JCSM Shareware Description
Program: BLAKE STONE - 720

Program Description:

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (Disk 1/2)
In 1992 came Wolfenstein. NOW there's Blake
Stone: Aliens of Gold! A battle against a
madman who's hatched an army of doom, with
mutants, biodroids, demons--all genetically
designed for mass terror!  Blake v2.1 has an
even more impressive list of features than
the original release.  Rediscover it today!
Requires 386+, DOS 5+.  AdLib/SB supported.
Nearly two years to make by JAM Productions.
Author:Dennis Scarff
Apogee Software
P.O. Box 476389
Garland , TX 75047
Telephone:(214) 271-2268
Fax:(214) 278-4670
Home Page:http://www.apogee1.com

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