AddressBook is a simple way to oganize all of your addresses and have a way to print labels out when you need them. AddressBook was written in Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 and requires the VBRUN300.DLL file to work. To add new address, click the NEW button (CTRL -N). Fill in the name and address and any notes you want, then click th SAVE button (CTRL-S). To Edit an address, click the EDIT button (CTRL-E). Make any changes and click the SAVE button. Note, yu cannot change any information without first clicking the EDIT button or selecting EDIT ADDRESS from the EDIT menu. To goto a specific address, click the GOTO button (CTRL-G), select a name and click the O.K. button. To view all names that start with a specific letter, (example- all names that start with the letter "A"), click the letter on the button bar and the first name will appear. To see more names, click the More (ALT-M) or Previous (ALT-V) pointers. To Delete an address, click the DELETE button (CTRL-D), a message box will apear asking you to confirm the deletion, click O.K. to delete the address or cancel to change your mind. To Print Labels , click th LABEL button (CTRL-L). A form will apear with two boxes. The top box labeled AVAILABLE ADDRESSES shows all the addreses that are availble to print Labels. To indicate which people to print a label for, click the name in the "available address" box. Then click the move button to move it to the bottom box labeled "PRINT LABELS FOR THESE PEOPLE". To remove people from the bottom box, click the name and then the remove button. Once you have selected the names to print labels for, select a font for the labels by clicking the LABEL FONT button. NOTE: It is recommended to print a few labels first to ensure the addresses print correctly on the labels. If they don't, adjust the labels in the printer then try again.