site name: UCCSN veronica server Access details: gopher to, port 70. Open "veronica" folder; choose one of the search types available. Site name: University of Minnesota Gopher server Access details: gopher to, port 70. Other Gopher and Information Servers Search Gopherspace with veronica. choose one of the search types available. Site name: NYSERNET veronica server Access details: gopher to, port 70. Open "Search the Internet" folder; choose one of veronica searches. Site name: SERRA veronica server Access details: gopher to, port 70. Open "University of Pisa - Services" folder; choose the veronica search. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: veronica FAQ: Common Questions and answers about veronica, a title search and retrieval system for use with the internet gopher. Location details: Via Gopher: Site:, port 70. veronica veronica FAQ Full file name: veronica-faq Site:, port 70. Other Gopher and Information services Search Gopherspace with veronica veronica FAQ Full file name: veronica-faq Site:, port 70. veronica veronica FAQ Full file name: veronica-faq Via anonymous ftp: Site: veronica-docs/veronica-faq Document Title: How to Compose veronica Search Queries. Location details: Via Gopher: Site:, port 70. veronica How to Compose veronica Search Queries. Full file name: how-to-query-veronica Site:, port 70. veronica How to Compose veronica Search Queries. Full file name: how-to-query-veronica Via anonymous ftp: Site: veronica-docs/how-to-query-veronica Document Title: About veronica. Location details: Via Gopher: Site:, port 70. veronica About veronica Full file name: veronica-about Site:, port 70. Other Gopher and Information services Search Gopherspace with veronica About veronica Full file name: veronica-about Site:, port 70. veronica About veronica Full file name: veronica-about --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [Editor's note: the next two sections are to be merged by WAIS Inc. and CNIDR] WAIS Date template updated or checked: 18th October, 1993 By: Name: Dia Cheney Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: WAIS Brief Description of Tool: WAIS - The Wide Area Information Servers system - is an electronic publishing software set which allows you to search out and retrieve multimedia information from databases anywhere in the world. This information can be drawn from data stored on your own desktop, in your organization mainframe or in a supercomputer on another continent. WAIS software includes user interfaces for most platforms, and server software that provides automatic indexing of databases. WAIS was developed by Thinking Machines Corporation of Cambridge, Massachusetts in collaboration with Apple Computer, Inc., Dow Jones & Company, and KPMG Peat Marwick. With over 100 databases and 5,000 users worldwide, WAIS is rapidly becoming a standard for information distribution within the Internet environment. Much of the software is currently available for free use. What does WAIS do? WAIS allows multimedia information to be stored anywhere on any platform. Using your interface of choice, WAIS enables you to find personal, corporate and public information. The information is accessible regardless of format: text, formatted documents, pictures, spreadsheets, graphics, sound, or video. WAIS recognizes natural language queries the search and retrieval of relevant information is made using your native language. To date, we have used English, French, Italian, and Latin! The most relevant documents, regardless of size, can be sent back to the server in their entirety to further refine your search (telling the server, "Find me more like this document.") Proven searches can be automatically repeated, monitoring and alerting you to new information as it becomes available. How does WAIS work? WAIS uses a single computer-to-computer protocol (NISO Z39.50). Each WAIS server reads your question and based on its words, searches the full text of the database for the most relevant documents, and ranks them using automatic word weighting. Servers need not fully understand your query; the retrieval process is based on a search method called relevance feedback. Thinking Machines provides an implementation of Z39.50 to help vendors develop interfaces and servers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Than Lee Email address: Postal Address: 1040 Noel Drive, Menlo Park CA 94025 (USA) Telephone: 415-617-0444 Fax: 415-327-6513 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: Name: George Brett Email address: Telephone: ? Level of support offered: all users of public domain tools Hours available: 9-5 EST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Z39.50 protocol group --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: NSF is funding the CNIDR (George Brett) DARPA is funding Thinking Machines --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Moderated, digested biweekly posting about WAIS and Electronic publishing subjects. Please submit interesting material. Archive: /pub/wais/mail-archives/wais-discussion/issue-* and wais-discussion-archive WAIS server --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Implementors forum on WAIS. This is for talking about nitty gritty details of protocols and implementations. Archive: /pub/wais/mail-archives/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: Name: comp.infosystems.wais Description: Variable quality information on WAIS. Archive: wais-talk-archive WAIS server --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: z39.50 What it runs over: The freeware runs over tcp/ip. Production versions have worked over x.25 and modems as well. Other NIR tools this interworks with: Gopher and WWW have been used as front ends to WAIS. Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Freeware Unix Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: Most Unix variations Primary Contact: Name: Jonathan Goldman Email address: Telephone: 415-329-9300 Server software available from: /pub/freeware/* via anonymous ftp Location of more information: Latest version number: 8-b5 Brief Scope and Characteristics: server and client code for WAIS. Approximate number of such servers in use: 70 with making 325 databases General comments: Give it a shot, but remember that it is freeware. ------------------ Servers: Connection Machine WAIS server Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: Connection Machine Model 2 Primary Contact: Name: Ottavia Bassetti Email address: Telephone: 617-234-1000 Server software available from: Thinking Machines Corp. 245 First Street Cambridge, MA 02145 Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: Software that runs on CM2 Connection Machines to make them into WAIS servers. Approximate number of such servers in use: 10 General comments: Requires CM2 super computer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: NeXT Primary Contact: Name: Paul Burchard Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/wais/feeware/ via anonymous FTP Location of more information: Latest version number: 1.9 Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: NeXT client and server Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 8th October, 1993 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: EIWAIS 1.52 Primary Contact: Name: Kevin Gourley Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/wais/freeware/ via anonymous FTP Location of more information: Latest version number: Version 1.52 Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: -------------------------- Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: telnet access (vt100) Primary Contact: Name: John Curran Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/wais/freeware/unix-src/ Location of more information: telnet to log in as wais. Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 1st October, 1993 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: MacWAIS 1.25 Primary Contact: Name: John Hardin Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/wais/feeware/ via anonymous FTP Location of more information: Latest version number: 1.25 Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: Mac Hypercard Primary Contact: Name: Francois Schiettecatte Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/wais/freeware/mac/HyperWais* Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: VMS Primary Contact: Name: Jim Fullton Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: DOS Primary Contact: Name: Jim Fullton Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: DOS (Clarkson packet driver and Erick Englke's WATT/TCP) Primary Contact: Name: Faeiz Hindi Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/tcpip/ Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: AVS Primary Contact: Name: Steve Thorpe Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: DATA/awais/* Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: ------------------ Date completed or updated: 18th November, 1992 By: Name: Brewster Kahle Email address: Platform: RS6000 Primary Contact: Name: Dennis Shiao Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: /pub/freeware/rs6000/ Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: client and server Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : List of sites which are willing to act as demonstration sites for this application. Site name: Access details: telnet login as wais. (this is the worst of all possible interfaces since it is just a dumb terminal interface) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: o current overview - "WAIS Server, WAIS Workstation, and WAIS Forwarder Technical Description", Release 1.0, July, 1993. Available via anonymous ftp: /pub/wais-inc-doc/ - "Interfaces for Distributed Systems of Information Servers", Brewster Kahle, Harry Morris, Jonathan Goldman (Thinking Machines Corporation), Thomas Erickson (Apple Computer), John Curran (NSF Network Service Center), March, 1992. (formally named "Interfaces for Wide Area Information Servers") Available via anonymous ftp: /pub/wais-inc-doc/ or WAIS server wais-discussion-archives.src o instructions to information providers See the documentation in the release: /pub/freeware/unix-src/ or the wais-docs.src WAIS server. o user manuals The Mac interface WAIStation has a user manual. The unix commands have man pages. o training materials - tutorials - canned demos - Macintosh demostration screen-movie: Steve Cisler of Apple put together a short screen-recorder movie for seeing some of what WAIStation does. Available via anonymous FTP: /pub/wais-docs/ - sample session (screen dumps) - "WAIStation, A User Interface for WAIS", February 1991, Thinking Machines technical report TMC-203. User interface documentation with screen shots. - videos Available in special circumstances. Contact --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: - "WAIS Bibliography", WAIS Inc, (last update) September 1993. Available via anonymous ftp: /pub/wais/wais-inc-doc/ or WAIS server wais-discussion-archive.src --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= freeWAIS Date template updated or checked: 3rd July, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: freeWAIS Brief Description of Tool: Many enhancements and fixes to the current wais-8-b5 release have been incorporated into freeWAIS 0.1. freeWAIS 0.n is designed to be the drop-in backwards compatibility module for an application currently in development, will include support for Z39.50-92. The current WAIS protocol extensions to Z39.50-88 are incompatible with Z39.50-92, but freeWAIS 0.1 will provide the necessary backwards compatibility so queries may be answered from either client set. Some features: Boolean searches (AND,OR,NOT) Stemming (optional - may be turned on/off at compile time) Better content in source structures - the top 20 or so words in a database are included in the .src file to improve location. Dual directory-of-servers registration - and to provide some redundancy. Literal and partial word searches Access control Thesaurus support for individual databases Better intermediate file merging Better document scoring A summary of fixes and enhancements may be found in ftp://ftp/ If you are interested in discussing wais, freeWAIS, or Z39.50, three discussion lists exist for these purposes: - Z39.50-88 compliant versions - Z39.50-92 compliant application (unnamed) z3950iw@nervm.bitnet - Z39.50 protocol Send standard subscription requests (subscribe listname Firstname Lastname) to: listname-request@site.domain as in --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: George Brett Email address: Postal Address: MCNC Center for Communications PO Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 Telephone: 919-549-1499 Fax: 919-549-1405 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: Name: freeWAIS Email address: Telephone: 919-549-1499 Level of support offered: bug reports only Hours available: 9-5 EST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Z39.50 protocol group (NISO - National Information Standards Organization) Integration of Internet Information Resources (IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: National Science Foundation MCNC Center for Communications --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Technical discussion of Z39.50-compliant wide area information systems applications developments. Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: not applicable Description: Mailing list for reporting bugs in freeWAIS Archive: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Moderated, digested biweekly posting about WAIS and Electronic publishing subjects. Please submit interesting material. Archive: /pub/wais/wais-discussion/issue-* and wais-discussion-archive WAIS server --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Implementors forum on WAIS. This is for talking about nitty gritty details of protocols and implementations. Archive: wais-talk-archive WAIS server --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: Name: comp.infosystems.wais Description: Variable quality information on WAIS. Archive: wais-talk-archive WAIS server --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: z39.50-1988 with extensions What it runs over: tcp/ip Other NIR tools this interworks with: WAIS 8-b5 Gopher and WWW have been used as front ends to WAIS freeWAIS required for WWW client direct access to WAIS servers. Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: freeWAIS Date completed or updated: 3rd June, 1992 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: Platform: Most Unix variations Primary Contact: Name: Jim Fullton Email address: Telephone: 919-248-9247 Server software available from: Tools/Software and Protocols/freeWAIS Location of more information: Latest version number: 0.1 Brief Scope and Characteristics: server and client code for freeWAIS. Approximate number of such servers in use: unknown General comments: freeWAIS 0.1 is basically WAIS 8-b5 with bells and whistles added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 3rd June, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: Platforms: DOS Macintosh NeXT Unix VMS Windows Windows NT x Primary Contact: Name: Kevin Gamiel Email address: Telephone: 919-248-1911 Client software available from: Archives/Browse All Sunsite Archives/ Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : List of sites which are willing to act as demonstration sites for this application. Site name: Access details: telnet login as wais. (this is the worst of all possible interfaces since it is just a dumb terminal interface) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: o current overview - "Wide Area Information Servers", (overview sheet) Brewster Kahle, Thinking Machines. Also in NSF Network News, Number 11, March 1992. One page overview of the Internet release of WAIS. Available via anonymous ftp: /pub/wais/wais-discussion/ or WAIS server wais-discussion-archive.src o instructions to information providers See the documentation in the release: /wais/wais-8-* or the wais-docs.src WAIS server. o user manuals The Mac interface WAIStation has a user manual. The unix commands have man pages. o training materials - tutorials - canned demos - Macintosh demostration screen-movie: Steve Cisler put together a short screen-recorder movie for seeing some of what WAIStation does. Available via anonymous FTP: /wais/ - sample session (screen dumps) - "WAIStation, A User Interface for WAIS", February 1991, Thinking Machines technical report TMC-203. User interface documentation with screen shots. Available via anonymous ftp: /pub/wais/doc/ or WAIS server wais-docs.src - videos Available in special circumstances. Contact - etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: - "WAIS Bibliography", Barbara Lincoln Brooks, Thinking Machines, October, 1992. (This list). Available via anonymous ftp: /pub/wais/wais-discussion/ or WAIS server wais-discussion-archive.src --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WHOIS Date template updated or checked: 23 March 1993 By: Name: Joan Gargano Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Whois Brief Description of Tool: As currently defined, NICNAME/WHOIS services is a TCP transaction based query/response server, running on a few specific central machines, that provides netwide directory service to internet users. Since the WHOIS service was defined in 1985, it has evolved into a distributed service. The DDN Network Information Center, maintains the central NICNAME database and server, providing online look-up of individuals, network organizations, DDN nodes, and other information of interest to those involved in management of the Internet. In addition, many sites now maintain local directory servers with information about individuals, departments and services at that specific site. Typically these directory servers are network accessible. Because these servers are local, there are now wide variations in the type of data stored, access, search schemes, and interface. In general, however, the whois servers provide ascii text responses to queries which conform to the RFC 954 specifications. A template and instructions for submitting information to the DDN directory can be retrieved via anonymous ftp in: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): The DDN Network Information Center Name: Hostmaster Email address: Postal Address: Government Systems, Inc. 14200 Park Meadow Dr., Suite 200 Chantilly, VA 22021 Telephone: (703)742-4777 Fax: (703)742-4811 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client): Name: Hostmaster Email address: Telephone: (703)742-4777 Level of support offered: o funded o all users Hours available: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: National Science Foundations --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: ietf-wnils-request Description: This mailing list is used by the IETF Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) working group which is defining enhancements to whois. Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: TCP/whois What it runs over: TCP/IP networks Other NIR tools this interworks with: Future plans: Enhancements through whois++ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 23 March 1993 By: Name: Joan Gargano Platform: Unix Primary Contact: DDN Network Information Center Name: Hostmaster Email address: Telephone: (703)742-4777 Server software available from: ----------------- Date completed or updated: 23 March 1993 By: Name: Joan Gargano Platform: 386BSD Unix Primary Contact: Univ. of California, Berkeley Name: Computer Science Research Group Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: ----------------- Date completed or updated: 23 March 1993 By: Name: Joan Gargano Platform: IBM RS6000 Primary Contact: Name: Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Clients are available from the sources listed for server software. VMS clients are available from TVG/Multinet Most TCP/IP networking packages for personal computers include a whois client. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : Site name: Access details: Using a whois client, whois -h "name" where "name" is the name of a person. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: RFC 954 Location details: Site: Full file name: rfc954.txt Document Title: Specifications for WHOIS Services Location details: Site: Full file name: /pub/IETF/WNILS/Discussion.Paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: RFC 954 Specifications for WHOIS Services, a working paper presented to the IETF Whois Birds of a Feather. Available via anonymous ftp and gopher to --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluation: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= World-Wide Web Date template updated or checked: 2nd July, 1993 By: Name: Tim Berners-Lee Email address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: World-Wide Web Brief Description of Tool: The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system. The project is based on the philosophy that much academic information should be easily available anywhere. It aims to allow information sharing within internationally dispersed teams, and the dissemination of information by support groups. Originally aimed at the High Energy Physics community, it has spread to other areas and attracted much interest in user support, resource discovery and collaborative work areas. It is currently the most advanced information system deployed on the Internet. READER VIEW The WWW world consists of documents, and links. Indexes are special documents which, rather than being read, may be searched. The result of such a search is another ("virtual") document containing links to the documents found. A simple protocol (" HTTP ") is used to allow a browser program to request a keyword search by a remote information server. The web contains documents in many formats. Those documents which are hypertext, (real or virtual) contain links to other documents, or places within documents. All documents, whether real, virtual or indexes, look similar to the reader and are contained within the same addressing scheme. To follow a link, a reader clicks with a mouse (or types in a number if he or she has no mouse). To search and index, a reader gives keywords (or other search criteria). These are the only operations necessary to access the entire world of data. INFORMATION PROVIDER VIEW The WWW browsers can access many existing data systems via existing protocols (FTP, NNTP) or via HTTP and a gateway. In this way, the critical mass of data is quickly exceeded, and the increasing use of the system by readers and information suppliers encourage each other. Providing information is as simple as running the W3 server and pointing it at an existing directory structure. The server automatically generates the a hypertext view of your files to guide the user around. To personalize it, you can write a few SGML hypertext files to give an even more friendly view. Also, any file available by anonymous FTP, or any internet newsgroup can be immediately linked into the web. The very small start-up effort is designed to allow small contributions. At the other end of the scale, large information providers may provide an HTTP server with full text or keyword indexing. This may allow access to a large existing database without changing the way that database is managed. Such gateways have already been made into Oracle(tm), WAIS, and Digital's VMS/Help systems, to name but a few. The WWW model gets over the frustrating incompatibilities of data format between suppliers and reader by allowing negotiation of format between a smart browser and a smart server. This should provide a basis for extension into multimedia, and allow those who share application standards to make full use of them across the web. This summary does not describe the many exciting possibilities opened up by the WWW project, such as efficient document caching. the reduction of redundant out-of-date copies, and the use of knowledge daemons. There is more information in the online project documentation, including some background on hypertext and many technical notes. GETTING STARTED You can try the simple line mode browser by telnetting to (no user or password. From UK JANET, use the Gateway ). You can try a full screen interface "Lynx" by telnetting to, login in as "www". You can also find out more about WWW in this way. These are the least sophisticated browsers -- remember that the window-oriented ones are much smarter! It is much more efficient to install a browser on your own machine, and you have many more facilities. If you have an X-windows based workstation, just FTP to FTP.NCSA.UIUC.EDU and get the binary of NCSA's "Mosaic" browser in directory /Web/xmosaic. Download it, uncompress it, set it executable, and run it. It will tell you all you need to know. If you have an MSDOS machine with Windows, get the "Cello" browser from FATTY.LAW.CORNELL.EDU. [Editor's note: Mosaic is now available for PCs and Apple Macs.] The line mode browser is currently available in source form by anonymous FTP from node [currently] if you take both files /pub/www/src/WWWLibrary_v.vv.tar.Z. /pub/www/src/WWWLineMode_v.vv.tar.Z. (v.vv is the version number - take the latest.) Also available is a hypertext editor for the NeXT (in /pub/www/bin/next), the MidasWWW and ViolaWWW browsers for X11, an alpha-test Mac browser, and and a basic server (/pub/www/src/WWWDaemon_v.vv.tar.Z). Documentation, including the latest list of software available , is readable using www. A plain text version of the installation instructions is included in the tar file! Printable (postscript) documentation and articles are in /pub/www/doc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Tim Berners-Lee Email address: Postal Address: CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Telephone: +41(22)767 3755 Fax: +41(22)767 7155 Name: Robert Cailliau Email address: Postal Address: CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Telephone: +41(22)767 5005 Fax: +41(22)767 7155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for www technical or political issues): Name: www support Email address: Telephone: none. Telnet: for information. Level of support offered: o funded for High-Energy Physics users o volunteer for others who have read the online information already. While CERN collaborates with all NIR and W3 development anywhere, CERN cannot provide user support for non-HEP end users. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: NIR, URL, IIIR ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisations / Funding source: NO FUNDING SOURCE Bodies providing developpment effort include HEP labs (CERN, CH; SLAC: CA, USA; FNAL, IL, USA, NIKHEF, NL; etc), National Center for SuperComputer Applications (NCSA, IL, USA) O'Reilly Associates, (ORA, CA, USA) Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR, NC,USA) Other sources welcomed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newsgroup: Name: comp.infosystems.www Description: General technical discussion, announcements of new software, information sources, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mailing Lists: 1. Address: for CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY Administration: (robot) (human) Description: Technical discussion, W3 related. Experts to experts. General questions to comp.infosystems.www, please. Archive: Not currently served, but kept. ------------------- 2. Address: NOT FOR GENERAL USE - serious low-volume announcements only Administration: (robot) (human) Description: Low volume summary announcemements of product releases, etc. Archive: Not currently public ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: HTTP FTP anonymous FTP Gopher NNTP WAIS (compile time option) Local mounted file access Telnet sessions Rlogin sessions What it runs over: TCP/IP DECnet option. Other NIR servers W3 clients interworks with: Techinfo, Hyper-G both via gatewaya. Built-in capability in clients for others above Archie access via WWW "WARCHIE" archie server with direct hypertext pointers to FTP sites. Future plans: Collaborative work features, Hypertext editors for information organisation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP Servers: Platform: unix, VMS, VM/XA, VM/CMS Primary Contact Server software available from: Location of more information: Latest version number: 2.07 Brief Scope and Characteristics: * Fast stateless file server runs over TCP/IP. * Suitable for rapind documentation navigation. * Multimedia server allows multiple file formats to be used. * File format selected for transmission based on client capabilities. * Logging Approximate number of such servers in use: 150 General comments: Some servers serve many databases. Many tools available for serving different sorts of information Gnu info teX SGML man pages etc as hypertext. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other servers: For more information use WWW to access Servers include: NCSA server A server for files, written in C, public domain. Runs on top of a gopher-style database just like "gopherd". NCSA recommend NCSA httpd, available at in /Mosaic/ncsa_httpd Perl server from Marc VanHeyningen at Indiana University. Written in perl . Plexus Tony Sander's version of Marc VH's. Authorization by IP address, etc Many fancy features. MacHTTPD Server for the Macintosh REXX for VM A server consisting of a small C program which passes control to a server written in REXX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail Server: Platform: unix Primary Contact Server software available from:*.tar.Z Location of more information: Latest version number: 1.0 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Mailing list subscription/unsubscription handling Return of documents given URL Restricts length of data returned. Allows access to ANY document by URL unless restrictions are imposed (FTP, news, etc, included). Quite generic. When hypertext messages are retrieved, the links are numbered like [1] and a list of URLs of referenced documents is appended to the document. Send message containing HELP for details. Approximate number of such servers in use: 1 (-3?) General comments Extends potential readership of W3 information to anyone with email, so an important step for universal readership. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: A full list of client software is kept in and is not repeated here, as the list is constantly changing. Around 14 different clients. Only the most basic and Mosaic are covered here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Editor's note: the following need to be merged better] Client: Line Mode Browser Date completed or updated: 29th October, 1992 By: Name: Tim Berners-Lee Email address: Platform: X (sun4, sgi, rs6000, decstation, etc) Primary Contact: By: Name: Tim Berners-Lee Email address: Client software available from: Location of more information: and linked documents Latest version number: 90730 Brief Scope and Characteristics: The LineMode Browser is suitable for use on dumb terminals, requiring no control sequences except for carriage return and line feed. It is also of course useable from terminal emulators in workstation windows. It can also be used as a text formatter, as part of a mail server, and as a general information retrieval tool. History list, Back/Next/Previous/Home navigation, ability to print or save documents (or pipe to shell commands on unix). General comments: Very stable product which has many uses apart from interactive use. Source release requires W3 library product. Public Domain. Future plans: Future enhancements to include tracing of many links. Curses full-screen operation not yet released. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : telnet or telnet (SWITZERLAND) telnet or telnet (USA [NJ]) telnet or telnet (ISRAEL) telnet or telnet (FINLAND) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: All the W3 documentation available is in the web. Some is also dumped off into postscript. Here are the URLs of entry points into the web for the subjects requested: ** To retrieve any document by URL, use WWW (www for example) or ** send mail containing the command "send " followed by the URl to ** o current overview o executive summary o instructions to information providers o Frequently Asked Questions o user manuals See under individual products.