NoStop by J. Scott Sanbar Maker Constructs 8100 Glenwood Oklahoma City, OK 73114 CIS: 73760,3304 FidoNet: 1:147/55.6 NOSTOP.SYS - disable CTRL-ALT-DEL, CTRL-BREAK, CTRL-C, CTRL-2 and ALT-(Keypad 3) for MS-DOS 2.x and higher. Installable device driver with minimal RAM use. Should work on any IBM PC/XT/AT/PS/2 or true compatible. Resident portion: 282 bytes NOSTOP.SYS is a very simple device driver installed at boot-up via the CONFIG.SYS file. It throws away the CTRL-ALT-DEL (warm boot), CTRL-BREAK, and CTRL-C keyboard combinations, effectively making any operation including batch files, executable programs and DOS itself unstoppable from the keyboard. Once installed, the only way to halt the computer is to hit the reset button or turn off the computer. It also throws away CTRL-2, which flags a CTRL-C due to a bug (feature) in the DOS kernel, and disables the ALT-(KEYPAD 3) way of entering a CTRL-C into the keyboard buffer. NoStop's sister program, NSCONFIG.EXE, allows command line enabling/disabling of any or all of the key combinations at will. TO USE: simply include this line in your CONFIG.SYS file that resides in the root directory of the boot disk: DEVICE=NOSTOP.SYS The above assumes NOSTOP.SYS resides in the root (\) directory of the boot disk. If NOSTOP.SYS resides in some other directory you must include a path. For instance, if NOSTOP.SYS resides on the C: drive in the \UTILITY subdirectory: DEVICE=C:\UTILITY\NOSTOP.SYS NOSTOP.SYS should be included as the last driver in the CONFIG.SYS file, so that it will have first shot at handling the key combinations. NSCONFIG.EXE is the sister program that allows enabling/disabling of the various key combinations NOSTOP.SYS is able to capture. Syntax: NSCONFIG [C][B][W][2][3] where: C or c enables CTRL-C (ie, allows it to pass through untouched) B or b enables CTRL-BREAK W or w enables warm boot (CTRL-ALT-DEL) 2 enables CTRL-2 3 enables ALT-3(Keypad) NSCONFIG can be called as often as needed, and the results are absolute, not additive. NOSTOP.SYS defaults, on installation via CONFIG.SYS to all respective keys disabled. Then, you can enable the desired keys in the AUTOEXEC.BAT or via the command line as needed. Examples: NSCONFIG - disables all keys NSCONFIG W - disables everything but warm boot NSCONFIG 2w3 - disables everything but warm boot, CTRL-2 and ALT-3 NSCONFIG CBW23 - enables all key combinations NSCONFIG c b w - error, no spaces allowed The various switches (C, B, W, 2 and 3) may be in any order, but no spaces are allowed between them. NOSTOP.SYS is shareware and is fully copyrighted. You may use it freely and distribute it in its original form along with this text file and the sister program, NSCONFIG.EXE. However, you may not alter it or distribute it without this text file, and may not charge to distribute it. If you wish to use NOSTOP.SYS, you MUST send a $5.00 registration fee to the address below: J. Scott Sanbar 8100 Glenwood Oklahoma City, OK 73114 CIS: 73760,3304 You may use NOSTOP.SYS for a trial period of TEN (10) days after which time you must either register or discontinue its use. The $5.00 fee is on a per computer basis, so if you are on a network and have 5 computers that use NOSTOP.SYS, the registration fee would be $25.00. NOSTOP.SYS may not work with 386 protected mode operating environments like Windows 3.0. IE, NOSTOP will not disable warm boot under Windows 3.0 in 386 Enhanced mode, although it will work fine in real or standard mode and will still throw away CTRL-BREAK, CTRL-2, ALT-3 and CTRL-C. The device driver NOSTOP.SYS, this text file and the sister program, NSCONFIG.EXE are all: Copyright (c) 1990 by J. Scott Sanbar. All Rights Reserved. Shareware FINAL NOTE: NOSTOP.SYS is a very effective means of limiting access to the command line and hence protecting networks and computers from malicious hands. Given programs that will not drop to the command line, using a menuing system and batch files to access various programs and limiting access to the reset button, power cord and on/off switch will virtually guarantee that no harm may be done in academic or corporate settings. Password protected access to NSCONFIG will allow enabling of needed key combinations without which a network admistrator would be inconvenienced. If you find any bugs or oversights, or have any suggestions, feel free to send me netmail or snail mail. Enjoy.