TURBOMIDI PROGRAMMING Introducing TurboMidi 1.0! Have you ever wanted to create an application that turned your pitch bend wheel into a mod wheel? Have you ever wanted a librarian that could store the latest patch that you made on your MIDI instrument? Now you can do this and also create MIDI effects, editors and sequencers. TurboMidi was created to help you, the programmer, make MIDI applications. TurboMidi can help you create everything from simple midi mapping to an 8 track sequencer that you can use in your applications. TurboMidi consists of several Turbo Pascal Units (TPU) that you simply "use" in your application to give it MIDI "hooks." TPU's are provided for Turbo Pascal 4.0 and 5.0. What do the units contain? Simply everything needed to get you started in the world of MIDI programming! TurboMidi has many routines for MIDI control, the main routines are listed here. Lowlevel MPU Operations These routines let you communicate to the MPU in "smart" mode. PutData() Send a byte of data to the MPU. GetData() Get a byte of data from the MPU FlushData() Clear the MPU's internal data buffers. ResetMpu() Reset the MPU to power up mode. PutCmd() Give the MPU a command. These routines let you communcate to the MPU in UART mode. UPutData() Send a byte of data to the MPU. UGetData() Get a byte of data from the MPU UFlushData() Clear the MPU's internal data buffers. UResetMpu() Reset the MPU to power up mode. UPutCmd() Give the MPU a command. SetupUART() Setup UART mode environment. TurboMidi Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by N-Focus Technologies All Rights Reserved. Send Operations These routines send MIDI information to your MIDI device. SendNoteOn() Send a note on message to MIDI device. SendNoteOff() Send a note off message to MIDI device. SendPB() Send a pitch bend message to the MIDI device. SendCtrl() Send a controller message to the MIDI device. SendPC() Send a patch change message to the MIDI device. SendSys() Send a system exclusive message. SendAT() Send after touch message. Environment Routines. These routines automatically set up MIDI environments for your application. OPENTMIDI() Sets up TurboMidi environment. CLOSETMIDI() Terminates TurboMidi environment. SetupSysEx() Sets up automatic sysex librarian. OpenMidiTerminal() Sets up real-time MIDI processing environment. Sequencer Routines() These routines allow you to create an 8 track sequencer. PlayTracks() StopPlay() WfnRec() RecordTrack() StopRecord() Overdub() StopOverDub() LeadIn() QtoTrack() Algorithmic Routines OneOverF() BrownNoise() File Routines SaveTracks() ReadTracks() SaveSysex() ReadSysex() TurboMidi Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by N-Focus Technologies All Rights Reserved. Input Queue Routines ResetQ ShowQ GetFromQ ReadMIDI() PutInQ() TurboMidi also includes many sample programs that let you examine/change and use any routine included in the sample programs. There are no royalties on applications created with TurboMidi! The samples include a simple ear training program, MIDI monitor, simple MIDI librarian, simple sequencers, and algorithmic generators. You can start writing your TurboMidi application right away! What you need to create TurboMidi applications: An IBM-PC, AT or strict compatible with at least 256K of RAM. A Roland MPU-401 MIDI interface. Turbo Pascal 4.0 or 5.0. A MIDI device. TurboMidi consists of: Turbo Pascal Units for Turbo Pascal 4 and 5. Many sample program applications. Tutorials taking you through the many TurboMidi applications. Reference manual that describes the TurboMidi applications in detail. The TurboMidi Toolkit costs just U.S. $55 (includes shipping). Available from: N-FOCUS TECHNOLOGIES TurboMidi Toolkit 1800 Stokes St. #197 San Jose, Ca 95126 N-FOCUS TECHNOLOGIES TurboMidi Toolkit 2918 6th Street #1 Santa Monica, CA 90405 TurboMidi Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by N-Focus Technologies All Rights Reserved. TMIDI N-Focus Technologies NO-NONSENSE License Statement This software is protected by both the United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. Therefore you must treat this software as if it were a book. You may transport the software from one computer location to another, but just as if no two persons may be reading the same book in two different locations, under no circumstances may two people use this software in two different locations at the same time. N-Focus Technologies, choosing to adopt a similar licensing agreement as that used by other software language manufacturers, authorizes only archival copies to be made for the sole purpose of backing- up our software and protecting your investment from loss. Programs that have been written and compiled utilizing TMIDI Tools may be used, given away, or sold without additional license or fees, provided you have abided by Borlands license statement. Warranty: N-Focus Technologies specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to defects in the diskette and documentation, and the program license grated herein in particular, and without limiting operation of the program license with respect to any particular application, use, or purpose. In no event shall N-Focus Technologies be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Governing Law: This state shall be construed, interpreted, and governed by the laws of the state of California, as well as those implications made by the Federal copyright laws. TradeMarks: Turbo Pascal 4.0 and Turbo Pascal 5.0 are a trademarks of Borland, MPU-401 is a trademark of Roland Music, IBM PC is a trademark of IBM Inc.