*.txt o training materials Illustrated talk on WWW including transparencies: see ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Client: NCSA MOSAIC for X [Editor's note; this ection to be integrated better here] Date completed or updated: 24th June, 1993 By: Name: Marc Andreessen Email address: Platform: X Window System (Unix) -- Sun, DEC, IBM, SGI, HP, others. Primary Contact: Name: Marc Andreessen Email address: Postal Address: National Center for Supercomputing Applications 605 E. Springfield Champaign, IL 61820 Telephone: 217 244 0765 Client software available from: in /Web/Mosaic. Location of more information: in /Web/mosaic, and online, within Mosaic. Latest version number: 1.1 Brief Scope and Characteristics: NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System is a client interface to a wide variety of networked information systems, including World Wide Web, Gopher, WAIS, FTP, Usenet News, Archie, Techinfo, X.500, Hytelnet, Telnet, NCSA Data Management Facility, CSO ph/qi and others. It offers a Motif-based point-and-click X interface with support for plaintext, formatted text, and embedded images; hyperlinks can also refer to images, video sequences, audio clips, PostScript files, etc. Mosaic also offers substantial interaction and collaboration facilities, including global history tracking, text and voice annotations, group/community-wide annotations, and more. General comments: 1.1 was released June '93 and is stable. 2.0 is targeted for release August '93. Future plans: Enhancement of the NCSA Mosaic environment to support advanced networked information systems and collaboration capabilities; development of clients on other architectures; research and development into intelligent agent-style user assistance mechanisms and novel navigation and representation strategies for dense, dynamic, distributed information spaces. (This is all dependent upon funding, of course.) Mac and Microsoft Windows 3.1 versions are expected to be released in fall of 1993. Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: National Center for Supercomputing Applications Protocols: What is supported: Natively, Mosaic talks HTTP, Gopher, FTP, NNTP, NCSA DTM, CSO ph/qi and directly to local filesystems. Through public gateways Mosaic talks to WAIS, Hytelnet, Archie, Techinfo, X.500, and others. What it runs over: TCP/IP Client software available from: in /Web/Mosaic. Location of more information: in /Web/mosaic, and online, within Mosaic. Latest version number: 1.1 General comments: 1.1 was released June '93 and is stable. 2.0 is targeted for release August '93. Future plans: As described above. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: (Mosaic) o current overview o instructions to information providers o Frequently Asked Questions o user manuals o training materials - tutorials - canned demos - sample session (screen dumps) - videos - etc. o miscellaneous documents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [General WWW bilbiography] Bibliography: o For latest list, see: Bibliography for the World Wide Web WORLD-WIDE WEB BIBLIOGRAPHY The following lists papers and articles anout the W3 initiative and related matters which you may want to pick up for background reading or quote as references. You can of course also quote any page you read with w3 by its document address. See also: W3 manuals available in printed form Papers INTRODUCTION TO W3 T.J. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J-F Groff, B. Pollermann, CERN, "World-Wide Web: The Information Universe", published in "Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy", Vol. 2 No 1, pp. 52-58 Spring 1992, Meckler Publishing, Westport, CT, USA. The global hypertext dream comes true in practice. Pick up the preprint in postscript form by anonymous FTP to, in /pub/www/doc/, filename CHEP92: SHORT OVERVIEW AND STATUS T.J. Berners-Lee and R. Cailliau, CERN, "The World-Wide Web", in proceedings of the conference "Computing in High Energy Physics", Annecy, France, 1992. To be published as a CERN yellow report. A short overview of the Web and in particular the software available at the time. Four pages, four figures. Preprint abailable in postscript form by anonymous FTP from as /pub/www/doc/ TECHNICAL OVERVIEW: PROTOCOLS AND DATA FORMATS. Berners-Lee, T.J, R. Cailliau and J.-F. Groff, The World-Wide Web, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 25 (1992) 454-459. Noth-Holland. Describes the W3 initiaitive, protocols and data formats, how people have made data available for the web. As presented at Joint European Networking Conference , Innsbruck, Austria, 1992. TECHNICAL OVERVIEW OF W3 FOR SYSTEM MANAGERS T.J. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J-F Groff, B. Pollermann, CERN, "World-Wide Web: An Information Infrastructure for High-Energy Phsyics", Presented at "Articicial Inteligence and Software Engineering for High Energy Physics" in La Londe, France, January 1992. Proceedings to be published by World Scientific, Singapore, ed. D Perret-Gallix. Aimed at system managers and software engineers. 9 pages. The W3 architecture diagram, a usage graph, and some examples of hypertext formats, etc. Pick up the preprint in postscript form by anonymous FTP to, in /pub/www/doc/, filename (Writenow , postscript ) Manuals These manuals on WWW products are available by anonymmous FTP from See the list of manuals. Universal Resource Locators etc URLS Universal Resource Locators is the IETF name for a WWW document address. URLs are defined in draft document discussed at Nov 92 IETF working group. Draft document available by anonymoud FTP from in /pub/ietf as or url3.txt (postscript or plain text). Supercedes the following paper: UDIS Naming and addressing discussed, UDI proposal. Produced for the March92 IETF. Also an OSI-DS draft. 14 pages. Pick it up in postscript form or plain ASCII by anonymous FTP from in /pub/www/doc as file or udi1.txt. (postscript, plain text , writenow ) W3, WAIS AND X500 Discussion of convergence, what W3 needs from the WAIS and x500 protocols. Also an OSI-DS draft. You can pick it up in postscript form by anonymous FTP from in /pub/www/doc as file Books THE WHOLE INTERNET t Krol, Ed, "The Whole INTERNET User's Guide and Catalog". Sebastopol CA, O'Reilly Associates, 1992. ISBN=1-56592-025-2. S A book all about using the internet, for professionals but not = necessarily computer professionals. Has a chapter on WWW specifically, and an appendix with a list of some resources available on the net. The bit about WWW was written in the early X stages and so may seem a little out dated. D Non-technical and magazine articles B ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING AND VISIONS OF HYPERTEXT - A forum article in "Physics World", Vol.5 No 6, June 1992, pp14-16. Institute Of Physics Publishing, Bristol, UK. N Tim Berners-Lee discusses the impact of global hypertext on B academic publishing. THE FRUITFUL, TANGLED TREES OF KNOWLEDGE "The Economist", June 20th-26th 1992, pp99-102. A four-page feature on the potential of computer networks, mentioning WAIS and WWW briefly. CONNECTIONS ARTICLE (TITLE?) Summary article on WWW 1992. ConneXions--The Interoperability Report, Interop Company, 480 San Antonio Road, Suite 100, Mountain View, CA 94040 SUNWORLD: "CAUGHT IN THE WEB" Article in January 1993 issue of "SunWorld", Page 67. Basic summary of W3. Scanned image . Spotted by Paul Kunz. TWA IN-FLIGHT MAGAZINE Article in May 1993 mentions W3 we are told... but we don't have a copy. Spotted by Judy Richards. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Article May 1993 ?? mentions the web. Spotted by Louise Addis. X.500 provides a set of mechanisms to allow distributed location of, maintenance of, and access to a large set of data. However, current servers force a heirarchical view on the location of the data, so it may not be suitable for all applications. Also, the X.500 directory is today unable to provide access to information at a rate which would allow 'real-time' applications (such as keeping routing information in the directory). Also, there is a great effort underway to reduce the startup costs of X.500 access by providing a lightweight X.500 access protocol for client-server applications. This work is detailed in the internet draft 'Lightweight Directory Access Protocol' by Yeong, Howes, and Hardcastle-Kille. This protocol is expected to make the cost of entry for a service provider much less that it has been. Information Types Supported: X.500 allows information to be served in an attribute:value paradigm, with related attributes grouped into 'objects'. Each entry in the directory can be described by multiple objects. Attributes can have values which are text strings, dereferenceable file names, or text- encoded photographs, and experimentation is underway to keep digitally encoded sounds in the directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: The PARADISE Project Email address: Name: The White Pages Pilot Project Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client): X.500 encompasses a great number of clients and as a distributed system does not have a central help line. Please see the Documentation section for pointers to servers, clients, and associated help lines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: IETF's OSI-DS (OSI Directory Services) IETF's IDS (Integrated Directory Services) OSI Implementor's Workshop's DS-SIG (Directory Services-SIG) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: Not Applicable --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Mail list for OSI-DS working group. Archive: Anonymous FTP, ------------------- Address: Administration: Description: Mail list for IDS working group. Archive: Anonymous FTP, ------------------- Address: Administration: Description: Mail list for OIW DS-SIG group --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: X.500 What it runs over: Applications run on full ISO stack down to transport over TCP/IP + RFC1006, CONS, CLNS, or X.25(80) Other NIR tools this interworks with: Gateways to Gopher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: A full list of servers and clients is available in FYI 11, RFC 1292, "A guide to available X.500 Implementations". See the Documentation section for the location of this document. However, the most widely deployed server is listed here for convenience. QUIPU Date completed or updated: 21 October, 1993 By: Name: Chris Weider E-Mail: Platform: BSD 4.2, 4.3; AT&T System V; SunOS; AIX Primary Contact: Name: Steve Hardcastle-Kille E-Mail: Telephone: +44-71-223-4062 Location of more information: RFC 1292 Latest Version Number: 8.0 (public domain) IC R1 (ISODE consortium version) Approximate number of such servers in use: 400 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: FYI 11, RFC 1292, "Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations", R. Lang, R. Wright. Location details: Available for anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: RFC-1292.txt Document Title: FYI 13, RFC 1308, "Executive Introduction to directory services using the X.500 protocol", C. Weider, J. K. Reynolds Location details: Available for anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: RFC-1308.txt Document Title: FYI 14, RFC 1309, "Technical Overview of Directory Services using the X.500 protocol", C. Weider, J. K. Reynolds, S. Heker. Location details: Available for anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: RFC-1309.txt Document Title: FYI 21, RFC 1491, "A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500", C. Weider, R. Wright. Location details: Available for anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: RFC-1491.txt Document Title: RFC 1487, "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol", W. Yeong, T. Howes, and S. Hardcastle-Kille Location details: Available for anonymous FTP from Site: Full file name: RFC-1487.txt These documents contain pointers to the rest of the literature. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. NIR Groups This section contains information about the various groups working in the area of networked information retrieval. The groups are listed alphabetically within their overall groupings (CNI, IETF, RARE, etc). See Section 3. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CNI Groups Date template updated or checked: 22nd March, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Sponsoring Organisation: Association of Research Libraries (ARL), CAUSE, and EDUCOM Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: Modernization of Scholarly Publishing Transformation of Scholarly Communication Directories and Resource Information Services Architectures and Standards Legislation, Code, Policies and Practices Access to Government Information Teaching and Learning Management and Professional and User Education Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: The Coalition for Networked Information was founded in March 1990 to help realize the promise of high performance networks and computers for the advancement of scholarship and the enrichment of intellectual productivity. The Coalition is a partnership of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), CAUSE, and EDUCOM. ARL is dedicated to equitable access to, and effective use of, recorded knowlege in support of teaching, research, scholarship, and community service, and CAUSE and EDUCOM are dedicated to different aspects of the introduction, use, and management of information technology and related resources in research and education in general and higher education in particular. The Coalition pursues its mission with the assistance of a task force that provides a common vehicle by which nearly 178 institutions and organizations are exploring a shared vision of how information management must change in the 1990s to meet the social and economic opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Members of the Coalition Task Force include, among others, higher education institutions, publishers, network service providers, computer hardware, software, and systems companies, library netowrks and organizations, and public and state libraries, a truly diverse collaboration of institutions and organizations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Paul Evan Peters Email address: Postal Address: Coalition for Networked Information 21 Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 USA Telephone: 202-296-5098 Fax: 202-unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details: Site: Directory: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Date template updated or checked: 22nd March, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Architectures and Standards Sponsoring Organisation: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Working subgroups Name of subgroup: Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: Program priorities are 1) to facilitate a consistent and complete mechanism for linking bibliographic, abstracting, and indexing files to files of their associated source materials; 2) a single standard for the transmission of bitmapped image files; 3) protocols for handing networked requests for delivery of source materials; 4) mechanisms for interorganizational authentication, accounting, and billing; and 5) to integrate lessons drawn from the experience of pilot projects that exercise networked printing utilities and 6) to provide an "interoperability workshop" to specify, implement, and test advanced functions of Z39.50 to accelerate the pace and to ensure the quality of standardization efforts in this area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Clifford Lynch Email address: calur@uccmvsa.bitnet Postal Address: Off. of the President Unv. of California 300 Lakeside Dr., 8th Flr. Oakland, CA 94612-3350 USA Telephone: 415-987-0522 Fax: 415-839-3573 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Date template updated or checked: 22nd March, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Directories and Resource Information Services Sponsoring Organisation: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: TopNode for Networked Information Resources, Services, and Tools Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: This group recognizes the need for open systems, standards, and, therefore, interoperable products and services based upon a distributed architecture of servers that draw upon a common or at least comparable set of data elements. It plans to create a (printed and networked) directory of directories and resource information services that provides qualitative (consumer) as well as descriptive information. The group supports the Library of Congress effort to enhance the MARC formats to account for the cataloging requirements of networked resources and services and the National Science Foundation effort to procure a new NSFNet Network Information Center. