------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk No 364 Turbo Pascal #3 v2 DS2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missing file FPRIMS.PAS. CHAPTER3.PAS, CHAPTER6.PAS ,CHAPTER7.PAS TURBOFIX.PAS, won't compile. CHAPTER1 PAS Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 1 CHAPTER2 PAS Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 2 CHAPTER3 PAS BAD FILE CHAPTER4 PAS Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 4 CHAPTER5 PAS Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 5 CHAPTER6 PAS BAD FILE CHAPTER7 PAS BAD FILE CHAPTER8 PAS Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 8 TOOLU PAS Included by each CHAPTER#.PAS file SHELL PAS Program for using the routines in "CHAPTER#" above INITCMD PAS Included by SHELL.PAS TURBTOOL DOC Documentation -- READ IT LASTCOM PAS Resident program to bring back last ten DOS commands WINDOW INC Window handler used by LASTCOM.PAS PFORMAT PAS Pretty FORMATter for printing TURBO programs PFORMAT DOC Documentation PLIST PAS Program Lister -- lists $Include files, too. TADPC INC Included time and date routines for PC TADBB INC Included time and date for "BigBoard II" TADFORM INC Included time and date format routines REGSAVE INC INLINE code to save registers REGRSTOR INC INLINE code to restore registers STRNGLIB INC Library of additional STRING routines -- comprehensive STRNGLIB DOC Documentation THELP COM Resident HELP WINDOW for TURBO Pascal THELP DOC Documentation NOBAK PAS Patcher to stop TURBO from creating .BAK files TPATCH PAS Patcher for PROGRAMS compiled under TURBO TPATCH DAT Data for four patches -- serves as documentation TURBO PAT How to patch Z80 TURBO programs for your terminal TURBO20 BUG DEBUG script for floating-point bug in TURBO.COM, v2.0 TURBOCLR DOC How to stop TURBO progs clearing screen at start TURBOCLR ZAP Applies the above patch w/ PC-ZAP (Vol. 70) TURBOFIX PAS Auto-patch to remove certain terminal control codes WINDMNGR INC Window Manager routines WINDMNGR DOC Documentation PRINTMAN BAT Prints documentation for WINDMNGR.INC WINDMNGR TXT How to print documentation WINDNGR.INC VAR INC Associated file --> change here for monochrome <-- GROWWIN INC Associated file DEMODEFS INC Associated file WINDODEF PAS Associated file DEFDEMO PAS Demonstration program GROWDEMO PAS Demonstration program WINDDEMO PAS Demonstration program WRITELIN INC Replaces TURBO "WriteLn" procedure -- faster. WRITEXY INC Write at location X,Y WRITE DOC Documentation for WRITELIN.INC & WRITEXY.INC DEMO PAS Demonstration of the above two VARS INC Included by DEMO.PAS PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG) 1030 E Duane, Suite J Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291  Included by DEMO.PAS PC Software Inter