01/20/89 EXPLANATION OF FILES ON DISK The family of files to be distributed as SHAREWARE on this disk should be distributed as a package. A good name for the package would be: COGOWARE, and I would be pleased if this convention were followed. The files that should go together are as follows: COGO.EXE (version 5.3) is the executable program that performs surveying calculations. The name COGO is taken from CoOrdinate GeOmetry. This latest version is dated 12/24/88 in the disk dir- ectory, hence there should be no reason to confuse it with any earlier version. COGO.DOC and BALANCE.DOC are ASCII files comprising the user's manual documentation (version 5.3b), and instructions for `bal- ancing the survey', of interest to land surveyors. README.1ST is an ASCII file being a short starting instruction. WHATS.NEW is an ASCII file telling what is new in this up-date. This is an optional file, and you may include it at your option.