PC Financial Advisor Version 2.0 BACKGROUND Hello, my name is Steve Nelson and I'm glad that your interested in giving the PC Financial Advisor a try. I'm a Certified Public Accountant and have written several popular books on software products. In recent years, many of my friends and family members have asked me if there is any easy-to-use software that can help with simple financial questions. Questions such as: How much should I save each month for my retirement? How much should I save each month to fund a college education for my children? How much money should I have saved in the event I become un-employed? How much insurance should I have? I decided to help my friends and family members by building the PC Financial Advisor - easy-to-use software for Microsoft windows that answers most basic financial questions. Recently, a friend asked me to share this software with a wider audience, I agreed, and the PC Financial Advisor became shareware. So if you need to build and keep a financial plan up-to-date, start with the PC Financial Advisor. DISTRIBUTION The distribution kit for the PC Financial Advisor consists of: PCFA.EXE - PC Financial Advisor executable program PCFAV20.INI - PC Finanical Advisor initialization file VBRUN10.DLL - Version 1.0 of Microsoft's Visual Basic Run-time OPENDLG.VBX - Visual Basic extensions for the open dialog Thanks again for trying the PC Financial Advisor, Steve Nelson Redmond, Washington