Disk No: 1013 Program Title: COGOWARE version 5.3b and PLOT version 3.0 PC-SIG version: 1.6 Here are two hot programs for engineers, drafters, or anyone who is interested in technical drawing on their computer. COGOWARE is a coordinate geometry surveying program for plat designers. The main use of the program is to calculate coordinates of each point in the plane of the survey and of each point calculated by the plat designer. Each pair of coordinates is assigned a point number by the designer as the calculations progress. These designated coordinates are saved in batches of 100 points to a disk file. Any designated point may be recalled, and the survey extended as the design progresses. All calculations are carried out in double precision. PLOT is a set of quick, easy-to-use tools for technical plotting. It can handle rectilinear, polar, and vector plotting. After plotting, you can review a tabulation of all plotted points (except for the vector program). Usage: Surveying and Math. Special Requirements: CGA card, and a version of BASIC for PLOT. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $10.00 for COGO, $25.00 for PLOT. File Descriptions: -------- --- COGO COGO EXE Main program. COGO DOC Documentation. README 1ST Program introduction. README BAT Batch file to view README.1ST. WHATS NEW Outlines the updated material. XPLAINS TXT Introductory text file. BALANCE DOC Text file. -------- --- PLOT README DOC Documentation for PLOT. HLP3 BAS Help file accessed from PLOTM.BAS. IPLOT BAS Program for plotting Y=f(X) type equations. SPLOT BAS Program for plotting two simultaneous equations. PPLOT BAS Program for polar plotting. VPLOT BAS Program for vector plotting. PLOTM BAS Contains the plot menu. PLOG BAS Opening screen file. FUNCT BAS Data files containing user defined. FCT1 BAS DATA FILE. FCT2 BAS DATA FILE. FCT3 BAS DATA FILE. PLIC BAS License statement. EQUAT BAS Small basic program. ESOLVE BAS Equation solver. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.