contains the new version (4.1) of Lingua Latina for Windows, a drill program for Latin grammar. New Features in 4.1: * A Verb Quiz portion which selects forms at random and tests the user's knowledge of tense, number, gender, and mood. * Multi-lingual support. Users can now select three different languages for the prompts, buttons, and messages in Lingua Latina: English, German, and Latin. Further language support is planned for future releases. * Correction of several errors, chief among them the conflation of fourth conjugation and third conjugation (-io) verbs. Shareware: Lingua Latina is now a shareware program. US$10.00 for individual users US$50.00 for institutional site licenses Struggling students need not register the program. To register the program or get further information, contact Bob Hasenfratz English Department, U-25 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269, USA office (203)486-2141 fax (203)486-1530