Clock Manager for Windows Payback Analysis program. (PAYBACK.EXE) This program will determine how long it will take Clock Manager for Windows to pay for itself in time saved by your staff. The following items you can change to reflect how ClockMan would be implemented in your situation: # of users ---------- This is the number of users the ClockMan Office Pack is for. These are sometimes called LAN pack licenses, but with the ClockMan Office pack, your users need not be connected to one LAN and can even be on individual machines. You can see a price breakdown on Office Packs by clicking the "Discount Sheet" button. Average wage ------------ This list box changes depending on what unit of time is being used. Some groups know their hourly rate, others think in terms of annual salaries. Just select the one that best fits your employees. Time unit --------- This determines what kind of data is available to you in the "Average wage" box. Select the one that is easiest for you to calculate your group's payroll expense. % of employees using events --------------------------- Not all users will be using ClockMan. Some will just use it for the InfoBars, others just for messages. We are only including the people who use ClockMan for "event scheduling" in the payback analysis. If 30% of your group will be using event scheduling, then 30 percent of licensed users will be used for cost savings in the analysis. Of course, the larger percentage of users that you can assist with event scheduling, the more money you'll save and the quicker ClockMan will pay for itself. Alarms per week --------------- This is the average number of unattended events your users will set per week. Time saved per alarm -------------------- This is the time that each alarm saves an employee. Some jobs take only a few minutes; others take longer. Average them out and come up with a figure on how much time each automated event will save. Enter this number here. ------------------------------------------ All numbers dynamically change the final payback period. You'll instantly see how a small thing like increasing the percentage used from 30% to 40% can save you even more money. Many users don't even need to know ClockMan is running on their system. You can hide the icon and disable hot spots, but events can still occur on their machines. For more ideas on how ClockMan can save you money, see the sample alarms that ship with the demonstration version of the program. Orders and Inquiries -------------------- Graphical Dynamics, Inc. 2701 California Ave SW ste. 301 Seattle, WA 98116 tel (206) 935-6032 fax (206) 935-2464 -End-