Disk No: 1709 Disk Title: Nifty (formerly on 1225) PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Nifty Author Version: 2.1 NIFTY helps new and casual PC users to create personalized menus to run programs, copy, or read files, and do other computer tasks at the touch of a key. It even offers password protection to submenus. Memory-resident, NIFTY can be called up from DOS or popped-up by pressing a hotkey. When called, a help lifejacket splashes onto the screen ready to save the new PC user faced with a formidable array of programs and a flat learning curve. You can make easy-to-use menus that allow novices to quickly perform complicated computing tasks with little or no training. On-screen help files can be inserted to guide even the ``first day'' user through any computerized office operation. Passwords and security levels are available to control access to submenus. Automatic program scheduling is another useful feature; you can set timers to cue and begin processing long or slow sorting and processing programs for the dead of night or other slow times, such as weekends. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.