Tue Mar 22 19:29:23 1994 WinVN version 0.90.5 is now available. WinVN is an NNTP Newsreader for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT, originally by Mark Riordan. There are a few changes and bugfixes from 0.90.4 which we hope you will enjoy. o multiple recipients in SMTP mail supported, a .mailrc-like feature o problems with some SMTP servers should go away. o more robust handling of XOVER failure (will punt to XHDR) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This should really work with any WINSOCK version 1.1 compliant stack. If you find one that it doesn't work with, let us know. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following folks have contributed lots of code to WinVN since Mark Riordan released it in October 1989: Matt Bretherton MBretherton@cmutual.com.au Jim Dumoulin dumoulin@titan.ksc.nasa.gov Michael Downs mdowns@eos.arc.nasa.gov Michael Finken finken@conware.de Sam Rushing rushing@titan.ksc.nasa.gov John S Cooper jcooper@netcom.com Conor Nolan cnolan@tcd.ie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [adapted from "Getting a Copy of WinVN, from the help file] WinVN is distributed via anonymous FTP from the hosts ftp.ksc.nasa.gov and ripem.msu.edu. The definitive version is always on ftp.ksc.nasa.gov. Copies of WinVN can often be found at other sites, but they are sometimes badly out of date. (The ripem site tends to lag behind ftp.ksc.nasa.gov by several days). Both source code and binaries for various platforms are distributed. The WinVN source code can be compiled for a number of platforms, including several different Windows versions (for different vendors' networking suites), and Windows NT on Intel and Alpha AXP machines. Distributions are in the form of .ZIP files, be sure to user binary mode FTP to do the transfer. As of this writing, WinVN source code distributions have file names starting with WINVNSRC, binary distributions for WINSOCK (a Windows networking API supported by a number of TCP/IP vendors) have names starting with WINVNSTD, and binary distributions for DEC Pathworks have names starting with WINVNPWK. See the FTP sites for other files. Here is a sample FTP session. > ftp ftp.ksc.nasa.gov Connected to titan.ksc.nasa.gov. 220 TITAN.ksc.nasa.gov MultiNet FTP Server Process ... Name (titan.ksc.nasa.gov:mrr): anonymous 331 anonymous user ok. Send real ident as password. Password: fred 230-Guest User FRED logged into DISK$SHARE:[ANONYMOUS] at ... 230 Directory and access restrictions apply ftp> binary 200 Type I ok. ftp> cd [.pub.win3.winvn] 250 Connected to DISK$SHARE:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.WIN3.WINVN]. ftp> dir 200 Port 9.250 at Host ww.xx.yy.zz accepted. 150 List started. disk$share:[anonymous.pub.win3.winvn] WINVNPWK090_5.ZIP;1 213 22-MAR-94 [...] ... ftp> get winvnstd090_5.zip 200 Port 10.196 at Host ww.xx.yy.zz accepted. 150 IMAGE retrieve of DISK$SHARE:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.WIN3.WINVN]WINVNSTD... 226 Transfer completed. xxxxx (8) bytes transferred. ... ftp> quit --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy! -- Sam Rushing | Support the League for rushing@titan.ksc.nasa.gov | Programming Freedom! rushing@squirl.oau.org | email lpf@uunet.uu.net for info