Avance Logic AL2101 Graphics Accelerator The AL2101 is a VGA controller with a built in graphics coprocessor (COP). The AL2101 only works in AT and better systems as it uses 16 bit I/O addresses. AL2101 2Mb, 1280x1024x256c, 800x600x64k 3CEh index Dh (R/W): Fill Color bit 0-7 Used as fill color by Coprocessor. 3d4h index 1Eh (R/W): bit 0-1 Video memory. 0=256k, 1=512k, 2=1M, 3=2Mbytes. 6-7 Max Horizontal Frequency: 0=38kHz, 1=48kHz, 2=56kHz, 3=64kHz. 3d4h index 1Fh (R/W): bit 0-1 Emulation. 0=VGA, 1=EGA, 2=CGA,3=MDA 3D6h (R/W): Read Bank Register bit 0-4 Apparently the Read bank. (How to enable ?) 3D7h (R/W): Single/Write Bank Register bit 0-4 64k Bank number. 8286h (R/W): Start pixel low. bit 0-15 Lower 16 bits of the pixel number the operation starts at. 8288h (R/W): Start pixel high. bit 0-15 Upper 16 bits of the pixel number the operation starts at. Calculated as (line no)*(pixels per line)+(pixel no in line). 828Ah (R/W): Line width bit 0-15 Number of pixels in a line. 828Ch (R/W): Width of op. bit 0-15 Number of pixels the rectangle is wide (for rect fill). 828Eh (R/W): Height of op. bit 0-15 Number of lines in the rectangle (for rect fill). 829Ch (R/W): Start X coordinate bit 0-15 Starting X co-ordinate of the graphics instruction. 829Eh (R/W): Start Y coordinate bit 0-15 Starting Y coordinate of the graphics instruction. 82AAh (R/W): COP status/instruction bit 0-15 (R) When 0 the COP is free. (W) Graphics instruction: 1: Fill rectangle ID Avance Logic AL2101: if testinx2(base,$1f,$3b) and testinx2($3ce,13,15) then Avance Logic AL2101 !! Video modes: 20h T 132 25 16 21h T 132 30 16 22h T 132 43 16 23h T 132 60 16 24h T 80 30 16 25h T 80 43 16 26h T 80 60 16 27h G 960 720 16 planar 28h G 512 512 256 packed 29h G 640 400 256 packed 2Ah G 640 480 256 packed 2Bh G 800 600 16 planar 2Ch G 800 600 256 packed 2Dh G 768 1024 16 planar 2Eh G 768 1024 256 packed 2Fh G 1024 768 4 30h G 1024 768 16 planar 31h G 1024 768 256 packed 36h G 1280 1024 16 planar 37h G 1280 1024 256 packed 40h G 320 200 64k Sierra 16bit 41h G 512 512 64k Sierra 16bit 42h G 640 400 64k Sierra 16bit 43h G 640 480 64k Sierra 16bit 44h G 800 600 64k Sierra 16bit