MEAT PUPPET INSTRUCTIONS ======================== We've kept things simple but violent. Sometimes it's better that way. Contents: 1) System Requirements 2) Installation 3) Story 4) Main Menu 5) Player Controls 6) Troubleshooting 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Pentium 100 or better 16 MB of RAM Direct Draw Video Card compatible (2 MB Pref.) Direct Sound compatible card 2. INSTALLATION Win95 Place the Meat Puppet disc into your CD-ROM drive. Plug & Play will detect that Meat Puppet is a native Win95 product and begin the installation for you. After answering a few questions there will be a Meat Puppet folder on your Start Menu. Select Meat Puppet to start the WIN95 version. **IF YOU DO NOT HAVE DIRECT X 3.0 OR LATER FROM MICROSOFT, SELECT YES TO INSTALL DIRECT X NOW FROM THE INSTALLATION SCREEN. 3. STORY You're Lotos, a meat puppet. Your digital partner, Dumaine, provides tech support. Obtain the technology and weapons to complete your missions as assigned by the unseen Martinet. Remember, most creatures avoid the well-armed assassin. In this mini-mission, you are to find the Life Extender that will improve your health. The extender is hidden somewhere in the Eugenics Clinics. 4. Main Menu and Popup Dialogs These keys are accessible only from a "live" game, not the main menu. Popup/Cancel menu ESCAPE Scrollbox hotkeys UP/DOWN/PGUP/PGDN/LEFT CLICK, DOUBLE CLICK to action choice New game ALT + N Load game ALT + L Save game ALT + S Delete game ALT + D Replay movie ALT + R Credits ALT + C Options ALT + O Low resolution F1 Medium resolution F2 High resolution F3 Game play instructions F5 Weapon instructions F6 Raise brightness PREV Darken display NEXT Raise SFX volume SHIFT + PREV Lower SFX volume SHIFT + NEXT Raise CD volume ALT + PREV Lower CD volume ALT + NEXT Last Dumaine dialogue HOME Last Mission dialogue END Background loading ON/OFF* F4 * Background loading is a user-selectable feature that allows you to toggle between two modes of data management. Choose background loading "on" if you want to get into environments more quickly and start playing. A noticeable side effect of background loading is that the game may slow down for a few seconds while sprite and SFX data is heaved into memory. If you want to preload all the data the engine needs for a given room before you go into that room, select background loading "off". The most noticeable side effect here is that the game pauses for a longer period while loading the data. It's worth noting that as you play the game, background loading becomes less obvious as more objects build up in memory and don't have to be pulled from disk. 5. Player Controls You've got a choice between CURSOR-FOLLOW mode or MANUAL mode. The first is great for running through open spaces, gymnastics, and shooting on the run. For more precise character handling, toggle to the MANUAL control mode and use the cursor keys to orient the character. Both modes use the mouse for targeting. Using CURSOR-FOLLOW mode is simple. Lotos moves in the direction of the cursor as long as you hold down the right mouse button. Double right click to jump. Up arrow to flip forward, down arrow to flip backward. Arrow keys left and right to tumble. Hold down control and the right mouse button to run. Hold the zero key and drag the mouse to scan ahead in the environment. Toggle between modes BACKSPACE KEYBOARD DEFAULTS FOR MANUAL MODE walk UP run CTRL+UP turn LEFT/RIGHT jump CTRL (single tap) flip/roll SHIFT+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT punch/shoot LEFT CLICK/DRAG toggle weapon SPACEBAR push button, etc. LEFT CLICK WHEN TARGET CURSOR CHANGES STATE scroll RIGHT DRAG (ALLOWS FOR SNIPING AND LOOK AHEADS) See? That was simple. Don't worry, though. You can still cause plenty of mayhem. KEY CONFIGURATION We've included a key configuration utility that allows you to remap keys for use in the game. If you don't like the defaults, that is. This utility is self-explanatory. This utility is located in the directory in which you installed Meat Puppet. Just double click on the CONFIG.EXE file to run the program. 6. TROUBLESHOOTING INSTALLATION ERRORS Be sure to uninstall any demo versions of the game before installing the full version. I PUT THE GAME IN HI-RES MODE AND NOTHING HAPPENS Meat Puppet evaluates your machine's capabilities. If you are missing a driver or don't have enough video RAM to run in HI-RES, Meat Puppet continues to display the current resolution whether you choose HI-RES or not. MY GAME PAUSES Meat Puppet anticipates most data needs and preloads graphics and sounds prior to actually using them This eliminates hiccuping. But sometimes Windows 95 systems need a tweak or two to play Meat Puppet smoothly. MENU SCREEN OR ROOMS TAKE FOREVER TO LOAD (more than a few seconds) Check your CD-ROM cache under Windows settings. Set it to medium or maximum. Load times should drop drastically. LOTOS RUNS LIKE SHE'S IN MOLASSES When all characters are moving slowly in every room, there's most likely a problem with your Direct Draw drivers. As a Windows 95 game, Meat Puppet relies on those drivers for optimum speed. Run the setup from the DirectX directory of the demo disc and make certain you've installed the most recent drivers. If the problem persists, there's a chance that your video card doesn't support Direct Draw. Contact your vendor for the most recent drivers. I CAN'T RUN THE GAME IN HI-RES MODE Meat Puppet is a hi-color game and the hi-res mode (102X768) naturally requires a video card with lots or RAM-4MB, to be specific. The lo-res and the default medium-res modes run on a video card with 2MB. If you have a 1MB video card, you're limited to lo-res (640X400) mode. MY GAME RUNS SLOWLY IN HI-RES MODE Run the game at its highest resolution only if you have a fast machine. Some are faster than others, and surprisingly, some slower machines handle the high-res mode fine. Q: Where Can I Get Further Technical Assistance or Ask Game Play Questions? A: In North America, contact Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc. For the rest of the world contact Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Meat Puppet and all related characters/artwork (c) 1997 Kronos Digital Entertainment. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.