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: George Brett Email address: Postal Address: Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval Center for Communications at MCNC PO Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 USA Telephone: 919-248-1886 Fax: 919-248-1405 --------------------- Name: Peggy Seiden Email address: Postal Address: Scribner Library Skidmore College North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Telephone: 518-584-5000 ext. 2126 Fax: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: SUB cni-directories Lastname Firstname Archive:* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details Site: Directory: /CNI/forums/cni-directories/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Date template updated or checked: 22nd March, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: TopNode for Networked Information Resources, Services, and Tools Sponsoring Organisation: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Directories and Resource Information Services Program Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: (from ARL Newsletter #164 -- September 9, 1992) The Coalition's TopNode Project is creating a directory of directories, catalogs, and aids of networked information resources, services, and tools. The project is intended to facilitate the network navigational duties, responsibilities, and tasks of staff in libraries, computer centers, networking offices, and other similar operations. The primary product of the TopNode project will be a set of records describing these networked information resources, records that can be loaded into a wide range of database management systems. Based on their response to a Call for Statements of Interest and Experience, Indiana University and Merit Network, Inc. were chosen to lead the development effort on the Coalition TopNode project. Pete Percival, Manager, Academic Information Environment at Indiana University and Craig Summerhill, Coalition Systems Coordinator, have completed the design for the database structure which is being built on the Coalition's Internet fileserver using BRS/SEARCH. Based on earlier work of the leaders of the Directories and Resource Information Services Working Group, George Brett II of the University of North Carolina General Administration and Peggy Seiden of Skidmore College Library, Percival and Summerhill have developed a data structure that they believe to be both flexible and responsive to the needs of the many interested parties who have been consulted. Under the direction of Gary Charbonneau of the Indiana University Libraries, records are being created and prepared for loading. A thesaurus of added descriptor terms is being maintained. As of mid-August, close to 200 records had been verified and had received descriptive cataloging. When the database is complete, libraries will be alerted and encouraged to mount the TopNode records into their online catalogs. Records will be available from the Coalition. In addition, MERIT will use the TopNode database in an experiment to test the viability of the X.500 directory format standard for providing yellow pages-type services (e.g. with subject access). After its initial release, the database will be maintained by Indiana University libraries on the Coalition server; BRS has assisted in the development of procedures for online data entry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Pete Percival Email address: Postal Address: Indiana State University Telephone: Fax: ------------------ Name: Craig Summerhill Email address: Postal Address: Coalition for Networked Information 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 USA Telephone: 202-296-5098 Fax: 202-unknown ------------------ Name: Gary Charbonneau Email address: Postal Address: Indiana University Telephone: Fax: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details Site: Directory: /CNI/projects/topnode/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CNIDR Date template updated or checked: 8th July, 1993 By: Name: Jane Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval Sponsoring Organisation: National Science Foundation, Center for Communications at MCNC Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: Several user-friendly client-server software tools have been developed recently for locating and retrieving information published on computer platforms reachable over wide-area data communications networks like the Internet. Among them, freeWAIS (freely available wide-area information system), the Internet Gopher, archie, and the WorldWide Web (WWW) have become popular. freeWAIS, archie, and Gopher indicate where information of interest is likely to reside and then assist the user in locating specific information. WWW permits a user to thread a path through the network by selecting tagged hypertext items. While focused on the evolution of wide-area information retrieval systems, the Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) works closely with developers of other tools toward providing compatibility, consistency, and, to the extent possible, convergence of the tools. Specific activities are to provide a central focus and forum for networked information discovery and retrieval (NIDR) tools and to minimize the divergence of individual implementations by providing a repository for the collection, evaluation, and distribution of protocol-compliant releases and enhanced versions. CNIDR participates in standards and policy associations such as the Internet Engineering Task Force and the Coalition for Networked Information, with the goal of increasing consensus among developers and exploring appropriate uses of networked information. CNIDR also actively promotes the use of networked information discovery and retrieval tools at many national and international conferences to inform and educate implementors and end users. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: George Brett Email address: Postal Address: Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) Center for Communications at MCNC PO Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 USA Telephone: 919-248-1886 Fax: 919-248-1405 ------------------ Name: Jane Smith Email address: Postal Address: Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) Center for Communications at MCNC PO Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 USA Telephone: 919-248-9213 Fax: 919-248-1405 ------------------ Name: Jim Fullton Email address: Postal Address: Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) Center for Communications at MCNC PO Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 USA Telephone: 919-248-9247 Fax: 919-248-1405 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: none. Description: e-mail sent to this address will receive an automated response containing more information about current CNIDR activities. Archive: none --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: sub zip Lastname Firstname Description: Technical discussion of Z39.50-92 application development. Subscribers receive brief overview of project and information on how to access archives. Archive: gopher:// Tools/Discussion/Online Discussion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IETF Groups The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the protocol engineering, development and standardisation arm of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) : It has grown to be a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet protocol architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IDS Date template updated or checked: 21 October, 1993 By: Name: Chris Weider Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Integrated Directory Services (IDS) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Engineering Task Forces (IETF) Working subgroups: NONE Description of main group: The Integrated Directory Services Working Group (IDS) is chartered to facilitate the integration and interoperability of current and future directory services into a unified directory service. This work will unite directory services based on a heterogeneous set of directory services protocols (X.500, WHOIS++, etc.). In addition to specifying technical requirements for the integration, the IDS group will also contribute to the administrative and maintenance issues of directory service offerings by publishing guidelines on directory data integrity, maintenance, security, and privacy and legal issues for users and administrators of directories. Membership is open, and is not limited to IETF attendees. A full charter for this group is available for anonymous FTP from as ids-charter.txt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Chris Weider, Chair Email address: Postal Address: Pod G, Industrial Technology Institute 2901 Hubbard Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Telephone: (313) 747-2730 Fax: (313) 747-3185 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Archive: Anonymous FTP to, ids/archive --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details: Site: Directory: internet-drafts. All IDS documents start with either draft-ietf-disi or draft-ietf-ids. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Wright, Russ, and Ruth Lang, A catalog of available X.500 implementations, FYI 11, RFC 1292, November 1991 (currently under revision with estimated completion August 1993) Weider, Chris, and Russ Wright, A survey of advanced usages of X.500, Internet Draft, June 1993. Available as draft-ietf-ids-survey-01.txt from any Internet Draft server. Marine, A, X.500 Pilot Projects, June 1993. Available as draft-ietf-ids-pilots-00.txt from any Internet Draft server. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IIIR Date template updated or checked: 21 October, 1993 By: Name: Chris Weider Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IETF Groups The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the protocol engineering, development and standardisation arm of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB): It has grown to be a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet protocol architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Integration of Internet Information Resources (IIIR) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Engineering Task Forces (IETF) Working subgroups: None Description of main group: The IIIR group was chartered in September 1992 to facilitate interoperability between and integration of the various Internet information services (Archie, Gopher, WAIS, etc.), just as the IETF was founded to facilitate the integration of various LANs running different protocols. It will develop, specify, and align protocols to integrate the services into a single "virtually unified information service" (VUIS). Also, where necessary for interoperability, IIIR will create technical documentation for protocols used for information services in the internet. Membership is open, and is not limited to IETF attendees. A full charter for this group is available via anonymous FTP from as iiir-charter.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Chris Weider, Chair Email address: Postal Address: Pod G, Industrial Technology Institute 2901 Hubbard Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Telephone: (313) 747-2730 Fax: (313) 747-3185 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Archive: Anonymous FTP, iiir/archive --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Documents are available for anonymous FTP from any Internet Draft server, such as or All IIIR document file names start with the string 'draft-ietf-iiir-'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Weider, Chris, and Peter Deutsch, 'A vision of an integrated Internet information service', Internet Draft, March 1993. Available as draft-ietf-iiir-vision-00.txt from any Internet Draft server. Weider, Chris, 'Resource Transponders', Internet Draft, March 1993. Available as draft-ietf-iiir-transponder-00.txt from any Internet Draft server. Ankelesaria, et al, 'The Internet Gopher Protocol', RFC 1436, March 1993. Available from any RFC repository. Berners-Lee, Tim. 'Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)', Internet Draft, March 1993. Available as from any Internet Draft server. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: This is a new area, one with lots of interesting open problems and the potential to help shape the future of information services on the Internet. Even if you can't make the IETF meetings, you are strongly encouraged to join the group and contribute. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NIR Date template updated or checked: 28th October, 1993 By: Name: Jill Foster Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Networked Information Retrieval Working Group (NIR-WG) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RARE (Association of European Research Networks) Working subgroups: None Description of main group: There are many organizations and associations that have begun to focus on the proliferating resources and tools for networked information retrieval (NIR). The Networked Information Retrieval Group will be a cooperative effort of three major players in the field of NIR: IETF, RARE, and the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) specifically tasked to collect and disseminate information about the tools and to discuss and encourage cooperative development of current and future tools such such as the archie servers, the Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS), the Internet Gopher, and the WorldWide Web (WWW). The NIR Working Group intends to increase the useful base of information about networked information retrieval (NIR) tools, their developers, interested organizations, and other activities that relate to the production, dissemination, and support of NIR tools. Membership is open and is not limited to attendees of the quarterly IETF meetings; the mailing list is open to all. The NIR-WG charter is available via anonymous ftp from the various IETF repositories as nir-charter.txt. Goals: To disseminate information about NIR tools and those groups working on them. The information in the NIR Status report will be updated and new entries added as appropriate once per year. This report will be submitted as an RFC. Current work includes discussing the criteria for evaluating the major NIR tools available. