File: README On: CLUBware Software Diskette #1 COPYRIGHT (C) 1984. RAYHAWK AUTOMATION, N W, INC. This is the table of contents file for CLUBware Software(tm) Diskette #1. If the software proves useful to you, please send a $5.00 author appreciation royalty to: Rayhawk Automation, N W, Inc. P.O. BOX 1427 Beaverton, Oregon 97075 Please include your name and address (with zip code) so that we can drop you a line concerning enhancements to the software. We also accept problem reports and requests for enhancements from registered owners. Your name will not be sold or divulged to anyone outside of Rayhawk Automation. ***** WARNING ***** The WHIZZARD Screen I/O Routines are designed to allow maximum performance on the IBM PC. Some of the routines will NOT work properly on non-IBM PCs. In particular, the pieces that increase print speed for the BASIC Interpreter (See Item 3, below) will not operate properly with non-IBM versions of BASIC. The rest of the software should work on machines that have a reasonable claim to compatibility. We have not attempted to test with non-IBM display cards. Try the software. If it works on your configuration, great. If not, the source code is on the diskette. The software on this diskette can be divided into logical pieces by function: (1) WHIZZARD Screen I/O Subroutines. These can be called from BASIC to increase the speed at which text gets to the screen. Routines: (source and assembled versions included) QPRINT - quickly print a string at the current location. ZPRINT - print a string using the color/attribute given. CLREOL - clear from the current position to the end of the line. CLREOS - clear from the current position to the end of the screen. SCRLDN - scroll some portion of the screen down. SCRLUP - scroll some portion of the screen up. XREP - repeat some character along the x axis. YREP - repeat some character down the y axis. (2) A rational approach to calling assembly routines in BASIC code. This approach allows one source version for both interpreter and compiler input. The example uses Whizzard Screen I/O Subroutines, but any useful assembly routines can be added. ASMBASIC.TXT - Explanation of the technique used ASMBASIC.ASM - Source to primary module ASMBASIC.OBJ - Object code for ASMBASIC ASMBASIC.EXE - Sample executable linked with the Whizzard Screen I/O Subroutines (See (1) above). SUBDEMO.BAS - Interpreted BASIC program which demonstrates ASMBASIC and the sample subroutines. (3) Software to accelerate the PRINT statement for interpreted BASIC WITHOUT changing the BASIC source code. SCRNIO.TXT - Explanation of the technique used BASPRINT.ASM - Source to primary module BASPRINT.OBJ - Object code for BASPRINT BASPRINT.EXE - Module to be executed after booting the system File: README Page 2 (4) Software to accelerate the PRINT statement for compiled BASIC that uses BASRUN.EXE. Source code is NOT changed. SCRNIO.TXT - Explanation of the technique used COMPRINT.ASM - Source to primary module COMPRINT.OBJ - Object code for COMPRINT COMPRINT.EXE - Module to be executed after booting the system (5) Software to accelerate the PRINT statement for BASIC compiled /O. Source code is NOT changed. SCRNIO.TXT - Explanation of the technique used PRSLASHO.ASM - Source to primary module PRSLASHO.OBJ - Object code for PRSLASHO PRSLASHO.EXE - Module to be executed after booting the system (6) Software to demonstrate BASPRINT, COMPRINT, PRSLASHO and ASMBASIC EASYDEMO.BAT - BAT file demonstrating compiled routines using PRSLASHO as well as QPRINT.OBJ. This will run on DOS 2.0 or DOS 1.1 with no additional software. LONGDEMO.BAT - BAT file demonstrating all three modules and QPRINT from ASMBASIC. This requires an IBM BASICA.COM on the same directory or on a DOS 2.0 PATH. The COMPRINT demo requires BASRUN.EXE to be on the directory or on a DOS 2.0 PATH. (We are not shipping BASICA.COM or BASRUN.EXE) TIMEDEMO.BAS - Source to timing program demonstrating improvement in BASIC PRINT statement BANDDEMO.BAS - Source to graphic demonstration program showing enhancement to PRINT statement BANDDEMO.EXE - BASIC graphic demonstration program compiled with the /O option (7) Patch to DOS 2.0 DEBUG TRACE command to prevent collision between external interrupts (like the timer) and the TRACE command DEBUGFIX.TXT - Explanation of the patch DEBUG20.FIX - PIPELINE input file which can be used to apply the patch automatically. (Read the DEBUGFIX.TXT first) (8) Software to allow editing or printing of the source and text files shown above despite the presence of tab characters DETAB.BAS - Interpreted BASIC program to remove tabs SETABS.EPS - File which can be printed to set the tab positions on an IBM/Epson printer to match the tabs in the above text files