To: Loren Jones Fargo RBBS-PC I recently downloaded RBBS-PC CPC 13.1A from your BBS. I have successfully implemented the system on an IBM-XT at Minnkota Power Cooperative in Grand Forks. All features seem to be working except the "doors". I would like to implement this feature because many of the employees here can access the RBBS from dumb terminals connnected to our PRIME computer which can dial out to the RBBS via a 1200 baud modem. Following is a summary of what I have done in an effort to get the doors going. This follows the example in the RBBS-PC.DOC because I want to try out a simple example first. Parameter #81 in the CONFIG.EXE program is set to 'YES' to enable the doors system. This AUTOEXEC.BAT file is in my root directory (C:\). AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ PROMPT $e[37;41;1m$p$g$e[37;44;1m PATH C:\;C:\DOS3_10;C:\NORTON;C:\RBBS;C:\RAMPROGS;C:\WORK RAMCLEAR ASTCLOCK NMI I CD\RBBS RBBS.BAT This RBBS.BAT file is in the subdirectory (C:\RBBS) with ALL the RBBS-PC files including RBBS-PC.EXE, CONFIG.EXE, RBBS-PC.DEF, EXITRBBS.EXE, WATCHDG1.COM and the various miscellaneous files used by the RBBS system when operating). It is specified in parameter #84 of the CONFIG.EXE program as C:RBBS.BAT. Disk D: is a 64KB ramdisk. C:RCCTY.BAT is the file specified in parameter #83 of the CONFIG.EXE program. RBBS.BAT -------- WATCHDG1 OFF IF EXIST RCTTY.BAT DEL RCTTY.BAT COPY HELP????.* D: COPY MENU????.* D: COPY CONFENCE D: RBBS-PC IF EXIST RCTTY.BAT WATCHDG1 ON IF EXIST RCCTY.BAT RCTTY.BAT RBBS.BAT This is the menu for the "doors" system. It is in the same subdirectory as the RBBS files (C:\RBBS). It is specified in parameter #82 of the CONFIG.EXE program as C:MENU5. MENU5 ----- ************************************************************************* * RBBS-PC PRESENTS * THE DOOR PROCESSOR ALLOWS A * * * USER TO EXIT RBBS-PC AND RUN * * * SELECTED APPLICATION PROGRAMS * * "DOORS" * DURING THE SAME LOGON SESSION. * * * APPLICATION PROGRAMS MUST BE * * * MODIFIED TO RUN UNDER "DOORS" * * * UNLESS THE RBBS-PC SYSTEM IS * * * RUNNING UNDER MULTI-LINK. * ************************************************************************* * "DOORS" CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * - * * * - * * EDIT - SAMPLE DOOR * - * * - * - * * - * - * * - * - * * - * - * * - * - * ************************************************************************* This is the batch file for the door. It is in the same subdirectory as all the other RBBS files (C:\RBBS). EDIT.BAT -------- EDLIN RBBS.BAT I didn't put CTTY in the EDIT.BAT file as mentioned in the documentation example. I ASSUMED this was being done in the batch file RCTTY.BAT. I have the security for the doors system set to 9. I have tried to log on remotely with a security level of 9 or as a remote SYSOP with a level of 10. THE PROBLEM I AM HAVING IS THAT I CAN'T GET THE 'DOORS' MENU TO APPEAR AT ALL WHEN I ENTER 'D' FROM THE MAIN MENU. I GET A MESSAGE THAT ALL DOORS ARE LOCKED. IN OTHER WORDS, I CAN'T GET TO SQUARE ONE. HELP PLEASE. (I get a similar response when I try to access sysop function 7 remotely.) Parameter #85 in the CONFIG.EXE program is set to find COMMAND.COM on C:. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gary L. Spielman Minnkota Power Cooperative P.O. Box 1318 Grand Forks, ND 58201 (701) 795-4212