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Jill Foster Email address: Postal Address: Computing Service University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU U.K. Telephone: +44 91 222 8250 Fax: +44 91 222 8765 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: George Brett Email address: Postal Address: Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval Center for Communications - MCNC PO Box 12889 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 U.S.A. Telephone: 919-248-1886 Fax: 919-248-1405 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Auto subscriptions to: "subscribe nir firstname lastname" Human admin to: Description: Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details Site: Directory: /pub/lists/nir/files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: This Working Group formed jointly in the User Services and Applications Areas of the Internet Engineering Task Force. The RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne) ISUS WG (Information Services and User Support Working Group) is represented by NIR-WG co-chair Jill Foster. NIR-WG information is also posted to the mailing list for the ISUS WG at "". CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) is represented by NIR-WG co-chair George Brett. More information about CNI may be obtained via anonymous ftp files from =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NISI Date template updated or checked: 13 October 1993 By: Name: April Marine Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group name: Network Information Services Infrastructure (NISI) Working Group Sponsoring Organisation: IETF Description of main group: The NISI Working Group will explore the requirements for common, shared Internet-wide network information services. The goal is to develop an understanding for what is required to implement an information services "infrastructure" for the Internet. Membership is open. Charter is online in the various IETF repositories as nisi-charter.txt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: April Marine Email address: Postal Address: Network Applications and Information Center NASA Ames Research Center M/S 204-14 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 USA Telephone: 415 604-0762 Fax: 415 604-0978 Name: Patricia G. Smith Email address: Postal Address: Merit Network, Inc 1075 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2112 Telephone: 313 936 3000 Fax: 313 747 3745 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: Internet-Drafts and FYI RFCs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: RFC 1302: Building a Network Information Services Infrastructure RFC 1355: Privacy and Accuracy Issues in Network Information Centre Databases =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OSI-DS Date template updated or checked: 21 October, 1993 By: Name: Chris Weider Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: OSI Directory Services (OSI-DS) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Engineering Task Forces (IETF) Working subgroups: NONE Description of main group: The OSI-DS group's mission is to enable building a global Directory Service based on X.500 and to facilitate its deployment on the Internet. The primary focus is on developing agreements and technical specifications needed to make this happen. The WG will not be directly concerned with piloting and service activities, but will liase with such activities. Membership is open, and is not limited to IETF attendees. A full charter for this group is available for anonymous FTP from as osids-charter.txt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Steve Hardcastle-Kille, Chair Email address: Postal Address: ISODE Consortium P.O. Box 505 SW11 1DX London England Telephone: +44-71-223-4062 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Archive: Anonymous FTP, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details: Site: Directory: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema, P. Barker, S. Kille, RFC-1274. Replication and Distributed Operations Extensions to Provide an Internet Directory Usign X.500, S. Hardcastle-Kille, RFC-1276 Requirements to provide an Internet Directory using X.500. S. Hardcastle- Kille, RFC-1275 A Strategic Plan for Deploying an Internet X.500 Directory Service, S. Hardcastle-Kille et al, RFC-1340 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= URI Date template updated or checked: 21 October, 1993 By: Name: Chris Weider Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Uniform Resource Identifiers (uri) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Engineering Task Forces (IETF) Working subgroups: NONE Description of main group: The Uniform Resource Identifiers Archives Working Group is chartered to define a set of standards for the encoding of system independent Resource Location and Identification information for the use of Internet information services. There are three classes of information being standardized in this group: 1) Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), which specify a standardized method for encoding location and access information to resources across multiple information systems, 2) Uniform Resource Names (URNs), which specify a standardized method for encoding a unique resource identifier for a given content, and 3) Uniform Resource Citations (URCs), which specify a standardized method for encoding information about a given instantiation of a content. The URLs allow an information service to give a user access and location information for a resource. The URN allows an information service to determine if the contents of two information resources are the same or not. The URC allows an information service to select which of a number of different encodings of a resource are appropriate for a given user's retrieval capabilities, and may contain such things as file size and compression techniques. Membership is open, and is not limited to IETF attendees. A full charter for this group is available for anonymous FTP from as uri-charter.txt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Jim Fullton, co-chair Email address: Postal Address: Center for Communications P.O. Box 12889 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709-2889 Telephone: (919) 248-1499 Fax: (919) 248-1405 Name: Alan Emtage, co-chair Email address: Postal Address: Bunyip Information Systems, Inc. 266 Blvd. Neptune Dorval QUEBEC H9S 2L4 CANADA Telephone: (514) 875-8611 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists:; Address: Administration: Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details: Site: Directory: internet-drafts. All documents will start with the string draft-ietf-uri. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: NONE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Berners-Lee, Tim, 'Uniform Resource Locators', Internet Draft, March 1993. Available as from any Internet Draft server. Weider, Chris and Peter Deutsch, 'Uniform Resource Names', Internet Draft, May 1993. Available as draft-ietf-uri-resource-names-00.txt from any Internet Draft server. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WNILS Date template updated or checked: 22nd March, 1993 By: Name: Jane D. Smith Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: This description is the current WNILS-WG charter. The Network Information Center (NIC) maintains the central NICNAME database and server, defined in RFC 954, providing online look-up of individuals, network organizations, key nodes, and other information of interest to those who use the Internet. Other distributed directory information servers and information retrieval tools have been developed and it is anticipated more will be created. Many sites now maintain local directory servers with information about individuals, departments and services at that specific site. Typically these directory servers are network accessible. Because these servers are local, there are now wide variations in the type of data stored, access methods, search schemes, and user interfaces. The purpose of the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) working group is to expand and define the standard for WHOIS services, to resolve issues associated with the variations in access and to promote a consistent and predictable service across the network. Goals and Milestones: Done Review and approve the charter making any changes deemed necessary. Examine the particular functional needs for expanded whois directory service. Begin work on a framework for recommendations. Assign writing assignments for first draft of document. Nov 92 Post the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Recommendations document as an Internet Draft. Dec 92 Submit the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Recommendations document to the IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group) as an Informational document. Dec 92 Post a revised WHOIS protocols specification as an Internet Draft. Dec 92 Submit the revised WHOIS protocol documents to the IESG as Draft Standards. 5/15/93 Submit the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Recommendations document to the IESG as an Informational document. 6/11/93 Submit the WHOIS++ protocol and index service documents to the IESG as an Internet Draft. 6/11/93 Submit the revised WHOIS++ protocol and index service documents to the IESG as Draft Standards. Membership is open to attendees of the quarterly IETF meetings; the mailing list is open to all. The WNILS-WG charter can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the Document Archive sites listed in the Networked Information Retrieval Working Group (WNILS-WG) template. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Joan Gargano Email address: Postal Address: Advanced Networked and Scientific Applications (ANSA) Information Technology University of California, Davis Davis, California 95616 U.S.A Telephone: (916)752-2591 Fax: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: subscribe ietf-wnils Firstname Lastname Description: Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details Gopher: 70 FTP: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: This Working Group formed jointly in the User Services and Applications Areas of the Internet Engineering Task Force. Applications Area Director Russ Hobby can be contacted via e-mail at "" and User Services Area Director Joyce Reynolds at "". =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IRTF-RD Date template updated or checked: 27 September 1993 By: Name: Mike Schwartz Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Internet Research Task Force Research Group on Resource Discovery and Directory Service (IRTF-RD) Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Society Working subgroups: None Description of main group: The IRTF-RD group is focused on problems of scale that will arise in resource discovery systems in the next 3-5 years. We divide these scaling problems into three dimensions: volume of information, size of the user base, and information diversity. Our goal is to explore techniques for dealing with these problems through a set of interrelated prototypes demonstrating advances in each of these dimensions. Briefly, our current approaches are: - deal with information diversity through a coordinated set of techniques to gather, transform, and manage entropy of data - deal with user scale through large scale replication - deal with information volume using a combination of views, space efficient indexing, and customization w.r.t. vocabulary, search methods, and personal user history We expect these approaches to evolve significantly over time. Membership is this group is closed. We will consider new members, with two constraints. First, the group must be kept small and focused to make substantive progress - at most 4 or 5 members seems appropriate at this time. Second, prospective members must be active resource discovery researchers, who will bring clear strengths to the group. Prospective members should send a vitae and a one page position paper describing what they propose to do to advance the group's efforts, addressed to the group chair. The group currently consists of: Mic Bowman (Pennsylvania State University) Peter Danzig (University of Southern California) Udi Manber (University of Arizona) Mike Schwartz (University of Colorado - Boulder; chair) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Mike Schwartz Email address: Postal Address: Department of Computer Science University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0430 Telephone: +1 303 492 3902 Fax: Declined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: The IRTF-RD group has no formal mailing list or archive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: The IRTF-RD group has no news groups. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: The IRTF-RD group has no document archive, although our paper(s) and prototype(s) will be available from the members' FTP archives (see below). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: Occasional updates in the Internet Monthly Report. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig and Michael F. Schwartz. Research Problems for Scalable Internet Resource Discovery. Technical Report CU-CS-643-93, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, March 1993. To appear, Proceedings of INET '93. Available by anonymous FTP from in the file pub/cs/techreports/schwartz/PostScript/ (compressed PostScript) or in the file pub/cs/techreports/schwartz/ASCII/RD.ResearchProblems.txt.Z (compressed ASCII). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Z39.50 Implementors Group Date template updated or checked: 15th October 1993 By: Name: Mark Needleman Email address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group name: Z39.50 Implementors Group Description of main group: The Z39.50 Implementors group (ZIG) is a volunteer organization consisting of representatives of most of the organizations in the United States and Canada that are actively engaged in implementing the Z39.50 protocol. This includes the United States Library of Congress, The National Library of Canada, the major bibliographic utilities, many library automation vendors, and other information service providers. The group is a volunteer effort whose meetings are open at no charge to all. The group meets about 3 times a year and conducts its activities extensively on its mailing list which is also open to any interested party. The group was originally formed to deal with interoperability issues among the Z39.50 implementations that were beginning to emerge in 1989 and 1990 but the group has since expanded its role and has now become the primary forum in which new features and versions of the Z39.50 are developed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Z39.50 Implementors Group Name: Mark Hinnebusch (Chair) Email address: (Internet) FCLMTH@NERVM (Bitnet) Postal address: Florida Center For Library Automation Suite 320 2002 NW 13th Street Gainesville, FL 32609 Telephone: (904) 392-9020 Fax: (904) 392-9185 (fax) ------------------------ Z39.50 Maintenance Agency Name: Ray Denenberg Email address: Postal address: Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office Collections Services Washington, DC 20540 Telephone: (202) 707-5795 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Z39.50 Implementors Group (ZIG) Address: (Internet) Z3950IW@NERVM (Bitnet) Administration/Subscriptions: (Internet) LISTSERV@NERVM (Bitnet) Archive: Anonymous FTP and/or Gopher: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation and References for the Z39.50 Protocol American National Standard Information Retrieval Application Service Definition and Protocol Specification for Open Systems Interconnection Version 2, National Information Standards Organization, July 1992 Mark Hinnebusch "A Primer on Z39.50 Parts 1-8", Academic and Library Computing Volume 9, Numbers 2-9, February-October 1992, Meckler Corporation, Westport CN. (ISSN 1055-4769) Mark Hinnebusch "The Z39.50 Explain Service", Campus Wide Information Systems, Volume 10, Number 1, January/February 1993, Meckler Corporation, Westport, CT. (ISSN 1065-0741) Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch. "THE LINKED SYSTEMS PROTOCOL AND THE FUTURE OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS," Information Technology and Libraries 6:2 (June 1987), pp. 83-88. Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch. "NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE LINKED SYSTEMS PROTOCOL FOR ONLINE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS," Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 8:3/4 (Spring 1988), pp. 15-33. Clifford Lynch. "INTERSYSTEM LINKING AND DISTRIBUTED DATABASE TECHNOLOGY: A COMPARISON OF TWO APPROACHES TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF NETWORK-BASED INFORMATION UTILITIES," Proceedings of the Fourth Integrated Online Library Systems Meeting, New York, New York, May 10-11, 1989. (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1989), pp. 107-112. Clifford A. Lynch "LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND THE NATIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK," EDUCOM Review (Fall 1989), pp. 21-28. Clifford A. Lynch. "ACCESS TECHNOLOGY FOR NETWORK INFORMATION RESOURCES," CAUSE/EFFECT (Summer 1990), pp. 15-20. Clifford A. Lynch; Cecilia M. Preston. "INTERNET ACCESS TO INFORMATION RESOURCES," Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) Volume 25. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990), pp. 264-312. Clifford A. Lynch. "THE CLIENT-SERVER MODEL IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL," Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems: The State of the Art Martin Dillon, ed. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1991); pp. 301-318. Clifford A. Lynch. "INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AS A NETWORK APPLICATION," Library Hi Tech 8:4, Issue 32 (1990), pp. 59-74. Clifford A. Lynch. "THE Z39.50 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL PROTOCOL: AN OVERVIEW AND STATUS REPORT," Computer Communications Review 21:1 (Sigcomm) (January 1991), pp. 58-70. Clifford A. Lynch. THE Z39.50 PROTOCOL: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Produced as a pamphlet by Data Research Associates (1991). Dennis Lynch "Z39.50 Extended Services" Campus Wide Information Systems Volume 10, Number 3 May/June 1993, Meckler Corporation, Westport, CT (ISSN 1065 0741) Mark H Needleman. "The Z39.50 Protocol: An Implementor's Perspective", Resource Sharing and Information Networks Volume 8 Number 1, 1992, The Haworth Press Inc, Binghamton, NY (ISSN 0737-7797) Kunze, John A. "Nonbibliographic Applications of Z39.50." The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 3, no. 5 (1992): 4-30. (Refereed Article.) To retrieve this article, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 or LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU: GET KUNZE PRV3N5 F=MAIL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: Brief Description of the Z39.50 Protocol Z39.50 is a US ANSI standard protocol for information retrieval. It uses a client server model that allows clients ( or origins in Z39.50 terminology) to search servers (targets in Z39.50 usage) and retrieve records from remote databases. The type and format of the data retrieved is not constrained by the protocol but is agreed to by the origin and the target. There is a mechanism that allows popular record syntax's to be registered and then referred to by well known identifiers. Z39.50 is an OSI application layer protocol; that is, it is designed to make use of the OSI presentation layer protocol. It may be used with or without the presentation protocol, and below that, it is irrelevant (to the Z39.50 protocol) what protocols are used. Most implementations of Z39.50 currently run directly over TCP/IP. User's view: Users (either human or electronic) run client software to connect with servers to retrieve information using the Z39.50 protocol. Many clients already exist at least in prototype version today and more are being written. Most of the major library automation vendors have announced that they will be supporting Z39.50 in either client or server mode or both. Many of the major information vendors either currently have or are working on implementations of Z39.50 for their systems. There are also a couple of Z39.50 implementations that are expected to be put in the public domain at some point. The recently announced FREEWAIS software incorporates Z39.50 Version 2 into it ( the older version used a variant of the 1988 version 1 protocol). The Library of Congress acts as the maintenance agency for Z39.50 and can be contacted for a list of registered Implementors. Z39.50 provides a protocol mechanism for accessing remote information sources. It defines the model for the interaction between two sides, a client and a server. It makes no assumptions or presumptions about how the data is actually organized in the server, nor about how the data is presented to the end user by the client. The model postulates one or more databases on the remote system that can be searched using attributes from defined search attribute sets, creating a result set. Records can be retrieved from the result set using agreed upon record formats. Information types supported: The Z39.50 protocol was designed as a general purpose search and retrieval mechanism that could be used with a wide variety of data types. The MARC format (a format used for cataloging library material among other things) and a search attribute set suitable for bibliographic and similar types of data are registered within the current version of the standard. It is assumed that, as the protocol begins to be used by other communities and for other types of data, other attribute sets and record syntax's will be developed. This process has already begun and a generic record syntax and attribute set are already under development, as well as some others, specifically those supporting chemical structures, general science and technology, and business information. The design philosophy behind Z39.50 is that it will be used with other standards such as Postscript, SGML, ODIF (and others), to communicate a wide variety of data types, including full text, images, and many others. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RARE Groups RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne) is the Association of European Networking Organizations and their users. RARE's aim is to overcome national boundaries in research networking by creating a harmonized computer communications infrastructure for the European research community. At this point in time RARE has over 40 members, most of which are national networking organizations providing networking services to their national research and education community. RARE's technical programme is carried out by volunteers working in a number of Working Groups. For further information on RARE contact: RARE Secretariat Singel 466-468 NL-1017 AW AMSTERDAM Telephone number +31 20 639 1131 Fax number +31 20 639 3289 E-mail address RFC8222 E-mail address X.400 C=nl; ADMD=400net; PRMD=surf; O=rare; S=raresec; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RARE ISUS Date template updated or checked: 28th October, 1993 By: Name: Jill Foster Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: RARE Information Services and User Support Working Group Sponsoring Organisation: RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne) Working subgroups (of relevance to nir): Name of subgroup: MMIS Task Force Mailinglist-Address: Name of subgroup: NIR Task Force Mailinglist-Address: Name of subgroup: UNITE Task Force Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: The Information Services and User Support (ISUS) Working Group has been established by the RARE Technical Committee as one of the major working groups in the RARE Technical Programme. ISUS is concerned with all aspects of networked information services, group communications and network user support. It is open to all those involved in working in these areas and should include: Network User Support Staff: National and European Support Staff (whether RARE, RIPE, EARN, Eunet etc) Site Computing Centre Support Staff Special subject related User Support Staff Library Staff Networked Information Providers Networked Information Service Providers Application Developers The ISUS WG mailing list will act both as a forum for discussion amongst experts in this field and as a means for disseminating information to the wider community. The ISUS Working Group has a very broad remit which is broken down into several sub-areas: Network User Support Asynchronous Group Communication Networked Information Retrieval and Services Liaison Current tasks being worked on in the are of NIR include: o Coordination of NIR services in Europe o Collection of information related to NIR tools and groups. This is a joint effort with the IETF and CNI. o Network Interface to everything (UNITE). This group is starting to look at the user requirements for a single interface to the network (network information services, email, bulletin boards, etc). ( o Multimedia Information Services task force (MMIS). This group is a joint task force of the RARE ISUS Working Group and RARE Interactive Multimedia Working Group ( charter: anonymous ftp from file: /pub/lists/wg-isus/files/isus.charter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Jill Foster Email address: Jill. Postal Address: Computing Service University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UK Telephone: +44 92 222 8250 Fax: +44 92 222 8765 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Auto subscriptions to: "subscribe wg-isus " Human admin to: Description: General purpose mailing list for whole ISUS WG. Archive: Not yet available --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details Site: Directory: /rare Location details Site: Directory: /pub/lists/wg-isus/files /pub/lists/nir/files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: RARE Technical Reports --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: RARE Technical Report 1: User Support and Information Services in the RARE Community - a Status Report. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: This group was formed in May 1992 and takes over and expands on the work of the former RARE WG3 USIS Subgroup. The group conducts most of its business by email, but meets twice a year before the European Networking Conferences. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= USMARC/OCLC Date template updated or checked: 26 October 1993 By: Name: Rebecca Guenther Email address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Working Group or Organisation: USMARC/OCLC Name of group: USMARC Advisory Group; OCLC Internet Resources Cataloging Experiment Sponsoring Organisations: OCLC, Library of Congress, USMARC Advisory Group Working subgroups: None Description of main group: OCLC and the Library of Congress have formed a working group to consider how libraries can create cataloging records for online information resources. The group initiated a cataloging experiment designed to test and verify the applicability of the cataloging rules and the USMARC format for computer files. Guidelines have been written for cataloging Internet resources and are being considered by the American Library Association committee responsible for maintaining the Anglo- American Cataloging Rules. Changes to the USMARC format were initiated to accommodate a subset of these materials (electronic data resources, such as software, electronic text, bibliographic and nonbibliographic databases). USMARC format changes which were approved included an identification of type of file and a field for location and access of the resource (very much like a URL). The group has continued its work by looking at how online systems and services can be accommodated in USMARC. This work will be done within the USMARC Advisory Group of the American Library Association, which considers changes to the USMARC formats. Data elements will be defined with mapping to MARC fields; in some cases new fields will be proposed. This will be accomplished in conjunction with efforts by other working groups. A proposal will be presented in February 1994 to the USMARC Advisory Group for such changes. Membership is closed at this point. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Rebecca Guenther Name: Rebecca Guenther Email address:; Postal address: Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540 Telephone: 202-707-5092 Fax: 202-707-6269 Name: Erik Jul Email address: Postal address: OCLC, Inc. 6565 Franz Rd. Dublin OH 43017-0702 Telephone: 614-764-4364 Fax: 614-764-2344 Name: Priscilla Caplan Email address: Postal Address: University of Chicago Library, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637 Telephone: 312-702-5079 Fax: 312-702-6623 Name: William W. Jones, Jr. Email Address: Postal Address: New York University/Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, Technical and Automated Services Division, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012 Telephone: 212-998-4070 Fax: 212-995-4070 Nancy Olson Email Address: Postal Address: Memorial Library, Mankato State University, Mankato, MN 56001 Telephone: 507-389-5062 Fax: 507-389-5488 Glenn Patton Email address: Postal address: OCLC, Inc. 6565 Franz Rd. Dublin OH 43017-0702 Telephone: 800-848-5878 FAX: 614-764-0155 Martin Dillon Email address: Postal address: OCLC, Inc. 6565 Franz Rd. Dublin OH 43017-0702 Telephone: 614-764-6079 FAX: 614-764-2344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Archives under USMARC listserv. Documents available: 93-4.doc (Proposal 93-4: Changes to the USMARC Bibliographic Format (Computer Files) to Accommodate Online Information Resources: Document) 93-4.cov (Proposal 93-4: Cover sheet with status information) dp69.doc (Discussion Paper No. 69: Accommodating Online Systems and Services within USMARC: Document) dp69.cov (Discussion Paper No. 69: Cover sheet with status information) Location details Site: Send email message with get usmarc 93-4.doc get usmarc 93-4.cov get usmarc dp69.doc get usmarc dp69.cov ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: "Assessing Information on the Internet: Toward Providing Library Services for Computer-Mediated Communication". Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, 1993. Available in print form from OCLC, Inc. for $20 or electronically from: /pub/internet_resources_project/report Filenames: *.ps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Discussion Paper No. 69: Accommodating Online Systems and Services in USMARC (Washington: Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Apr. 1993. Proposal 93-4: Changes to the USMARC Bibligraphic Format (Computer Files) to Accommodate Online Information Resources (Washington: Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Nov. 1992 (rev. Mar. 1993). