>From the web page http://www.nod.org/vote2000/voterguide.html National Organization on Disability Agency Guide for Disabled Voter Registration For more information, please contact the National Organization on Disability's VOTE! 2000 Campaign at 910 16th St. NW, Ste. 600, Washington DC, 20006; phone (202) 293-5960 or email vote@nod.org Download a Word version of this document The fate of programs serving persons with disabilities will be decided at the polls! If the primary activity of your organization is to provide services to persons with disabilities, and if you receive state funding to provide these services, you must be designated as a voter registration agency. Human service and health organizations can help empower their clients by systematically offering voter registration during the application, intake, or orientation process, and by registering all of their employees to vote. 14 million voting-age Americans with disabilities are not registered to vote. While the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) makes voter registration available at motor vehicle and public assistance agencies, many persons with disabilities are not being reached. For this reason, Section 7a of the NVRA requires that "each state shall designate as voter registration agencies... all offices in the state that provide state-funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to persons with disabilities." This includes Medicaid, Paratransit providers, personal assistance providers, home health care providers, sign language interpreters, psychiatric and employment counselors, vocational rehabilitation agencies and special education departments. (Note: if your organization is not so mandated, you may still go ahead and register people to vote.) Many will vote. Studies show that 70% of the people whom volunteer canvassers register to vote actually go to the polls and vote in presidential elections. FOLLOW THESE FOUR EASY STEPS 1. Appoint one permanent staff person to oversee and coordinate voter registration activities. This person should design the best method for routinely offering voter registration in the intake process, at the reception desk, or during orientation at your agency. This person should ensure that the agency has a regular supply of state mail-in voter registration forms, which can be obtained from the local elections office. Also, this person should register staff to vote. 2. Agency intake forms and procedures should be amended to include the question, "IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE WHERE YOU NOW LIVE, WOULD YOU LIKE TO REGISTER TO VOTE HERE TODAY?" 3. Clients should always be offered help in completing the voter registration form. Check to be sure the application is properly filled out, and that your agency offers to mail it to the elections office. Obtain answers to commonly asked questions such as, "How will I know if I'm registered?" "Where do I vote?" "How do I get an absentee ballot?" "Do I need an I.D. card to vote?" "Can I register to vote at age 17 if I will be 18 on Election Day?" "If I register now, am I permanently registered?" "Do I have to choose a political party when I register?" "If I vote in a party's primary election, do I have to vote for that party in the general election?" 4. Record the names and phone numbers of people who register to vote at your agency. This step is for get-out-the-vote efforts. You can also keep track of how many people register to document your success to your staff, board, funders, local coalitions, national affiliates, or the press. ALL VOTER REGISTRATION SERVICES MUST BE NON- PARTISAN "Non-partisan" means that the activity or program shall not be influenced by, affiliated with, or supportive of the interests or policies of any political party or candidate. Support for candidates of two parties in an election ("bipartisanship") is not a non-partisan activity. You need to put up a sign which reads: "Our voter registration services are available without regard for the voter's political preference. Information and other assistance regarding registering or voting, including transportation and other services offered, shall not be withheld or refused on the basis of support for or opposition to a particular candidate or particular political party." FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. Can my organization work in a coalition with other groups that conduct voter registration, education, and get-out-the-vote programs? A. Yes, as long as the effort is non-partisan. Participating organizations and individuals cannot make any statements in support of or in opposition to any particular candidate or party, or conduct any other activity designed to reflect a preference or recommendation for any political party or candidate. Q. Can vehicles owned by non-profit organizations be used to transport voters to the polls? Can drivers employed by the organization transport voters to the polls? A. Yes to both questions. You can even affix nonpartisan messages to vehicles encouraging voters to go to the polls. However, make certain that the vehicles and the drivers do not display any partisan literature, buttons, posters, flyers, bumper stickers or other political propaganda. Q. Can a staff person registering voters in a 501(c)3 agency wear a button or put a bumper sticker on his/her car that has the name of a favored candidate? A. No, not while registering the voters. This caution does not apply to referenda; you may urge citizens to "support or stop Proposition X." Q. Can my agency place posters in conspicuous places? A. Yes, as long as they do not refer to political parties or candidates. ---------- End of Document