>From the web page http://www.nod.org/vote2000/votefacts.html National Organization on Disability Facts About the Disability Vote * If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as the rest of America, there would have been at least 5 million more votes cast in the 1996 Presidential election. * 14 million voting age people with disabilities are not registered to vote. * People with disabilities register to vote at a rate that is 16 percentage points less than the rest of the population. * Disability service providers are required by law to offer voter registration to their clients. * 75 percent of people with disabilities report they have never been asked to register to vote by a service provider. * There are over 35 million voting-age persons with disabilities. * In the 1996 Presidential election, 11.6 million Americans with disabilities did vote; 23.5 million Americans with disabilities of voting age did not vote. * In the 1996 Presidential election, 30% of people with disabilities of voting age voted; 50% of the voting age population at large voted. * Persons with disabilities who are employed vote at the same rate as their non-disabled peers. (Source: 1998 N.O.D./Louis Harris Survey of Americans with Disabilities) ---------- End of Document