Disk No: 1738 Disk Title: Power Desk PC-SIG Version: S1.1 Program Title: Power Desk Author Version: 1.26 Author Registration: $49.00 plus $5.00 Shipping. Special Requirements: Hard drive. Gentlemen, and Ladies, start your engines--because now you've got POWER DESK. This is the desk utility to turn a computer klutz into a power user or let most anyone sail through the daily grind with con- fidence and without ever looking at a manual. Do you need a great address filer with mail merge? POWER DESK's got it. Would you like a word processor with a spell checker and letter head printer, plus envelope printer, label maker, calender, scheduler, reminder, automatic phone log, an expense log, and file handling capabilities to rival many a hard disk utility? That's POWER DESK, too. Not only does POWER DESK rev up and run, it handles like a much more expensive model. Drop down menus give you well-ordered options, and every situation is covered by clear instructions available through the F1 help button. Back out of any situation with the Escape key. Whether you use POWER DESK as a complete desk organizer, for personal time management or just take advantage of its excellent address/mail merge abilities, POWER DESK is going to take you as far as you want to go. The program installs itself on your hard disk and then tells you to "Prepare printer with continuous paper." Don't worry about it running off a lot of documentation, it prints just one page and a quarter of very clear instructions on setting up your computer. And that's all the printed instructions you need to get up and going with POWER DESK. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.