121_V22.ZIP CHAT and transfer files at the same time! 15_846B.ZIP Software Setup "Stop" Booklet for Sportster Modems. 16550U.ZIP 16550 A UART Control Program v1.0 to set UART parameters. 440RPT.ZIP A current list of active 440 Mhz UHF ham repe 550DOC.ZIP All the Info Needed on 16550 Uart and the Related Boards. 57600NEW.ZIP 96CDAGC1.ZIP 96cdagc1 List of Over 1830 BBS in Canada At 9600+. 96DB0992.ZIP 9600+ bps BBS List for 9/92. ABMDEMO.ZIP ABM vers. of HDLC communications protocol demo ACCULINK.ZIP An asynch outdial service ACE175.ZIP AceComm v1.75 communications program. ACE181A.ZIP AceComm version 1.81 Hi-Speed Modem communication program. ACE181B.ZIP AceComm version 1.81 Hi-Speed Modem communication program. ACSPG20.ZIP Send Text to Alpha Pagers, Emulates Motorola. ACU.ZIP Hayes text regarding new low cost modem line. ADDEXT40.ZIP External protocol manager for comm programs AIR80010.ZIP Search for airlines 1-800 numbers by name. ALAD161.ZIP Aladdin 1.61 Genie navigator ALAD162.ZIP Aladdin v1.62 front end for Genie ALAD163.ZIP New Version of Genie Info Service Aladdin Interface V1.63. ALAD170.ZIP The Genie Network Automated Front End Program. ALAIRQ10.ZIP Alad_IRQ v1.0: Let your GEnie Aladdin software use any IRQ. Alad_IRQ provides a shell for the Aladdin software that allows Aladdin to use non-standard IRQs, including IRQs 2-7, 9-12, 14 & 15. ALL_N_1.ZIP Phone dialer database. Very good. ALM101.ZIP Library Manager for Alladin(Genie auto mesg). AM11.ZIP AutoMate v1.1 Script tool. AMAIL210.ZIP AutoMAIL v2.10 Automated QWK/REP mail. ANALG131.ZIP Analog V1.31 is a Wonderful Commo Log Analyzer. ANSWERIN.ZIP Answering Machine Messages. APEX40.ZIP Apex V4.0 Message Processor for OLX and Qmpromail. ARCML312.ZIP More New Features Added to Arcmail 2.07! ASCTDD12.ZIP File and info to convert modem to TDD device. ASM_TERM.ZIP Simple interrupt-driven terminal w/src/A86asm ASYNC.ZIP Asynchronous communications routines ASYNC1.ZIP COMM driver [.ASM] ASYNC2.ZIP COMM driver [.ASM] AT2_13B.ZIP AT2 V1.3b Send AT Commands to Your Modem. ATCOMAND.ZIP AT Commands for HAYES compatible modems. ATCONVRT.ZIP AT Command conversion chart. Obtained from the Boca BBS. ATL_AREA.ZIP Scanner Freq. for Atlanta Area. ATMOD.ZIP A tine modem communication program. ATO68C.ZIP ATO v6.8C: communications program. ATOBR300.ZIP ATOBRO v3.00: allows you to view CIS forum. ATODOC.ZIP ATO v6.8C: communications program to automate ATOSUB21.ZIP Lists Contents of An Autosig File. ATOSUB23.ZIP SUBJECTS 2.3; Lists the contents of AUTOSIG incoming or saved message files, and show sections, subjects, senders, and userids in tabular format. The purpose of this is to get a quick birds-eye view (ie an index) of a file. With capture file and non-stop. Small, fast, and free. ATPLUS10.ZIP ATPlus v1.0; Send "AT" commands to your modem from the DOS command line. Accepts command line switches, or reads from its configuration file. Works with or w/out a FOSSIL driver and supports COM1 - COM4 including non-standard ports. Output can be redirected, or suppressed. ATPLUS11.ZIP At-plus V1.1 Send At Commands to Modem. ATSEND15.ZIP Sends "AT" commands to Hayes compt.form Dos. ATSEND18.ZIP AtSend 1.8: Sends modem AT commands in Batch ATTSYSOP.ZIP AT&T DataPort 14.4/Fax Modem Sysop Pricing Program. ATZ120.ZIP Utility: Send A Text String to Modem Via FOSSIL Interface. AUFONT.ZIP Auto Font Writer for Making Ascii Signs. AUTHOR22.ZIP List of MsDos shareware and PD authors with email addresses reachable on/from InterNet. AUTODL20.ZIP Auto Dialer v2.0, simple modem dialer AUTODL33.ZIP AUTODL Telix v3.1x scripts for protocol initiated transfers. AUTOSC10.ZIP Auto Script v1.0 TSR script player AUTOSIG.ZIP Automates CIS Ziffnet forums. B2C10.ZIP Allow Use of Bfx Fax/Data Front End with Wildcat! 