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= APPENDIX A NIR TOOL Template (ver. 5.2) Purpose and scope: This template is to be used to collect the information necessary to identify and track the development of networked information retrieval tools. It is intended that the main part of this will be completed by the main individual responsible for the tool. Sections of the template may require completion by others. This information will be collected on a regular basis (at least every 3 to 6 months) and will form the basis of a "snapshot" report on the activities in the area of networked information retrieval (NIR). The NIR tools included are defined by enumeration. The IETF/RARE/CNI NIR-WG welcome suggestions for others to be included. NIR Tools: Alex archie freeWAIS gopher Hytelnet Netfind NCSA Mosaic for X Prospero Veronica WAIS (including freeWAIS) WHOIS World Wide Web (including Mosaic) X.500 White Pages Please complete this template and return it to (NIR-WG co-chair). Receipt of your message will be acknowledged. Please imbed descriptive text by at least one more column than the heading for that item: For example: Brief description of tool: This is the best application ever seen. It makes finding information very easy. This is the decription imbedded one more column. -------------------------x---- cut here ----x---------------------------- Date template updated or checked: (e.g. 02 November, 1992) By: Name: Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Brief Description of Tool: Note: This should be a maximum of 100 line description which should cover the following: - overview of use, purpose, scope and characteristics - user's view - information provider's view - information types supported (e.g. text, sound, etc) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): [Please duplicate this section for each separate contact] Name: [May be the name of a role e.g. nirtool-support or of an individual] Email address: Postal Address: Telephone: Fax: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client if available): Name: [May be the name of a role e.g. nirtool-support or of an individual] Email address: Telephone: Level of support offered: [delete as appropriate] o volunteer o funded o for experts only o all users Hours available: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: [Name only] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: [Name only] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: [Duplicate this section for each list] Address: [Email Address to send contributions] Administration: [-request etc.] Description: [This is optional - if the group has only one mailing list] Archive: [Location of message archive for this list] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: [Duplicate this section for each news group] Name: Description: [This is optional - if the group has only one news group] Archive: [Location of message archive for this news group] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: [e.g. Z39.50] What it runs over: Other NIR tools this interworks with: Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: [Duplicate the following for each platform e.g. Unix, VMS, VM/CMS,....] [The main contact for this NIR tool should complete at least "platform" and "contact" for each server known to them.] Date completed or updated: By: Name: Email address: [If different from that of the Primary contact listed below] Platform: Primary Contact: Name: Email address: Telephone: Server software available from: Location of more information: [Such as installation instructions copyright statements, warnings & bug reports etc. Eventually this will be the Unique Resource Identifiers of the documents] Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: Approximate number of such servers in use: General comments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: [Duplicate the following for each platform e.g. MS-DOS PC, MAC, vt100,...] [The main contact for this NIR tool should complete "platform" and "contact" for each server known to them.] Date completed or updated: By: Name: Email address: [If different from that of the Primary contact listed below] Platform: Primary Contact: Name: Email address: Telephone: Client software available from: Location of more information: [Such as installation instructions copyright statements, warnings & bug reports etc. Eventually this will be the Unique Resource Identifiers of the documents] Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: Future plans: Items included here could include - optional items to come. - plans for moving to international standards - plans for interoperating with other NIR tools - other functionality to be supported ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : List of sites which are willing to act as demonstration sites for this application. [Duplicate for each site] Site name: Access details: [e.g. telnet login as archie ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: The following is a list of suggested items to be found in a document archive. The NIR-WG may be able to help with the production of some of these if they are not available initially. Note that the location pointers below could be replaced in the future by the "Universal Resource Identifier"] o current overview o instructions to information providers o Frequently Asked Questions o user manuals o training materials - tutorials - canned demos - sample session (screen dumps) - videos - etc. o miscellaneous documents [Duplicate the following for each existing document as necessary] Document Title: Location details: Site: Full file name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: [A list of a maximum of 10 key papers, books etc on this NIR tool. Optionally a pointer to a fuller bibliography could be given.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: [Feel free to add other information that you feel is relevant. This will be considered for inclusion in the report.] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= APPENDIX B NIR Group Template (ver. 5.2) Purpose and scope: This template is to be used to collect the information necessary to identify and track major groups that are working to promote or develop networked information retrieval. It is intended that this will be completed by the group representative. This information will be collected on a regular basis (at least every 3 to 6 months) and will form the basis of a "snapshot" report on the activities in the area of networked information retrieval (NIR). The groups included are defined by enumeration. The IETF/RARE/CNI NIR-WG welcome suggestions for other groups to be included. [An appendix of brief descriptions of smaller groups in this field may be added at a later date]. Groups: CNI Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Architectures and Standards Directories and Resource Information Services TopNode for Networked Information Resources, Services, and Tools CNIDR Clearing House for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval IETF Integrated Directory Services (IDS) Integration of Internet Information Resources (IIIR) Networked Information Retrieval (NIR) joint IETF/RARE WG Network Information Services Infrastructure (NISI) OSI-Directory Service (OSI-DS) Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) IRTF Internet Research Task Force Research Group on Resource Discovery and Directory Service (IRTF-RD) NISO Z39.50 Implementors Group RARE Information Services and User Support Working Group (ISUS) USMARC/OCLC USMARC Advisory Group; OCLC Internet Resources Cataloging Experiment (USMARC/OCLC) Please complete this template for your group or organisation and return it to (NIR-WG co-chair). Receipt of your message will be acknowledged. Please imbed descriptive text by at least one more column than the heading for that item: For example: Description of main group: This is the most active NIR group. This is the decription imbedded one more column. -------------------------x---- cut here ----x---------------------------- Date template updated or checked: (e.g. 02 November, 1992) By: Name: Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Group Name: Sponsoring Organisation: Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: [Description of the scope and purpose of the group and the current tasks being worked on. (Recommended maximum of 100 lines.) Please indicate whether membership is open or closed. Include a pointer to an on-line charter if appropriate] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): [Please duplicate this section for each separate contact] Name: [May be the name of a role e.g. group-secretariat or of an individual] Email address: Postal Address: Telephone: Fax: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: [Duplicate this section for each list] Address: [Email Address to send contributions] Administration: [-request etc.] Description: [This is optional - if the group has only one mailing list] Archive: [Location of message archive for this list] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: [Duplicate this section for each news group] Name: Description: [This is optional - if the group has only one mailing list] Archive: [Location of message archive for this news group] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: [Duplicate if necessary] Location details: Site: Directory: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: [for example: Journal, Newsletter, Report Series] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: [A list of a maximum of 10 key papers, books etc produced by this group on their NIR work]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: [Feel free to add other information that you feel is relevant. This will be considered for inclusion in the report.] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= APPENDIX C /* A summary of email lists and newsgroups dealing with */ /* problems in resource discovery... */ /* */ /* email lists in IAFA format: */ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created-By: Peter Deutsch Email Address: Last Updated: July 20, 1993 Comments: Please send comments, corrections and additions to the author at the above address. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailinglist-Name: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet Anonymous FTP Archive working group (IAFA-WG) mailing list Address: Administration: Description: Discussion list for the IAFA Working Group concerning the administration of anonymous FTP archive sites. Keywords: IETF, IAFA, anonymous, FTP, archive, Internet, archie Archive: This working group came to completion during the IETF meeting in November, 1992 and two Internet drafts are are now circulating. The archive for this mailing list is currently available on "" via anonymous FTP in the file "pub/mailing-lists/iafa". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailinglist-Name: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) WG on Network Information Retrieval (NIR) Address: Administration: Auto subscriptions to: "subscribe nir firstname lastname" Human admin to: Description: This mailing list was formed after a BOF session at the San Diego IETF meeting in March, 1992. It is intended to act as a clearing-house for discussions of Networked Information retrieval and the active research projects in this field (eg WAIS, WWW, Gopher). Keywords: IETF, URIs, UDIs, URLs, UDLs, resource discovery, Internet, Gopher, WAIS, WWW, X.500, archie Archive: The archive for this mailing list is available via anonymous FTP from the host "" in the directory "pub/nir". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The following lists are devoted to specific NIR-related projects. */ /* Groups are encouraged to make such descriptions available for */ /* their lists. */ Mailinglist-Name: The archie People Mailing List Address: Administration: Description: The archie project uses a proactive data gathering model to construct up-to-date databases of information gathered from around the net. The current archie service tracks the contents of anonymous FTP archives, with additional databases planned for the coming months. Keywords: archie, anonymous FTP, resource discovery, Internet Archive: Currently none. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The following Usenet newsgroups discuss various issues in */ /* resource discovery or specific NIR projects. */ Newsgroup-Name: comp.archives.admin Mailinglist-Gate: Description: This group discusses problems in administering Internet archives. It has also been used as an informal source of announcements for project releases, a place for new-comers to ask questions, etc. Keywords: anonymous FTP, archives, Internet, archie Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroup-Name: comp.infosystems.wais Mailinglist-Gate: Description: This group was created to host discussions about the Wide Area Information Service (Server? would _somebody_ _please_ tell which it is?!!? - peterd :-) Also included are information and help with the public domain release available from Thinking Machine Corp. and setting up your own WAIS server. Keywords: WAIS, resource discovery, indexing, Internet Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroup-Name: alt.wais Mailinglist-Gate: Description: This alt. group was created to host discussions about the Wide Area Information Service. It has been superceeded by the group "comp.infosystems.wais" and its use is discouraged. Keywords: WAIS, resource discovery, indexing, Internet Archive: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroup-Name: comp.infosystems.www Mailinglist-Gate: Description: This group was created to host discussions about the World Wide Web distributed hypertext information services project based at CERN in Switzerland, including discussion of the many public domain implementations of WWW clients and servers available. Keywords: World Wide Web, campus-wide information systems, resource discovery, indexing, Internet Archive: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroup-Name: comp.infosystems.gopher Mailinglist-Gate: Description: This group was created to host discussions about the Gopher distributed information project, based at University of Minnesota, including discussion of the many public domain implementations of Gopher clients and servers available. It has been superceeded by the group "comp.infosystems.gopher" and its use is discouraged. Keywords: Gopher, campus-wide information systems, resource discovery, indexing, Internet Archive: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= APPENDIX D COMING ATTRACTIONS This section will be used to keep a note of NIR Tools which are considered by the NIR Group to be sufficiently well developed to include here, but that are not yet in widespread use. Items currently included here are: Hyper-G Soft Pages Whois++ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HYPER-G Date template updated or checked: 19th October, 1993 By: Name: Frank Kappe Email ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: Hyper-G Brief Description of Tool: Hyper-G is the name of an ambitious hypermedia project currently being developed as a joint effort by a number of institutes of the IIG (Institutes for Information-Processing Graz) and the Computing and Information Services Center of the Graz University of Technology and the Austrian Computer Society. Hyper-G is designed as a general-purpose, large-scale, multi-user, distributed hypermedia information system. As such, it combines concepts of hypermedia, information retrieval systems, documentation systems with aspects of communication and collaboration, and computer supported teaching and learning. It also provides seamless integration of other systems (e.g. World-Wide Web, Gopher, WAIS) that also operate under the client/server paradigm and allows remote logins to interactive services. In addition to hypertext links, Hyper-G allows navigation through hierarchies, queries (including full text), guided tours, and is multilingual. Hyper-G is currently operated at some 10 locations throughout the world, including a University Information System at the Graz Technical University. Clients and the server are available without fee for educational institutions, and are distributed as binaries for a number of platforms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Frank Kappe Email Postal Address:Schieszstattg. 4a, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA Telephone: ++43/316/832551-22 Fax:++43/316/824394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client): Sorry no help line -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: Austrian Ministry of Science European Space Agency -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: RPC What it runs over: TCP/IP Other NIR tools this interworks with: gopher, WAIS, World Wide Web Future plans: Too numerous to mention. