TLC TRUCK DATA SYSTEM Tender Lovin' Care for your Cars and Trucks You should find a DEMO subdirectory that has a few records. Use these files for a quick look at the operation of TLC. Just copy the DEMO files to a records diskette. Then, copy the .NDX index files from the /FILES subdirectory to that records diskette. Run the TLC TRUCK program; REINDEX the files and they are ready to use. Look at the records for unit number 865 and 865R. HAVE TROUBLE WITH THE MODIFICATIONS OF OLDER FILES If your files for older versions do not work with TLC, there is a text file UPDATING.TXT included with step-by-step instructions for data file changes. If you are unable to convert your files, as a special service to REGISTERED users of TLC, we will do this conversion for $10.U.S. per diskette to cover shipping and handling costs. J. H. Wilson TLC SOFTWARE Rt 2, Box 165-D Ashville, Alabama 35953-9647 (205) 594-5711 February 1989