3.X. BACKBON.ZIP How to Get An Echo on the Fido Backbone. BACKCOMM.ZIP Background Communications 1993. BACKFILE.ZIP Logfile Manager Renames Zips Files. BACKMAIL.ZIP TSR personal background file/message transfer BATSHELL.ZIP Batch Shell v1.00: tag files to upload w/GSZ. BBPOWERI.ZIP Power file transfer shell (Bytebrothers) BBS0492B.ZIP Thelist- IBM National BBS List For 04/15/92. BBS105.ZIP BBS 2.05 and Dial 2.13 from Microfox Company. BBS110.ZIP Easy to use Comm program to upload/download from BBS's. BBS120.ZIP BBS v1.20; Easy to use communications program for calling BBSs and uploading & downloading files. Protocols included are ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to file and will record the time and length of each call. BBS now allows a modem initialization string and all screen colors can be changed & saved. BBSCAN20.ZIP BBSCAN v2.0; Excellent offline filelist search utility for searching through BBS or CDROM filelists for a keyword or search string. The results of the search can be saved to a file for later use. BBSCAN features on-screen viewing of results and highlighting of keywords and now has the ability to do Logical AND, OR and NOT searches! BBSCOMM.ZIP The BBS 10+ Commandments!. BBSDB12.ZIP BBS Database Door (lister of boards). BBSEE22A.ZIP BBSee Powerful BBS Disk Catalog System (1-4). BBSEE22B.ZIP BBSee Powerful BBS Disk Catalog System (2-4). BBSEE22C.ZIP BBSee Powerful BBS Disk Catalog System (3-4). BBSEE22X.ZIP BBSee Powerful BBS Disk Catalog System (4-4). BBSGUIDE.ZIP A new user guide to BBS'ing. TriBBS system oriented but applicable to all BBS. General help and hints ref: messages, doors, logons etc. etc. BBSLAW.ZIP Electronic Communications Private Act. BBSMAX01.ZIP BBS's To The Max; If you want to know where to find the BBS that carries you favorite Games, Utilities, Windows Programs, or even On-Line games ect. Look No Further! This is the first in a new Monthly BBS listing. Here you may find out everything about the BBS that goes with the Number. I have not seen a more informative listing. Find out what is there before you call BCALCST3.ZIP Intellicomm(0.93) script for PCB time deposit BD.ZIP PC Mag util (V11N9-May 12,92) (TSR comm pgm) BDG100.ZIP Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet. Guide to the Internet for folks who have little or no experience with network communications. BGDIAL11.ZIP Background autodialer for MS-DOS BGFT301A.ZIP Background File Transfer (BGFT) v3.01. 1/2. BGFT301B.ZIP Background File Transfer (BGFT) v3.01. 