// quickie descriptions of god's sb98 pix by the illustrious god himself "C-Ray-C's computer" well, i can't remember the last time i had a case on my machine, but i never went quite this far. 2leet4me. "Coke supply - after" i had a few flats of code and dew in my place before the party that we just dragged to the party place and set them out on a table. few hours later (ok maybe it was the next day) i come back and they're all sitting neatly stacked like this on the counter totally empty. so i sat all my empty jolt bottles next to them and took a picture. :) "Coke supply - before" nice little snap-shot at my pantry day before the party. nothing survived. "Fineline's setup" considering Rimbo didn't bring his stuff till the day after this photo was taken (and since i would never pat my own back :P) this is prolly the kewlest setup at the party - what with the synths, amps, and linear algebra texts. "Full car" in packing up all the shit at my apartment to take to the party we completely stuffed Rimbo's car... "Full van" and Silvein's van "Linux gurus" K8to (left), C_ray_c (middle, curly hair), Swivel (front, hat), some other dude, and Matt (right, looking amused), representing the amassed linux knowlege of party, try to get ip masquerading working on the linux box. "Nemesis + Ior + K8to + Normal" Nem's the big lug on my computer (prolly playing quack of course), Ior's watching him cause he's bored, K8to's in the back using the linux box to irc, and Wes (formerly known as "Terrapin", "Normal", and still sometimes known as "Hey, dumbass!") is up front-right modeling stuff. "Post-party" Well, not so much "post" party as "party moved to god's apartment". is talking to someone about skipping out of the demo party and going to a some silly birthday with members of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" cast. Going clockwise: C_ray_c (again with curls), Swivel (again with hat), Silvein (longish hair), Fineline (glasses), and Nemesis (big wearing denim) chatting. "Pre-party - K8to sleeping" For some reason everyone but me managed to get sleep before the actual demo party. K8to took the spot under the stairs. As you can see by the background, the party had really already started... "Pre-party - Silvein + Nemesis sleeping" Silvein on the floor with his cowboy hat on his chest, Nemesis half on the couch, half on the floor. "sb98-00" Large view of the party place. Don't recognize who that is on the left. Mooble is the black girl wearing blue probably playing quack. Further down from her is Parity showing something to Pfister, the big guy in white with the pony tail. Up closer with a short pony tail is Ava, and the half a top of a head of the person watching her isn't enough for me to recognize. On the right side, in red is prolly Rimbo (tho the posture doesn't look like him...) Regardless, that's his ugly windoze background, and behind him facing left is Nick, and i can't make out anyone else. "sb98-01" Less populated view. Ava is the girl up close, K8to is the person who's back is complete occluding whoever was behind him (prolly Parity or Trinel). In the far back is Sean (he prolly wants people to call him Loki) probably playing quack over the net rather than interact with anyone at the party. "sb98-02" Shot of room in reverse direction of previous two shots. I think that may be Farmer up closest, maybe Psykosi behind him quacking. Sean, Fineline, and i think Parity are also visible, but barely. The mass of people is gathered around the little organizer's cave.