Disk No 1176 Program Title: DABUTIL, EZDO, CAPP, and EASYDOS PC-SIG version 1.1 DABUTIL offers hard disk users a half-dozen valuable utilities to help them maintain their files and disks. A list directory command will list directories on any drive showing the number of files and the sum of their file sizes including hidden files. The find file utility lists all the occurences of a file and the directories it is found in. Disk information lists a variety of information about diskettes and fixed disks. It shows sector size, track size, cluster size, FAT, and root directory. A subdirectory or file may be specified. ENC encrypts files using a supplied password. Easy to use, it is valuable against casual prying. CATALOG lists files on a diskette or fixed disk. It lists the disk name, dates and file sizes, directories and files by subdirectory. It also lists archived files. Another utility reads the current directory and sorts files by filename, extensions, dates, times and size. EZDO (Easy Disk Operations) is a file and directory utility that will give you additional capabilities to DOS. With EZDO you can sort the files within the present directory, find a file in the directory, change a file's attributes, and mark a group of files to perform a certain operation. With EZDO you may copy, delete, rename, change directories, and make directories. The screen displayed by EZDO may be saved to a disk file. EZDO may also invoke other programs to edit, view and print a file. A general purpose user-definable program may also be invoked on any selected file. CAPP (C and PASCAL Print and Check) is a program that will aid you in finding errors in your C or PASCAL program by printing a formatted output of the source code. This output contains visual aids that include source lines, blocks, comments and possible errors. Nine simple semantic error checks are made, some intended to bring to your attention to programming situations that may give you unintended results. The error file contains the line number of source lines which have an error or a probable error. EASYDOS is a program that will provide you an easy-to-use menu for performing simple DOS operations. The advantage of using this menu is that you do not have to know the complicated DOS syntax or command line parameters. With EASYDOS all you have to do is to select the letter of your choice on the menu. The menu will allow you to easily copy, erase, and rename files. You can also get a directory of a disk to view the files it contains. EASYDOS will also let you change your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files on your boot-up disk. The CONFIG.SYS file is used to set up your computer system, and the AUTOEXEC.BAT file will automatically execute certain files. With EASYDOS you can view each file and either change it or leave it as it is. This program has on-line help that explains in detail each menu option in the program, and is very useful for beginning users of DOS. Usage: Disk/File/System Utilities. Special Requirements: None. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $10.00 for DABUTIL, $12.95 for EZDO, $7.95 for CAPP, and $25.00 for EASYDOS. File Descriptions: -------- --- DABUTIL CATALOG COM Lists files and archive contents on a disk. DABUTIL DOC Describes utilities on disk. DABUTIL REG Registration form, information. DI COM Displays disk information. ENC COM Copy file, encrypting it in the process. FF COM Find file utility. LD COM List Directory utility. README DAB Initial user information. SD COM Sort current information. -------- --- EZDO and CAPP EZDO EXE Main program. EZDO DOC Documentation for EZDO. CAPP EXE Main program. CAPP DOC Documentation for CAPP. -------- --- EASY DOS EASYDOS COM Main program. README COM Displays the help file on the screen. HELP DOC Help file. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.