Disk No: 1075 Disk Title: Time Traveler & Facing the Empire PC-SIG Version: S2.3 Program Title: Time Traveler Author Version: 2.0 Author Registration: $12.00. Special Requirements: None. You begin this text adventure in the Stanford University lecture hall in the year 2285. First, you must find the fabled Darnoc Time Machine. Then hurry back to the past to find the Allaw Allaw Plant needed to save all civilization. Remember, you must be both smart and alert. Travel to the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. Visit revolutionary Philadelphia, a mine, Sherwood Forest, the Egyptian pyramids, and an ancient jungle. If you overcome the brontosaurus and directional problems and other threats, you might save mankind. Remember that you alone have the burden of saving the world, one mistake and life on Earth as we know it will cease to exist. File Descriptions: ------------ TIME TRAVELLER LOOK BAT Displays LOOK.TXT. LOOK TXT User guide. TIMETRAV EXE Main program. Program Title: Facing the Empire Author Version: 1.0 Author Registration: $15.00 Special Requirements: None. If you like strategic war gaming, then FACING THE EMPIRE might be right up your intergalactic alley! Not an arcade game designed around speed, flashy graphics and high-speed joystick jockeying, FACING THE EMPIRE is more like a strategic board game - oriented toward reasoning, planning and logistics. As a member of the Lyran Stellar Federation, you must prepare your fleets and probes for deployment and battle. Then you must seek out the seven randomly-placed Morte stars hidden in the sixty-four stars of the Lyran periphery. You can accumulate points through destruction of Morte ship groups, bases, and their invasion headquarters. All this must be accomplished while they're trying to get you first! PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.