SDR Working Group K. Varadhan INTERNET DRAFT USC September 13, 1993 Expiration Date: March 12, 1993 BGP SDRP_SPEAKERS Attribute Status of this Memo This document specifies an attribute to be added to BGP-4 to allow SDRP speakers in different domains to identify one another through BGP-4. This document is an Internet Draft, and can be found as draft-ietf- sdr-sdrp-speakers-00.txt in any standard internet drafts repository. Internet Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet Drafts. Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months. Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a ``working draft'' or ``work in progress.'' 1. Attribute Name and Code SDRP_SPEAKERS 8 2. Attribute Meanings The BGP attribute[3] SDRP_SPEAKERS is an optional, transitive attrribute. The attribute value is a tuple : d-i length is a 2-octet field, indicating the number of SDRP[1] speakers encoded in the d-i set. d-i set is a set of tuples : "domain identifier" is a 2-octet field; it indicates the AS number of the autonomous system containing the Expiration Date March 12 1993 [Page 1] INTERNET DRAFT September 93 SDRP speaker. "IP address" is a 4-octet field indicating the IP address of the SDRP speaker in the given domain. This attribute is defined for BGP-4. Throught the rest of this document, when referring to BGP, we always mean BGP-4, as defined in [3]. 3. Motivation for the Attribute The early prototype implementations of SDRP expect to use BGP/IDRP date to populate the D-FIB. The proposed attribute will allow SDRP speakers in different domains to identify one another. 4. Description of the Attribute Each BGP speaker in a domain, that has SDRP speakers configured in the domain, may add this attribute to routes that it generates. A BGP speaker that learns of a route containing this attribute MAY pass the attribute on unchanged to other adjacent BGP speaker. A BGP speaker that aggregates multiple routes into one MAY combine the 2 attributes into one SDRP_SPEAKERS attribute, and MAY advertise anything from the combined set. 5. Security Considerations Security Considerations are not discussed in this memo. 6. Author's Addresses Kannan Varadhan Dept. of Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Ca 90087. Expiration Date March 12 1993 [Page 2] INTERNET DRAFT September 93 References [1] Deborah Estrin, Daniel Zappala, Tony Li, and Yakov Rekhter. ``Source demand routing: Packet format and forwarding specification (version 1)''. Internet Draft, In Preparation, March 1993. [2] Vince Fuller, Tony Li, Jessica Yu, and Kannan Varadhan. ``Supernetting: an address assignment and aggregation strategy''. Internet Draft, In Preparation, July 1992. [3] Yakov Rekhter and Tony Li. ``A border gateway protocol 4 (BGP-4)''. Internet Draft, In Preparation, June 1992. Expiration Date March 12 1993 [Page 3]