2/2. BGFT302A.ZIP Use BackGround File Transfer in DOS. File 1 of 2. BGFT302B.ZIP Use BackGround File Transfer in DOS. File 2 of 2. BGFTS211.ZIP Background FIle Transfer v2.11 BGFTW211.ZIP Background File Transfer 211 add-on BGI12.ZIP "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a full-color, computer-based tutorial about the Internet. It is complete, covering email, ftp, telnet, gopher, Archie, Veronica, WAIS, WWW, USENET newsgroups, BITNET listservs, IRC and more. It is the only computer- based tutorial that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to do almost anything on the Internet. Perfect for Internet novices! BIMLOG10.ZIP Bimodem Log file analyzer. BIMOD125.ZIP BiModem 1.25 - bidirectional protocol w/chat BIMPRO31.ZIP Bimodem Pro (Pampa) V3.1. BIN2ASC1.ZIP Convert Any Binary File to A Text File. BKLA104.ZIP BinkleyTerm Log Analyzer v1.04 BLDLST11.ZIP Builds An Userlist from a Pip Message Area. BLTCAP15.ZIP BLTCAP V 1.5 Bulletin Capture Program for ICO BNP410.ZIP Bnp v4.10, Many Bug Fixes, Much Faster. BOCA14.ZIP Some Boca 14.4 Modem Setup Parameters. BOCA14FM.ZIP Optimum Boca 14400 Setup. Help Where Needed. BOCAHLP.ZIP A good selection of Boca.MDM and help files. BOXIT14.ZIP A Utility Program For Slmr Mail Reader. BREAKBOX.ZIP Software-based RS232 breakout box BREAKIN.ZIP Protect Your PC While Away. BRKBX140.ZIP BrkBox v1.40, RS-232 BreakOut Box; COM 1-4 BUG13.ZIP A 3K Complete com program. BYTECOMM.ZIP Background COMM pgm w/TC2.0 source (BYTE Mag.) C3FAXD.ZIP Clarion 3 Fax Library. C64TERM.ZIP Color Terminal prg for Logging on to a C64. C64TRM5B.ZIP C64TERM now supports NS16550 UART CALL3012.ZIP SpeedCall 30 ver 1.2 CALL4.ZIP Disable call-waiting. with BASIC source. CALLERID.ZIP Use Caller Id Service on Your Computer. CALLIT.ZIP Track call anyone using your modem. CARRIER.ZIP Program to detect CARRIER presence. CATBX16A.ZIP The Catalog Toolbox V1.6a. CBIP_KIT.ZIP Kit for obtaining bin.files- Intnet/Usenet. CCREDIR.ZIP Redirect Complete Communicator phone calls CCSP080.ZIP External file transfer protocol for Speedmodem CD_PAS.ZIP Carrier Detector v1.0 - Detect modem carriers; Support COM port 1-4; Generate ERRORLEVEL codes; Can be used in batch files; Pascal SOURCE CODE included; Batch file example included CHEAPSET.ZIP CHEAPSET v1.0; To allow those who have access to such over-the-air time standards like WWV, WWVH, CHU, etc...to accurately set their computer clocks by sight/ear rather than costly dialup programs. CHKAOL3.ZIP Track Time Spent On America On-line Or Other online services. CHKCD10.ZIP Check For Carrier on Specified Com Ports. CHKMODEM.ZIP Finds a modem & checks its status, w/source CIL23KIT.ZIP Add 23 External Protocols. CILINK20.ZIP Cedar Isl& Link v2.0 Terminal program. CILINK3D.ZIP Cedar Island Link v3.0d BBS-oriented modem pgm CILNK215.ZIP Cedar Island Link 2.15. Communications prog CILNK233.ZIP CI Link 2.33, unique terminal program CILNK252.ZIP Elegantly simple to use Mouse-Based COMM pgm. CIMOZ2AD.ZIP Cimoz2ad V1.0. Converts CIM 2.0 data. CIS0216.ZIP Compuserve Access #'S 2400/9600 As of 2/16/93. CISBILL.ZIP CISBILL v2.11; Off-Line CIS Billing Organizer-Organize captured CompuServe billing records. Will accumulate billing records for viewing and/or printing. One cum file for each of up to 4 years. You must capture your own billing files. The documentation describes the process. CISBL101.ZIP CISBill v1.01: organizes CompuServe billing. CKCD11.ZIP Check modem CD status from cmd line, w/TC src CKCOMI.ZIP Check Com Ports/IRQs. CKCOMIRQ.ZIP Ckcomirq v1.00: Diagnostic Software Utility. CLCOM200.ZIP ClickComm Communications v2.00; This is one of the best communications packages going. It has many built in