JCSM Shareware Description
Program: LIFE17

Program Description:

       LIFE-PIX, Copyright PC Solutions 1992.

  2D LIFE patterns are a novel way of generating graphical
patterns. You don't really need to understand the maths to use
it - just experiment with seed-values - however, for the brave (!),
here is an example:-
     0213011210230120...   Generation 1 (640 colour pixels..)
      36442443355433....   & then apply RULES (ie. 012301230123)
      32002003311033...    Generation 2
  The numbers above are displayed as coloured pixels, using the
standard EGA/VGA palette (offset with the Start Colour). The
computer generates 640 numbers between 0 & 3 for the 1st
generation. To generate each pixel in the next row, add together
the three immediatly above, and use that value to look-up a RULES
table (also randomly generated).
  The above example uses 4 colours (0 to 3) - this can be changed
by altering the # Colours parameter. The FX parameter also changes
the way the cells behave. If all this is confusing, just experiment
with different Random-Seed values. If you don't like a pattern, you
may hit ESC to abort it early, or RETURN to try another..
Author:Adrian Millett
PC Solutions
Dept XX
P.O. Box 954
BH7 6YJ Bournemouth ,

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