QPARSER LALR(1) Parser Generator Report Grammar file = tu.GRM Report file = turpt.TXT Report level = 1 LALR stack size = 50 Table file = tu.TBL Memory available 16650 ---------------------- Productions 1 \ TU.GRM -- tiny Pascal grammar held to 25 productions 1 Goal -> FDeclList 2 FDeclList -> FDeclList FuncDecl ; 3 -> FuncDecl ; 4 FuncDecl -> FUNCTION ( ExprList ) ; Stmt #FDECL 5 -> VAR ExprList #VDECL \ Global variables 6 \ ExprList must be identifiers only 6 Stmt -> := Expr #ASSIGN 7 -> IF Expr THEN Stmt ELSE Stmt #IFTHEN 8 -> WHILE Expr DO Stmt #WHILEDO 9 -> BEGIN StmtList END #BLOCK 10 -> Expr #SEXPR \ procedure call only! 11 StmtList -> StmtList Stmt ; #STLIST2 12 -> 13 Expr -> Expr + Term #ADDOPR 14 -> Expr - Term #SUBOPR 15 -> Term 16 Term -> Term * Primary #MPYOPR 17 -> Term / Primary #DIVOPR 18 -> Primary 19 Primary -> ( Expr ) #PAREN 20 -> \ only type INTEGER supported 21 -> 22 -> \ variable or function call w/o parameters 23 -> ( ExprList ) #FUNCP 24 ExprList -> ExprList , Expr #EXPRLIST2 25 -> Expr #EXPRLIST1 Memory available 16300 Terminal tokens 1: ( 2: ) 3: * 4: + 5: , 6: - 7: / 8: := 9: ; 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: BEGIN 18: DO 19: ELSE 20: END 21: FUNCTION 22: IF 23: THEN 24: VAR 25: WHILE Nonterminal tokens 26: Expr 27: ExprList 28: FDeclList 29: FuncDecl 30: Goal 31: Primary 32: Stmt 33: StmtList 34: Term State building complete Memory available 15746 Memory available 15682 Mixed read-reduce states split 57 LALR items required Memory available 15187 Memory available 15156 READS completed INCLUDES completed: max stack= 5 57 LALR list items Memory available 15187 0 conflict found. Resolution complete Untagged single productions removed Inaccessible states removed Read tables compressed Reduce tables compressed Parser table reduction complete States renumbered No errors or warnings.