JCSM Shareware Description
Program: Italian Draughts

Program Description:

                             DAMA ITALIANA
            Copyright PC SOLUTIONS 1993, All rights reserved.

  You may be interested to learn that I have written a new program to 
play the Italian variant of draughts, called DAMA ITALIANA. Italian 
draughts is a game that is particularly interesting to affeciados of the 
English game, because it is so closely related. Indeed, when you look at 
the Italian literature on it, you will see references to the 'Old 
fourteenth', and other openings from the English game. Let us look at 
the rules, to see the differences.
  The game is played with an 'inverted' board - ie. with the single 
corner on the RIGHT BOTTOM of the board. The board is numbered from 1 in 
Black's right-hand single corner to 32 at White's single corner. White 
takes the first move in the game. These differences are of course purely 
technical, and English draughts readers will be interested to learn that 
DAMA ITALIANA offers the option to play with the English board layout 
and numbering. The other rules are :-
  Men are NEVER allowed to capture Kings - otherwise if you can jump, 
YOU MUST! When you have a choice of multiple jumps, you MUST take the 
option that captures the most. When you have a choice of jumping the 
same number of men with a King or Man, you MUST capture with the King. 
If a King has an option of taking an equal number different ways, he 
MUST capture kings in preference to men.
Author:Adrian Millett
PC Solutions
Dept XX
P.O. Box 954
BH7 6YJ Bournemouth ,

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