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 12th October, 1993 By: Name: Gerald Pani Email address: Platform: UNIX Primary Contact: Name: Gerald Pani Email address: Telephone: ++43/316/832551-34 Server software available from: anon-ftp from, in directory pub/Hyper-G/Server Location of more information: see README in above directory Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: Approximate number of such servers in use: 13 General comments: Currently available as binary distribution for SUN, DEC, HP, and SGI workstations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: UNIX curses client (a.k.a. VT100 Client) Date completed or updated: 19th October, 1993 By: Name: Frank Kappe Email address: Platform: UNIX Primary Contact Name: Frank Kappe Email address: Telephone: ++43/316/832551-22 Client software available from: anonymous ftp: Location of more information: Latest version number: 1.41 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Fairly sophisticated terminal viewer with ~50 commands, multi-language user interface, history, authoring capabilities (text documents and links) and the ability to speak to gopher, World-Wide-Web, WAIS and to start telnet sessions. General comments: Future plans: The terminal viewer will probably remain rather stable in the future. Our main effort now goes into the development of clients for X-Windows and MS-Windows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MS-Windows Client Date completed or updated: 10th October, 1993 By: Name: Thomas Dietinger Email address: Platform: UNIX Primary Contact Name: Thomas DietingerFrank Kappe Email address: Telephone: ++43/316/832551-22 Client software available from: anonymous ftp: Location of more information: Latest version number: 1.37 Brief Scope and Characteristics: Preliminary version of a Hyper-G client for MS-Windows 3.1 and Windows NT. Currently mostly identical to the UNIX curses client. An exception is its ability to elegantly import and export RTF text files to/from Hyper-G, and its multimedia capabilities. General comments: Future plans: Will become more fancy (menus, icons, buttons...) in the near future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : List of sites which are willing to act as demonstration sites for this application. Site name: Access details: 'rlogin' or 'telnet', login 'info' (rlogin has the advantage that the terminal size of xterms is handled correctly (can even be changed in the middle of a session) Note: The same information is available through Gopher and WWW gateways. Gopher: host, port 70 WWW: URL= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: Most of the documentation is available on-line in the Graz server. The server distribution include man-pages of the additional authoring tools and utilities that are supplied wit the server. The ideas behind Hyper-G are described in a number of research papers (see Bibliography). Location details: Site: Full file name: look in directory /pub/Hyper-G/doc -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Kappe F.: Aspects of a Modern Multi-Media Information System. IIG Report 308, IIG, Graz University of Technology, Austria, June 1991. Available by anonymous ftp from Kappe F., Maurer H., Sherbakov N.: Hyper-G - A Universal Hypermedia System. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 39-66 (1993). Also available by anonymous ftp from Kappe F., Pani G., Schnabel F.: The Architecture of a Massively Distributed Hypermedia System. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 10-24; Meckler (Spring 1993) Kappe F., Maurer H.: Hyper-G: A Large Universal Hypermedia System and Some Spin-Offs; ACM Computer Graphics, experimental special online issue; available by anonymous ftp from in directory publications/May_93_online/Kappe.Maurer (May 1993) Kappe F.: Hyper-G: A Distributed Hypermedia System; Proc. INET '93, San Francisco, California, pp. DCC-1 - DCC-9 (Aug. 1993). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SOFT PAGES Date template updated or checked: 14th July, 1993 By: Name: Glenn Mansfield Email address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: SoftPages Brief Description of Tool: A tool to aid users in the efficient retrieval of documents, s/w, and the like from servers ( anonymous FTP, FTAM, .. ) connected to the network. In principle, it uses the X.500 Directory framework to store information about the network. This includes the network configuration, the properties of the links that connect the network elements, location of servers and their contents. When a user looks for a particular document or s/w the above information is used to search for the object starting from the server that is "nearest"(cheapest) to the user. - user's view A "single window" view of the public archives connected to the network. It locates the server that contains the sought object and is near(/cheap/fast) server. Query of files based on incomplete name is supported. The system also supports queries based on keywords. - information provider's view The information about the server contents have to be updated at a single place- namely, the local Directory Service Agent. The Directory Service Agent makes the information globally accessible. It is not necessary to carry out periodic updates on one or more information servers. - information types supported (e.g. text, sound, etc) Since the system supports query on name and keywords (not on contents) all kinds of information may be supported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Manager, SoftPages Project Email address: Postal Address: AIC Sytsems Lab. Minami Yoshinari 6-6-3 Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi 989-32, Japan Telephone: +81-22-279-3310 Fax: +81-22-279-3640 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line (for major center as well as each client) Name: SoftPages Project Support Group Email address: Telephone: +81-22-279-3310 Level of support offered: o volunteer o all users yes Hours available: Regular working hours --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: The SoftPages Project Working Group --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: The project is supported by: AIC Systems Lab., Sendai, Japan Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan The WIDE Project, Japan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Technical discussion related to representation of network information in the directory and its usage is carried out in this group. Archive: Not (yet) available via anonymous FTP. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: X.500 DAP What it runs over: LDAP over IP Other NIR tools this interworks with: Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Date completed or updated: 5th November, 1992 By: Name: Glenn Mansfield Email address: Platform: Unix Primary Contact: Name: Manager, SoftPages Project Email address: Telephone: +81-22-279-3310 Server software available from: Any standard X.500 package will do. We are using the QUIPU package that is included in the ISODE system Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: Approximate number of such servers in use: General comments: some new oids need to be assigned for SoftPages related objects. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Date completed or updated: 5th November, 1992 By: Name: Glenn Mansfield Email address: Platform: Unix. Primary Contact: Name: Manager, SoftPages Project Email address: Telephone: +81-22-279-3310 Client software available from: will be announced on the mailing list in the near future Location of more information: Latest version number: Brief Scope and Characteristics: General comments: The Prototype is under development and testing. It is not (yet) available for public use. Future plans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: README Location details: Site: Full file name:pub/spp/README --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: "The Soft Pages Project", Th. Johannsen, G.Mansfield, OSI-DS-39, February 1993. Location details: Site: Full file name:osi-ds/osi-ds-39-00.{txt, ps} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: "Optimized Document Retrieval - Soft Pages Project", Th. Johannsen, G.Mansfield, S.Noguchi, Booklet of Abstracts, The Network Services Conference '92, Pisa, November 1992. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WHOIS++ Date template updated or checked: 21 October, 1993 By: Name: Chris Weider Email address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIR Tool Name: whois++ and the whois++ index service Brief Description of Tool: whois++ and the whois++ index service are extensions of the WHOIS protocol. They are designed to a) subsume in a standardized fashion the many enhancements which have been added to individual WHOIS servers; b) extend the flexibility of WHOIS by enriching the query syntax, and c) provide a distributed indexing system to tie the various whois++ servers into a distributed information lookup service. The protocols describe two logically distinct types of servers that an information provider can set up. The first type is the base-level whois++ server. This contains primary information, such as entries for individual people or entries describing resources available locally. For example, if one wished to provide a campus directory through whois++, one would set up a base-level whois++ server that contained entries for each student. In addition, this base-level server must be able to generate 'forward knowledge' for the information it contains. The second type of server collects the 'forward knowledge' generated by a number of base-level servers, and can take a query sent to it and determine which of the base-level servers it indexes might contain information relevant for the query. A single physical server may contain both primary information and 'forward knowledge' for a number of other servers, and an index server can also index 'forward knowledge' for a number of other index servers, allowing a hierarchical mesh of index servers to be built. For more details on the information provider's point of view, see the 'Documentation' section of this template. The basic information model is centered on the concept of 'templates'. A template is a collection of attribute:value pairs, where the allowable attributes are specified by the template type. The whois++ templates are based on the templates defined by the IAFA working group of the IETF. The values associated with given attributes are not necessarily limited to text, they can be digitized sound clips, etc. Depending on the client she uses, the user will see a connection to the local whois++ base-level server. The user can ask the server for a list of templates supported by that server, and can then call up a blank version of the template so that she can fill in values for the attributes she knows. Once she has filled in the template as much as she wants, she issues a query to the server to find all the entries which have these attribute:value pairs. If she is not satisfied with the responses, she can then start traversing the index service to locate a server which can adequately answer her query. In addition, if a user makes frequent use of the index service, she can set 'bookmarks' which can be used later to directly contact servers she's found useful in the past, without having to traverse the index service again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Chris Weider Email address: Postal Address: Merit Network, Inc. Industrial Technology Institute, Pod G 2901 Hubbard, Ann Arbor Mi 48105 Telephone: (313) 747-2730 Fax: (313) 747-3185 Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Postal Address: Bunyip Information Systems, Inc. 266 Blvd. Neptune Dorval QUEBEC H9S 2L4 CANADA Telephone: (514) 875-8611 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Line: Not yet deployed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Working Groups: Whois Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Forces (IETF) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Archive: pub/archive/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: What is supported: WHOIS, whois++ What it runs over: TCP/IP Other NIR tools this interworks with: None yet. Future plans: Providing resource location services and URN/URL mappings for GOPHER, ARCHIE, WAIS, and WWW. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servers: Only beta versions available at this time (21 October, 1993). Please contact (Chris Weider) for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clients: Only beta versions available at this time (21 October, 1993). Please contact (Chris Weider) for more information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration sites : NONE at this time (21 October, 1993) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: Document Title: Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service Location details: Site: Full file name: /pub/IETF/WNILS/Architecture.Index.Service Document Title: Architecture of the WHOIS++ Service Location details: Site: Full file name: /pub/IETF/WNILS/Architecture.Overview Document Title: Specifications for WHOIS Services Location details: Site: Full file name: /pub/IETF/WNILS/Discussion.Paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: See the documentation section of this template. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: As this is a coming attraction, we encourage people to get in on the ground floor. The authors of this protocol see it as potentially being a key player in any integrated Internet information architecture, and we can always use more volunteers who want to beta-test code for us. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= APPENDIX E Extinct Critters (Tools) This section will contain information on Tools moved from the main body of the report as the Tool falls out of common usage. There are no items currently in this section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= APPENDIX F Extinct Critters (Groups) This section will be used as a historical record of groups which were once in the main body of the report, but which have since been closed. Items in this section: IAFA Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IAFA Date template updated or checked: 8th July 1993 By: Name: Peter Deutsch Email Address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailinglist-Name: Internet Anonymous File Archive Working Group Sponsoring Organisation: Working subgroups: none. Description of main group: This working group came to completion during the IETF meeting in November, 1992 and two Internet drafts are are now circulating. The archive for this mailing list is currently available on "" via anonymous ftp in the file "pub/mailing-lists/iafa". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Peter Deutsch Email address: Postal address: Bunyip Information Systems 266 Blvd Neptune Dorval, Quebec H9S 2L4 CANADA Telephone: (514) 398-3709 Fax: (514) 398-6876 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: Administration: Description: Discussion list for the IAFA Working Group concerning the administration of anonymous FTP archive sites. Keywords: IETF, IAFA, anonymous, FTP, archive, Internet, archie Archive: The archive for this mailing list is currently available on "" via anonymous FTP in the file "pub/mailing-lists/iafa". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details: Site: Directory: pub/mailing-lists/iafa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NIR Group Name: Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed Sponsoring Organisation: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Architectures and Standards Program Working subgroups: Name of subgroup: Mailinglist-Address: Description of main group: Program priorities are 1) to facilitate a consistent and complete mechanism for linking bibliographic, abstracting, and indexing files to files of their associated source materials; 2) a single standard for the transmission of bitmapped image files; 3) protocols for handing networked requests for delivery of source materials; 4) mechanisms for interorganizational authentication, accounting, and billing; and 5) to integrate lessons drawn from the experience of pilot projects that exercise networked printing utilities and 6) to provide an "interoperability workshop" to specify, implement, and test advanced functions of Z39.50 to accelerate the pace and to ensure the quality of standardization efforts in this area. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Contact(s): Name: Clifford Lynch Email address: calur@uccmvsa.bitnet Postal address: Off. of the President Unv. of California 300 Lakeside Dr., 8th Flr. Oakland, CA 94612-3350 USA Telephone: 415-987-0522 Fax: 415-839-3573 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Lists: Address: LISTSERV@NERVM.NERDC.UFL.EDU Administration: LISTSERV@NERVM.NERDC.UFL.EDU Description: Implementors' list for low level discussions of protocol details. Archive: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News groups: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Archive: Location details: Site: Directory: /CNI/projects/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Publications: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Foster Expires April 30 1994