Welcome to the November issue of the JCS Marketing, Inc. "Shareware Collection (tm)" CD-ROM. The following are new features in this issue: NEW PROGRAMS and AUTHORS We have 2715 programs from 1003 authors. This is over 1100 new programs added to the previous issue of May 1993. Many of the existing programs were updated. NEW/UPDATED/ORIGINAL Designations, and FILTERING: The ALPHA.TXT and CLASS.TXT files, available for printing, have a new code (N,U,O) for (N)EW/(U)PDATED/(O)RIGINAL. This code is also included in the program and text search selection screen described below. We did not capture early updates, especially during May and June, so some programs may not be noted as updated. We will accurately capture the designations for the next issue. TEXT SEARCH of PROGRAM NAME and DESCRIPTION, and FILTERING A new control screen is now active, and allows for User control of program selections, and of what will be displayed for the selection process. It is now possible to request a textual search of an index file, and to find a character match on program name and/or description. For example, the following might be selected if "EDIT" is entered as the text on which to search: 4Edit 1.11 Full screen editor for file descs N ApBasic 1.7 Basic Compiler w/Editor&Debugger O ARIS EDIT LITE General Purpose Text Editor N BassMap 1.2 Lake Editor for BassTour/Bass Cls O Blaster Master 5.8 .VOC Editor for SoundBlaster (pro U BOXER Text Editor 5.0b Power, Full Featured Text Editor O BREEZE 5.2 Word Processor/Text Editor U Byte Editor 1.2 Assembler-Oriented Byte Editor O CCM v1.0DOS Credit Cards Minder N CMEditor 3.16 Small, Fast Text Line Editor U Credit Card Checker 1.0 Verify CC Numbers on Order Entrys N Credit Card Master 1.0 Track Credit Cards & Payoff Info. O Credit Fix 1.7 Successfully Erase Bad Credit O Note that The "EDIT" search word might find a program name, such as "CMEditor", or a description, such as "Editor", or it may give you a surprise like selecting "CREDIT", such as in "Credit Fix". If desired, a "FILTER" may be set to allow selection of (N)ew, (U)pdates, (B)oth new and updates, or (A)ll programs, to assist searches for new/changed programs. Note, however, that when set to one of the above codes, the filter remains until changed or the program is restarted. COLOR CONTROL: In the opening screen for the JCSM program, a new option to change screen colors is available. Select "C" to begin the change procedure. If you have installed on your hard disk, the changes are permanent until changed again. If not, you must change the colors each time. LHArc (Version 2.13) USED AS THE COMPRESSION ENGINE: Our thanks to the Authors of LHA for making the program available for our use. LHA is a "freeware" copyrighted program used in terms as defined by Yoshi. FILE DIRECTORIES and TXT FILE SCREEN DISPLAYS WITHOUT EXTRACTING: Three new options are now available at the time that programs can be extracted: D - Do a directory of the LZH file selected. V - (V)iew a text file within the LZH file selected. P - (P)rint a text file within the LZH file selected to LPT1. Note that a short work file is created and deleted in the main directory of the "C" drive to support these features. TOTALLY REVISED DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: The programs are now arranged by classification, rather than by the original JCS Marketing internal naming structure. Probably not very important to individual users, but critical to BBS operators. See the file CLASSDIR.TXT for a directory list. BBS COMPATIBILITY: This disk is now BBS compatible, with the following included: - programs in directories by classification. - The LZH names relate to the program name. - FILES.BBS is included in each sub-directory. The date reflected is the JCSM processing date, not the Author's program effective date. FEATURES PLANNED FOR FUTURE RELEASES: - Mouse Support. - LOTS MORE PROGRAMS! IF you have a favorite which is not included, please send us the Author's name and address, and we will be happy to contact them for a copy and permission. As it is, we are receiving 150-200 programs per month. Let your favorite author know about us!