..sl 8 WSMX80 *************************** NOTICE *************************** * A limited license is granted to all users of this program, * * to make copies of this program and distribute them to other * * users, on the following conditions: * * 1. This message in the file for the manual * * is not to be altered, bypassed, or removed. * * 2. The program is not to be distributed to others in * * modified form. * * 3. No fee is to be charged (or any other consideration * * received) for copying or distributing the program * * without an express written agreement with * * Wheatland Design Laboratory, 2601 BelleCrest, * * Lawrence, Kansas 66046. * * 4. The program is not used in support of any research * * or other projects funded through the Department of * * Defense, directly or indirectly. * * * * Wheatland Design Lab wishes to acknowledge that the form of * * most of this notice comes from the originator of PC-TALK: * * Headlands Press, Inc., Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 * * * **************************************************************** Thió  prograí  waó successfullù marketeä foò severaì  years¬ botè  througè á smalì numbeò oæ dealeró anä througè direcô  mail¬ foò  $39.95®  Wishinç tï makå iô morå widelù  availablå  withouô havinç  tï  handlå  thå burdeî oæ marketinç anä  fillinç  orders¬ Wheatland Design Lab is releasing it as "FREEWARE". Iæ yoõ arå usinç thió prograí anä findinç iô oæ value¬  youò contributioî   ($2µ  suggested©  wilì  bå   appreciated®   Theså contributionó wilì helð uó tï makå morå softwarå availablå iî thå neaò  future®   Also¬   foò  thå  benefiô  oæ  corporatå  and/oò universitù users¬  Wheatlanä wilì supplù á licenså foò thå uså oæ this program for $25; purchase orders will be accepted. Wheatland Design Laboratory 2601 BelleCrest Dr. Lawrence, KS 66046 Yoõ  arå  encourageä tï copù anä sharå thió  prograí  witè otheò  users¬  oî thå conditionó thaô thå prograí ió noô  distri buteä iî modifieä form¬  thaô nï feå oò consideratioî ió charged¬ anä thaô thió noticå ió noô bypasseä oò removed¬  eitheò froí thå program or from the manual. by K. L. Ratzlaff Wheatland Design Laboratory 2601 BelleCrest Dr. Lawrence, Kansas 66046. ..rl