protocols and emulations. Also provides a script mode and other extras. CMFDP500.ZIP CM-FD-PROT v5.00 CompuMed FD Protocol interface. CMODEM44.ZIP Cmodem v4.40, streaming file transfer protocol CMOTION1.ZIP Commotion 1.0 Fully Functional (Data) Copy. CMS204V2.ZIP Cms v2.04v2: Filetransfer Electronic Mail. COCOZEOS.ZIP Communications Package for Zeos BBS Users. COM1234.ZIP COM1234 Use all 4 com ports at same time. COM177A.ZIP OS/2 beta 6.177n comm (16550A UART support). COM2COM.ZIP Control your computer via modem COMBRAIN.ZIP Combrain Relay Mail Modem Program. Provides. COMBT102.ZIP Send/receive strings from com port. COMCAL30.ZIP COM-CAL v3.0. Calls a selected when called. COMCALL1.ZIP Monitors phone line in your absence. COMM.C COMM driver [.C] COMM.DOC Doc for COMM.C COMM0914.ZIP COMM0914 contains support files for COMMO551. It contains popular San Diego BBSs, Autologon and Protocol macros. COMMIX.ZIP Shareware PC networking system COMMLINK.ZIP New and Powerful Communications Program. COMPR312.ZIP Compress Almost Any Log Format by of Days. COMPRT25.ZIP COMPORT V2.5 Manipulate and Display COM and LPT Port Info COMSET9.ZIP Test/initialize/reset modem and serial port COMST11.ZIP Comset V11.0. Setup/Test Modems/Uarts. COMSYS.ZIP COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS dated 10-13-93 for OS/2 2.1. COMTAP21.ZIP Comtap v2.1. Serial Communications. COMTUTOR.ZIP COM_AND.ZIP Com-and Release 10. Dialing Directory, Macros. COM_PKG1.ZIP COMM drivers (source only) COM_PKG2.ZIP COMM drivers (source only) COM_PKG3.ZIP COMM drivers (source only) CONEX61.ZIP Term emulator: works over DECNET/TCP/COM1-4 CONEX61D.ZIP Freeware Terminal Program From Germany. CONEX62D.ZIP Terminal program works over com,PC/TCP,BW/TCP CONLOG10.ZIP CONLOG v 1.0 - The Log Analyser; CONLOG is a communication log file analysis utility for users and Sysops alike. CONLOG features support for: Qmodem Pro 1.xx Qmodem 4.5x Terminate 0.xx Robocomm 4.xx Telix 3.xx Log printing is supported from the program, as is sorting etc. COS150.ZIP COSWORTH the FREE communications software. COURSE.ZIP Listing of Courses. CPADR101.ZIP The Cyber Punk's Address Book v1.01; Keep track of those hard to remember network mail addresses with this e-mail information manager. Includes autosave, delete/undelete, and printing functions. You'll never loose track of an important "Cyber Punk" again! CSCOM.ZIP CSCOM: comm program for calling CompuServe CSORT100.ZIP C-Sort 1.00 Sorts Communique dialin directories. CSPSETUP.ZIP CompuCom setup strings; d/l from CompuCom BBS CS_MAC.ZIP Seybolt'S {Commo} Macro; Offline Mail Reader Macro For {Commo}X. Handles Most Popular Mail Readers. Has Many Advanced Features. Can Be Easily Modified. CTSSPU12.ZIP CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v1.2: Fix comm problems. Detect multiple com ports at one address, IRQ used, ports that can't generate IRQs, and conflicts between com ports, mice & modems. Supports non-standard com ports. Reports port settings, writes to log file. Set port parameters; reset any port to default condition. CUPD112.ZIP In order to use these files, you MUST have a working copy of CMPQwk 1.1 or later ALREADY installed. You CANNOT uses these files with a version 1.0 install. CU_100.ZIP Communique Term Program. Supports IEMSI CU_100G.ZIP Communique v1.00 gamma communications