3/30/94 HEBREW CALENDAR is distributed as shareware and may be copied and distributed without fee other than for nominal distribution costs. The distribution files must not be altered in anyway especially the HEBCAL.CFG provided with the Windows version. Therefore, give copies to your friends or interested parties. As shareware, you can evaluate the program free of charge. If you find HEBREW CALENDAR useful and continue to use it, you must register and pay the fee. For the Windows version, see "Information & Registration" on the Main Menu. You must obtain a user ID number in order to use all the features. For the DOS version see the HCREG.TXT file. When registering the DOS version, be sure to state the version number on the opening screen. Windows Version History: 5.4 940331 Enhanced Common month printout. Added Hebrew month printout. 5.3c 940330 Refined print selection from Calendars form. 5.3b 940326 Added password security. 5.3a 940321 Added holiday durations. 5.3 940313 Added clipboard to Main Menu "Today" items. Corrected Shavuot second day omission. Corrected bug with Today changing after Calendar access. (Thank you BES) 5.2 940308 Holiday display on Main Menu. Added font error handler. 5.1 940303 Made Month Relationships separate Main Menu item. 5.0 940301 First Windows release. DOS Version History: 2.5 940216 Corrected yahrzeit listing to start on correct year. 2.4 931225 Added sundown question for yahrzeit. Distribution files include Windows icon and PIF file 2.3 920603 Made compatible with QBX 7.1 and Hercules video cards 2.2 Corrected yahrzeit for Adar II leap year 2.1 Added Yizkor information 2.0 Added descriptions of the holidays 1.4 Added auto display of title screen 1.21 Added improved windows for single video page operation 1.08 Made shareware 1.07 No Yom Haatzmaut prior to 1949 and no Yom Hashoah prior to 1951 per Lester Penner suggestion 1.06 Corrected for Shabbat instead of Saturday, and Yom Haatzmaut 1.05 Added Statistics for year 1.04 Added "Shabbat" instead of Saturday You may contact the author at the address below or through: America Online: JoeMKohn Registration fee is $18 (Registered users of the DOS version may register the Windows version for $15), add $2 shipping and handling if a disk is required. Send to: Joseph Kohn 4333 Larchwood Circle, NW Canton, OH 44718-2117