/************************************************************************* This function looks for the .Ini file and the NewsSrc file. The search order is: Command Line Unique filenames Environment Standard filenames Application Directory Standard filenames Windows Directory Standard filenames Windows System Directory Standard filenames the path Standard filenames If the Function is sucessful, the szAppProFile variable contains the path and filename of the .Ini file and the szNewsSrc variable contains the path and filename of the NewSrc file. RETURNS: zero if sucessful -1 if one or both files could not be found NOTE: The command line allows for the use of unique names for the standard WinVn.ini and NewSrc files. The entry order is .Ini and then NewSrc. Command line examples are as follows: 1. c:\WinVn\My.Inic:\Tom\NewsSrc.Tom => both unique names 2. c:\Tomc:\Tom\NewsSrc.Tom => standard .Ini, unique NewSrc 3. c:\Tom\TomVn.ini => unique .Ini, Standard NewSrc 4. c:\Tom => standard .Ini, Standard NewSrc In the first example, if both files exist, szAppProFile = "c:\WinVn\My.Ini", szNewsSrc = "c:\Tom\NewsSrc.Tom" and the function returns Zero. If the files do not exist but the path's do and if they contain the standard file(s), szAppProFile is set to "c:\WinVn\WinVn.Ini", szNewsSrc is set to "c:\Tom\NewSrc" and the function returns Zero. If the NewSrc file is not found first by it's unique name and then by the standard name in the defined directory, the .ini path is searched for the standard NewSrc filename and if this file is found, the path and name are returned. If the command line entry is just a name, the search path is the following: the current drive/directory windows directory windows system directory the application directory the path The above behavior may lead to the use of the wrong information files if the standard names are used. It is recommended that unique names be used. If the .Ini file or the NewSrc file is/are not found, first by Name then by Path with standard names, a warning is displayed and the function continues to search for the file(s) in the order described above ( Environment, Appication directory, ...etc). The intent of this is to allow multiple and unique .Ini and NewsSrc location as well and an exhaustive attempt to locate the files. Additions to the function/program shold be to popup dialog boxes for the necessary information if not found or it is incorrect. Maybe later! **************************************************************************/