This is Version 1.02 of LP. LP makes it possible, to print fast and comfortable unformated texts, like program-sources or documentations in the background of Windows. LP takes direct control over the printer, that's why you can print faster than you can do this with the Windows-printing. The printer control is free configurable. The default settings are set for the new NEC Pinwriters, but with the exception of the three definable fonts the settings are standard ESC-sequences which should be compatible to most other printers. Features of LP are: - free configurable print margins - printing with 6, 7, 8, 10 or 12 lines per inch, where 12 lines per inch are print with the superscript font - printing with 10, 12, 15, 17 or 20 characters per inch - printing of 2 sides of the text side by side in the Two-columns-mode with 20 CPI pro Inch - selection out of three free definable printerfonts - support of many papersizes - ANSI or ASCII characterset - printing of pagenumbers and/or filenames - free adjustment of tabulator width - free adjustment of priority of background-printing - free definition of a file-selection-box, like those of Windows 3.1 - you can save settings and couple each with a special set of files - free printer configuration - language englisch or german and with the Windows 3.1 version: - easy printing of a file with drag&drop and especially: - animated icon while printing - you can see the icon printing one page after the other!!! Try it!! and many others. Things LP don't have now: - free configurable Header and Footer - no general help (I don't have the time to make some), but I hope most of the program is easy to use - no support for printers with serial port - multiple selection of files While startup LP trys to detect if your Windows is configured for german language or not. If, LP uses german language and if not LP uses english language. If you want to ignore the default language you can add the following parameters to the call of LP: LP.EXE /D : german language LP.EXE /E : englisch language You must have Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.0 with the new DLL's CommDlg und Shell to run LP.EXE. If you don't have any you can use LP_30.EXE with Windows 3.0. The only different is, that LP.EXE supports drag&drop with the filemanger of Windows 3.1. You can use and distribute LP free, as long as the following files are not changed and you distribute all files together - lp.exe - lp_30.exe - lp_deu.txt - lp_eng.txt - lp.ini I am programming LP because I have fun and not to make any profit. That's why LP is free and you don't have to pay more or less high registration charges. I think it is a bad habit, that more and more program authors want to have money even for the smallest programs. Long lives the Freeware! If you have problems, comments, suggestions or you detect one error, please E-Mail to (c) 1992 by Andreas Furrer Version history 1.02: - With some language settings LP doesn't start in german mode, although the german language was set in control panel. - There was no hotkey for two menuitems in the english version. - During scrolling the filelistbox shows now every time the correct filename. - You could have to start LP maximized, although the Window has no button or menu for it (this is an error of Windows). - It was not possible to choose a wildcards in the editwindow 1.01: There was a little curious error: If you have startet LP within a TurboPascal program by WinExec, you got sometimes a runtime error (depending if you have included WinCRT or what style the TPW-window had). With C programs this error never appears. 1.00: First version of LP.