program CU_101.ZIP Communique v1.01 communications terminal. CU_111.ZIP CU Version 1.11. CU_200.ZIP Communique 2.00. Use Learn Terminal. DATTRF.ZIP The DPD. DB9_DB25.ZIP Wiring info: DB9 to DB25 serial connector DCEX90.ZIP Digicom Exchange 1990. DCEX91.ZIP Digicom Exchange 1991. DCEX92.ZIP Digicom Exchange 1992. DEC92WIZ.ZIP December Wizard Codes for Satellite Dishes. DELUXE2.ZIP DEMON25.ZIP Optimize USR V32/HST/DS 14.4 modem throughput DEMONHST.ZIP Demon HST v2.16. Auto-configure HST modems. DEPTY304.ZIP Communication program with MNP5 support DESCRP22.ZIP Steal file descriptions from PCBoards DGU12.ZIP Telix script. Filetaging from disc and BBS. Loggin support etc. DIALCOMM.ZIP Freeware Communications Program. DIALM50.ZIP A phone auto dialing program. DIALM70.ZIP DIALM v7.0; Telephone dialing program, you can dial the phone, automatically re-dial busy numbers, and keep a log of calls made. DIALOG21.ZIP DiaLog 2.11; Phone dialer, logger, stopwatch, spec touch tone svc, 2 addr bks, print envelopes, create help files. Calculator, alarm clock, editor, screen saver. Use 1-800-Egg-Head, redial on busy, Tone or Pulse, change Sys time. Usable with or w/o modem. Logs Date, Time, Name, Number, Minutes, Job Code, City, State and more DIALT1.ZIP Reads phone numbers from screen and dials them DIALTONE.ZIP Touchtone (DTMF) dialer for the HP95LX. DIAL_23.ZIP THE DIALER v2.30; Feature packed telephone autodialer. Its features include a call timer, a notepad, a log that saves the name, time, date, and your notes, easy to use macros, the capacity for an unlimited amount of names and numbers, quick search and find, effortlessly dials long number sequences that makes even credit card calls a breeze, and much more. DIGDR409.ZIP Digiboards Intelligent Driver for Pc/Xeseries from Intel. DIRCOP36.ZIP DIRCOPY. Copy dialing dirs between Comm Progs DL400.ZIP Upgrade for Intel Satisfaxtion 400 ModEM ONLY. DLC_247.ZIP Download Counter v2.47 Max/Binkley. DLITE201.ZIP New Version of Dlite an Online Delphi Term Program. DLM120.ZIP Data Line Monitor. Makes PC a DATASCOPE DLOS2.ZIP DLOS2 allows OS/2 users of DSI Connection 96+ SoftModems to DL_RS_20.ZIP DataLink! v2.0; RoboComm scripts Use for TBBS/QSO boards. Fully supports mail, upload and download files, free files list, search for files, download weather maps, etc. This ZIP file includes DIR4ROB2.ZIP which is required by the scripts. DM_100.ZIP Delmail v1.00 Deletes Old Mail. DM_V100.ZIP Deletes 'Missing' File Entries from Files.bbs DNLD400.ZIP Bug fix for Intel Satisfaxtion/400's eprom. DPDQ24.ZIP DIAL-PDQ v2.4: Maintain telephone directory. DRTRK107.ZIP Doortracking Program, Builds Bulletins. DRWY222.ZIP DSMODFIL.ZIP Updated MODEMS.DAT for Procomm, Along with PCinstall. DSZ0503.ZIP DSZ1109.ZIP DSZ1129.ZIP Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem - .COM Version DSZ1129X.ZIP Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem - .EXE Version DTMF.ZIP Sound Blaster Dtmf (Touch Tone) Decoder. DUATSCR.ZIP DWIV421.ZIP Wwiv v4.21 Bulletin Board System, Popular BBS DWNCLEAN.ZIP Clean up your d/l directory based on CATDISK. DXV2M.ZIP Graphical invite to call Data Express BBS. ED45.ZIP EasyDial v4.5; Dials your phone with a modem quickly and easily. Quick to master! Log time calls, make credit card calls, ingonre area codes. Great for call-forwarding.