*** WHAT'S NEW in Disk Factory Version 1.1 >> X-Format: Cross-Format Duplication X-Format, shorthand for our new cross-format duplication feature, allows you to copy any diskette to any other diskette of like or greater capacity. Perfect for those who distribute the same files in various diskette formats! X-Format is completely automatic and requires no user intervention. Need to copy a 360K diskette to a 720K diskette? Or a 720K diskette to a 1.44MB diskette? It's a snap. Just insert your diskette and go. >> Built-In Mini File Manager Unsure of whether a particular diskette is actually empty, or whether another is actually the diskette you want to copy? Now you can view diskette contents, run programs, and inspect associated files without ever leaving Disk Factory. >> Improved Coactive Prompt Disk Factory's revolutionary Coactive Prompt, which informs you to change diskettes and allows you to communicate with Disk Factory without ever leaving your current application, is now smarter than ever. Move the mouse pointer over the prompt and it will enlarge to display helpful instructions. The new prompt even provides access to further online help. >> Improved Interface Disk Factory now features a slicker, friendlier user interface. More realistic graphics and an improved layout help make Disk Factory more attractive and easier to use than ever before. Yet it remains faithful to the design of the original, so users of earlier versions will immediately feel at home. >> Improved Support for Non-DOS Diskettes Disk Factory can now copy many non-DOS formats, including Macintosh 1.44MB and Atari ST diskettes. For those of you who copy non-DOS diskettes on a regular basis, we've also added a helpful menu item to disable warning messages concerning non-DOS diskettes. For more information on these and other Disk Factory features, please consult the online help. Start Disk Factory and press F1 on your keyboard to browse the online help system.